Forum Replies Created
Thanks a lot, Steve. I will look forward for the fix and will donate something, since you’re an exemplary plugin author, and your plugin is very useful.
So frustrating that you can’t have both, custom permalinks with “Permalinks Editor” AND multilanguage site.
WordPress really pisses me off when you get stuck like this for simple, basic things…
Thanks a lot for the reply, Fubra, I appreciate.
However, changing to query mode (?lang=en) is not ideal for me, because I already have all my online site working with the subfolder option (, and that would mean I should create all the rewrite rules for people who bookmarked the pages.
Is there any other way?
Did you look at the link on the qtranslate forum about Plugins? this help?
Maybe this can be interested to make the plugin compatible with qTranslate: for considering it and to let me know.
??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Printing the name of the "taxonomy term" in taxonomy.phpAlso trying this:
<?php if( term_exists( 'countries', 'agenda' ) ) { echo 'This is by country'; } ?>
<?php if( term_exists( 'martial_arts', 'agenda' ) ) { echo 'This is by style'; } ?>
But it doesn’t print anything.
And this:
<?php if( get_term( 'countries', 'agenda' ) ) { echo 'This is by country'; } ?>
<?php if( get_term( 'martial_arts', 'agenda' ) ) { echo 'This is by style'; } ?>
But it prints it both, wether the taxonomy is “countries” or “martial_arts”.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Converting a date format from a custom fieldalchymyth, that did it.
Thanks a lot, I appreciate.If you have a look at my code in the first post, you’ll notice the $display_date was in the query, not inside the loop. i moved it and it worked fine.
Got what I needed.
Cheers to you.
??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Converting a date format from a custom fieldWhere should the code go?
In the “loop”, or in the “query”?
I am able to pull the custom field, I just need to convert the format.
Thanks.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: taxonomy.php problem with a WP_QueryThanks a lot for the help.
Unfortunately I got no time left to test this out (the date), but I may post another topic for this and discuss it f needed, since this is not in the inital scope of this topic.I’ve changed the status to Resolved.
Again, thanks, vtxyzzy. You made my day. I appreciate it greatly.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: taxonomy.php problem with a WP_Queryvtxyzzy, that did it!
??It all works as I intended to, now. I would have not find this by myself, thanks a lot.
Now, I don’t mean to abuse of your precious help, but is there a way to get a better format for the date?
Ideally, I’d like to show a date such as ” 3 February 2011″ instead of 2011/02/03.
Of course, I could have two custom fields, one withthe sort date, to sort the posts, and the other with the user-friendly date, for easy scanning. But at some point I’d like to have users to suggest an event with a form and register it in the backend, for the Admin to validate and publish, and it’d be better to auto-generate user-friendly date (or the other way around).
Is there a way to do that?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: taxonomy.php problem with a WP_QueryOk, I got two Custom Taxonomies registered for the “Agenda” post type.
1) martial_arts
2) countriesThe “countries” taxonomy has, so far, these tems: Belgium, Spain
The “martial_arts”, these: jeet kune do, silat, kali (knife), kali (stick), mmaWhen you are in the”Agenda” index and I click on a taxonomy term, I get for example an URL like:
But all the Custom Posts shows, not only the ones with the “spain” taxonomy term.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: taxonomy.php problem with a WP_QueryOk, vtxyzzy, they’re showing up now!
??Only thing is, the” taxonomy.php” template gets all the posts. It does not filter by terms when you click on a “taxonomy term”.
Back to the original problem (with a good code, at least).
The code for taxonomy.php is the same as the one in the index:
$todaysDate = date('Y/m/d');// Get today's date in the right format
$agendaloop = new WP_Query('post_type=agenda&posts_per_page=10&meta_key=_date&meta_compare=>&meta_value=' . $todaysDate . '&orderby=meta_value&order=ASC');
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: taxonomy.php problem with a WP_QueryOh, and they need to be sorted by “their date” not the “WP publish date”.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: taxonomy.php problem with a WP_QueryMm… well, the point is that I need to dispaly posts with a date “newer” than “today”, because it’s events to happen. If the date matches “today” or is older, than they don’t need to show up. That’s the whole point.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: taxonomy.php problem with a WP_QueryOk, this is the result from the debugging code you provided:
Array ( [0] => 15/12/2010 [1] => 10/12/2010 [2] => 05/12/2010 )
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: taxonomy.php problem with a WP_QueryYou go in the “Agenda” section. Some test posts are in there, set to “private”. They’re not public.