Forum Replies Created
Hey thanks for responding. I was referring the the update of the official WordPress iOS app. It continues to be hit or miss, sometimes it pushes and sometimes it doesn’t. I decided to stop using it and just start posting through the website. Actually worked out as a good change. I found the WordPress app was always a little buggy. Thanks.
Unfortunately not resolved. When publishing a post via the WordPress iPhone app the post does not consistently push tweets to twitter.
Looks fixed
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: oEmbed soundcloud not working after wp 4.5.2 updatei think the problem might relate to the fact that I switched themes recently and then switched back. somehow that altered line breaks or something else within post content. when i go into each separate post and add code to the post and then remove code and re-enter the soundcloud address the oEmbed kicks in again.
problem is I don’t see how I can do this on a batch basis for a few hundred posts….:(
could I really be the only one experiencing this?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: oEmbed soundcloud not working after wp 4.5.2 updateIs anyone aware of other embed plugins that would work with soundcloud? I’ve searched through the plugin directory but to be honest the titling of plugins is so varied that I feel as though I could be missing something.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: oEmbed soundcloud not working after wp 4.5.2 updateTried using the Oembed Cache plugin which is designed to:
“Sometimes when you add emebed links to your posts WordPress fails while fetching embed content through oEmbed. This plugin gives you control over emebed settings and cache by letting you clear failed embeds, change cache life time and the time limit WordPress uses when fetching the embed code.”
Unfortunately the plugin failed to activate due to parsing error:
still trying to figure this out
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: oEmbed soundcloud not working after wp 4.5.2 updateI’ve read that it could be a theme conflict issue but i’ve had this theme for years and never had issues in the past.
Also, sometimes the oEmbed works if I add “www” to the soundcloud link address.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: oEmbed soundcloud not working after wp 4.5.2 updateJust to be clear, new posts also not working.
same here
i edit the php files, ftp them back to my server, but it appears as though the edits do not take effect.
i even went so far as deleting the entire activity/index.php file but somehow the activity page still shows up.
i know i must be missing something but what?
the files i am editing are in my current theme folder, where else can it be pulling from?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Text Widgets in 2.5thank you!, yey to 2.5.1!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Ugly title parsing in K2 RSS Sidebar Modulethis parsing problem still exists in wp 2.3.3
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Google Reader RSS and WordPress Widgetsame problem in wp 2.3.3. i do not believe this has been resolved. something to do with magpie and parsing atom feeds incorrectly.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Bug in RSS widget parsing Atom feeds?This problem still exists in WordPress 2.3.3. Something having to do with magpie and not parsing properly.
I have the same problem. I think it might be theme-specific. I am using WordPress 2.1 and Unnamed theme 1.2 beta from Xu Yiyang. Pretty permalinks break the theme style. But if I use the default wordpress theme the pretty permalinks works fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Ultimate Tag Warrior 3. Installation ProblemI also am having the same problem. I wonder if this has to do with WP 2.1? I can not find any documentation on this.