Forum Replies Created
thank you for your fast answer. i tried your tips and get following respond from the wordfence plugin after a new scan.
i disabled befor this plugin:
KC Pro! it is a professional front-end builder for KingComposer page builder.[SEP 30 03:59:40] Scan Complete. Scanned 20488 files, 30 plugins, 2 themes, 55 posts, 11 comments and 19580 URLs in 6 minutes 48 seconds.
it shows me no errors now. can you fix this?
ok thank you,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Health Check & Troubleshooting] a lot of errors in my logfileund im query Monitor bekomme ich folgende Meldung. Sie l?st irgendwie eine curl28 Meldung aus. (lt. meinem hoster, der verschiedene Tests gemacht hat ud auch Zertifikats-tests durchgeführt hat, sollten eigentlich bei mir keine curl28 Fehler auftauchen) Ich weiss nicht, wie ich dieses beheben k?nnte. Habt jemand/ihr vlt. L?sungen?
?context=edit cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
Plugin: health-check 10 10,0046[08-Sep-2020 15:29:06 UTC] PHP-Hinweis: Undefinierter Index: in /home/www/ /language-switcher.php in Zeile 16
[08-Sep-2020 15:29:06 UTC] PHP-Hinweis: Es wird versucht, auf den Array-Offset für den Wert vom Typ null in /home/www/ zuzugreifen. bald-Wartung / inc / render / language-switcher.php in Zeile 16Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hotelone] PHP Errorsthank you. it works
thank you
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hotelone] disable Ratingstarssorry but after restart the server, i made this again ->
Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS and Copy below css code and paste it into this settings box. Then save the settings.
.room_rate{ display: none; }
but the stars are not disabeled, all other issues are fixed.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hotelone] Header Topbar, deactivate some social buttonsyeah, thank you for your greatful help.
I had to delete all and had to beginn from zero.
I found the issue it was a cURL60 Problem with the ssl certificate. My hoster fixed it. it was during round about 12houres. ok but i think it works now.
let me a moment to check all and to reinstall all needed plugs and i will come back for layouts.
best regardsForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hotelone] disable Ratingstars?? thank you for the great help. i love this theme more and more.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hotelone] Header Topbar, deactivate some social buttonshey 1000x thank you. it works now greatful. ??
just one thing with the social icons. i need the same proceed in the>design >customizer >Section:Team >Section Settings
here please the same checkbox to desire each social-icon to turn on, or to turn off.
Moreover, you see there in my site a smaller beauty mistake in the layout.
If in a box two lines are written, the layout in this would have to be directed at one box automatically. If two other, otherwise, only with a line, smaller box got than they, with two lines (the job description in meet our team).- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by getin2magic.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hotelone] SSL Problemi installed the plugin: SSL Insecure Content Fixer and it works now.
thank youForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hotelone] Header Topbar, deactivate some social buttonsNo its not so how it means.
I need for each socialbutton a checkbox, to disable or make it on.
> Appearance -> Customize -> Theme Options -> Header: Top Bar and customize the settings for this section.
Facebook >on or >off
flickr >on or >off
…. and for all others to.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hotelone] Spotify button in header:Top bar needThanks, it works. ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hotelone] SSL ProblemOk, this is that i know ( in the maintenance mode.
but if the site runs not i the maintenance, its not secure..
see plese a example site
Und ich bekomme bei Installationen vonPlugins diese <fehlermeldung
cURL error 28