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  • Thread Starter gerryg001


    One question is if there’s anything else I can do.

    Another is if there’s any way to get Microsoft to look into this? Anybody with experience with that?

    As he’s expecting a response these wouldn’t be spoofed IPs, but a number of machines he’s routing through or controlling. As they are all under Microsoft, there’s likely some reason for that.

    Overall, just fishing for any thoughts or ideas. He’s started repeated IPs now, so I’ll soon try narrowing my blocking IP ranges to see what happens.

    Thread Starter gerryg001


    The 2nd day working confirms it. WPSC requires the WP Cloudflare plugin to work properly.

    Thread Starter gerryg001


    Update 2/11/21
    For the past several weeks, every morning after WPSC has been running I found half the Cloudflare cache expired. This morning, my Cloudflare cache was intact.

    Other than deactivate/activate on WPSC, the only change I can see was my turning on the Cloudflare WP plugin, as that appeared to be needed for the fallback cache to work, I’ll assume for now it’s lack also caused this issue. I guess I’ll have to wait a few days to find that out for sure, before marking this item.

    I don’t believe that WPSC does anything with images and scripts, which are the issues shown. He only controls origin server and browser caching for your page html. He says that he deliberately doesn’t mess with that other stuff, which avoids a whole bunch of complexity and compatibility issues.

    You can use some minify and image plugins to manage this. Or, I just put those cache control headers in my .htaccess file for those file types.
    Okay, I see you’re on Cloudflare. So you can handle some of that with their pagerules. However, you’ve got a bunch of other servers and a wide variety of header settings, but all that is stuff outside of WPSC.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by gerryg001.
    Thread Starter gerryg001


    Okay, here’s what actually (maybe) happened…
    WordPress Popular Posts caused a syntax error when merge+ collected some files from there. (repeatable)
    That error caused a script error in collected Embedpress scripts, with the browser then showing two errors.
    One (or more) of the plugins I had evaluated copied jpegs -> webp.
    Without that plugin present, webp was no longer permitted.
    However, the previous script errors caused webp to be used, but only when your plugin was active.

    And, that’s why none of the images showed, anywhere.
    On top of that, some plugin had trashed a little DB, so the WP dashboard wasn’t really stable, that having nothing to do with the above issue.

    Once I restored the system it was firmly back to jpegs, so the images were stable over those two errors.
    The errors no longer affected performance.
    With WordPress Popular Posts removed, there are no more errors.

    And your plugin is working just fine.

    Unfortunately, I apparently lost some of my fine-tuning in the process. I had previously managed a PageSpeed Insights mobile rating of 99. But with all this grief I don’t know all that I did to get there…

    Thread Starter gerryg001


    In the last few days I’ve been evaluating a number of caching and minifying plugins. I suspect one of them trashed some DB entries. That’s about the only way I’d see a plugin listed but not existing on disk, and then changing if I reload the page. I have a backup from just before then, so I’ll try that first. The host is Bluehost and I haven’t seen any other problem indications, so hopefully the easy solution will work.

    Thread Starter gerryg001


    Very late last night I wanted to find out if another minify plugin would have the same effect, so I installed autoptimize, but that didn’t impact the images. No, they were never running together, and Merge+ was the only one installed at the time it happened.

    Okay, in browser console there are two errors. Tracing back with grep, the code all came from the EmbedPress plugin. After deactivating (and that’s all I did), the code was gone. So I turned minify+ off/on which emptied your mmr directory of caches, and all should be well.

    However, minify+ stayed off. If I hit activate, it disappears from the list & I have to refresh the page to see it again, and it’s not active. Nope, this may not be your problem, as other plugins are showing other weird behaviors, and I’m seeing deleted plugins momentarily popping back when I know they don’t exist in the plugins directory.

    So, unless you have a magic solution, let’s close this thread, while I ponder maybe restoring a backup. Thanks for responding.

    Thanks, Jim. I’ll give him one more try and see.

    Do you recall if WP OPtimize will expire a cached url at the CDN when you do a post update? It’s not clear from their description.

    Just hitting the same questions. I think his answers mixed up the preload and restart aspects.

    Jim, did you ever manage to figure this out?

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