Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSSO Tune WP Image Editors] Sharpening WebP imagesThere was no confusion on my part, and that’s not what happened at all.
I asked if the feature already existed, and you replied and informed me that your latest beta build happened to include this feature. As far as I was concerned, based on your response, the feature had already been in your beta before I asked.
At no point in time did you tell me that you had coded that feature for me, based on my request, nor did you ask me to test it, and nor did you ask me to respond with my findings.
It sounds to me like there was a lack of clear communication on your part. My communication was crystal clear from the beginning. I asked you two simple yes/no questions, and nothing more.
It’s nice that you did implement the feature based on my request, if that is indeed the case, but please keep your passive-aggressive responses to yourself. If you wanted me to test it and give you feedback, you should have said so.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPSSO Tune WP Image Editors] Sharpening WebP imagesWhy would it surprise you that I haven’t followed up? And why would that cause you to make the illogical assumption I’m not interested in WebP or your addon? I asked a simple question, you gave me a straight-forward answer, and you marked the issue as “Resolved”. That’s exactly the way this forum is supposed to work. There’s nothing more to say. If I had another question, I would have asked it. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis 404 Page] Plugin update desperately neededThanks so much! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Enable Media Replace] Option to keep image title when using new filenameHI @sixaxis, thanks so much for passing on my idea!
I’d be more than happy to provide a pull request for this at GitHub, except I’m afraid I’m not a programmer (although I am a software tester). ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Display Line Numbers snippetThanks again @bungeshea – now it works perfectly!
In my opinion, you should consider adding this to the plugin itself – I think a lot of your users would find it very useful! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Display Line Numbers snippetThanks so much, @bungeshea – much appreciated!
However, I’m having trouble getting it to work. When I copy your snippet verbatim to my site, and I click the “Show” button on that subpage, it just gives me a blank, white page. Could you test it and see if it works for you?
Also, is it possible to set a different default value in the field, other than 0? In my previous version of this snippet (the one I have in my comment above), I had the default set to 2. But with your snippet, if I change the number 0 to the number 2 at the end of line 4 of your snippet, then it automatically performs a search of line 2 whenever the subpage is opened, rather than waiting for the Show button to be clicked.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Content Blocks (Custom Post Widget)] Changelog missingThanks! Could you also please add the changelogs for 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 as well? I’d like to know what changed with those versions too.
(I think you can retroactively add changelogs for previous versions to the page at right?)
Thanks @bluejay77 for doing this.
@cena also created a Github issue for this:…And noted there that it’s already been tested against WP 6.1 a few months ago. I guess you just need to release this as a new version of the plugin here?
Perhaps also updating the required minimum PHP version too?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Display Line Numbers snippetHi @bungeshea,
Thanks so much for the quick reply and for providing an updated snippet! I just tested it and it works perfectly! ??
I have a question though: let’s say I enter a larger number for the “line number to show” field – for example, the number “30” – and let’s say I have loads of snippets that contain less than 30 lines, and just a few that contain more than 30 lines.
Is it possible for it to only return the snippets which actually contain 30+ lines, and to skip the ones that don’t?
Because currently it just lists every single snippet I have (over 100 of them), even though most of them don’t contain that many lines.
I hope that makes sense! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis 404 Page] Abandoned plugin (Update?)Hi @billerickson this plugin is currently getting flagged by Wordfence, the security plugin, as being abandoned because it hasn’t been updated in two years.
The plugin itself still works great with WordPress 6.1.
Could you kindly update the “Tested up to” version and push a new version out so it’s not getting treated as abandonware anymore?
Ok thanks for confirming.
Perhaps something to consider as a feature request? ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lightbox with PhotoSwipe] Wrong path used for imagesWow, thanks for giving such a quick reply, and the world’s fastest patch! ?? I’ve just installed 5.0.7 and I can confirm the problem is solved. No more console errors!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Code Snippets plug in dont workOkay so your 2nd one needs to be in the form of a proper function, rather than just the echo command by itself. That’s why it’s not working. The function will also tell WordPress where exactly you want it to run – for example, do you want it to run in the header area, or at the bottom of the page in the footer area, etc.
I’d recommend a basic function like this:
function my_script() { echo '<script>alert(“Welcome to Geeks for Geeks”)</script>'; } add_action( 'wp_footer', 'my_script' );
The “add_action” tells WordPress where to run it – in this case, it’s using the “wp_footer” hook, as defined here: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Code Snippets plug in dont workThanks for the details!
If the 1st function also doesn’t work when you put it in functions.php, that suggests to me that there is something wrong with the function itself. Putting it into functions.php is a good way to test it, of course – so if a function also doesn’t work when it’s in functions.php, that means you can rule out the Code Snippets plugin as being the cause of it not working.
I’m not enough of an expert on PHP functions to be able to see what could be wrong with this one, but you could try asking in the Facebook group of this plugin to see if someone else might help: the 2nd function, it’s strange that it does work when it’s in functions.php but not when it’s in Code Snippets. Could you share the entire function, ie. everything you have pasted into the snippet in Code Snippets, verbatim?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Snippets] Code Snippets plug in dont workHi @mairh93, this plugin doesn’t alter your functions.php file at all. It stores the snippets in the WordPress database, not in functions.php.
It’s impossible to know why the snippets aren’t working on your site without knowing more information, such as: what function are you trying to run in your snippet, what settings are you using for that snippet (eg. run everywhere or run on the front end only), and so on. Also, is the snippet active or deactivated?