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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Footer too large

    this code:

    .footer {
        min-height: inherit;
    div.column_349 .element4 {
        min-height: inherit;
    div.column_349 .element4 a.button {
        margin-top: 0;
    .column_350 {
        width: 45%;
    .column_350 .align-inline-wrap27 {
        margin-top: 30px;
        margin-right: 20px;
    .column_351 .sidebar_social_links5 {
        margin-top: 30px;
    .row_445 .column_294,
    .row_445 .column_295 {
        min-height: 40px;  /* change this to pad the bottom */
    .row_445 .column_294 p{
        margin-top: 5px;

    un fudges the footer on fullwidth desktop but you might have to tweak it now on the responsive levels

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Footer too large


    Is this a commercial theme? or one you’ve made your self? if so what have you used to generated it?

    The CSS is a bit of a mess and is probably the cause of a lot of your frustrations. at first glance it looked like you were using a grid system framework, but then it was clear that the “columns” were just labels and had no method or madness associated with them.

    row_509 is basically one of your problems its contains 3 div “columns” which are all forced to a height by the first one

    and then you have another row with the copy strap that is the same height again

    pretty much every element has min-height: 100px set on it so when you trying to override the high of a row you have to override it on every sub div column and element inside of that as well.

    add to this that its responsive ?? very sad face!. Its a real shame as it looks beautiful but the code is … painful.

    If you can’t delete themes/plugins then you have a permissions issue on the web/file server. That would defiantly effect uploading photos too, as well as any updates.

    You need to check the file permission for you hosting, WordPress need write permission to pretty much the entire folder which means at least 664 depending on how your server set up.

    This page will help you change / check your file permissions.

    in my experience a blank admin area is usually a fatal error in a plugin, try disabling all you plugins by :

    In your WordPress database, go in the wp_options table. Locate the option name “active_plugins”. Now edit the value of that option and change it to this: a:0:{}


    remaining your plugins directory, something like plugins.deactivated

    once your back in reactivate them one by one. If you also have access to your apache logs you can look for the actual php error notices in their

    Probably not, the’d not be shown anywhere but the data would still be bloating you database.


    Ye I’ve never used buddy press so i wouldn’t be too confident advising you how to proceed. It maybe you want to post this in the buddy press section of the forum.

    I’m also fairly sure (afraid) you’d find that their is no actual user guest to delete.. its just place holder text for that fact.

    you could try querying in PHPMyAdmin

    SELECT  post_type ,COUNT(*) FROM wp_posts GROUP BY post_type;

    to see if they are all stored in a custom post type. correctly quoted version here:


    This is really hard to answer, as it complete depends on how you theme was built and how it’s developer choose to store that information within the wordpress db.


    they could have added a custom table ( common practice before custom post types and still used quite often )
    as in the comments table as a custom comment type
    as a custom post type in the posts table.

    or a crazy combination of above.

    Does the theme not show a ui in the wordpress admin area?
    is there a ‘guest’ user in the users section?


    these forums are only for non commercial wordpress plugins and themes. If you’re sure your issue started after switching to the commercial theme contact their support for help:

    The members of this forum don’t own the theme so can’t access its code or see it’s functions so can’t practically provide help.


    You can overload the config for the site url and wp url by adding the following lines to your wp-config.php

    define('WP_SITEURL', '');
    define('WP_HOME', '');

    First of all:

    whats the chances this plugin directs things to benefit theM

    VERY Unlikely otherwise 20k people wouldn’t be using it and it wouldn’t have a rating of 4.9 out of 5.

    Plus the plugin directory is regulated and any user who thinks a plugin is breaking the rules or behaving badly can report it to the moderators for inspection. ( only do that when you know someones breaking the rules the moderators have enough work to do without someone starting a witch hunt. )
    the rule
    see items 7 and 9, 10 amongst others.

    and I agree with WPyogi says:

    If you want that functionality that’s the easiest way to go

    doing it your self is totally possible but I think you maybe missing the point:

    seems i find a lot that must be outdated cause it just doesn’t work right

    If you’ve used wordpress for any amount of time you’ll realise that most plugins don’t work perfectly out of the box, mainly because the plugin developer isn’t using your theme or all the plugins you’ve chosen to install and whatever version of wordpress your currently using, not to mention PHP, MySQL apache etc… in fact the odds of any of the other 60 million+ wordpress installs out there having exactly the same combination of software and code running on there site as you is tiny…

    assuming any will just work is actually quite ignorant, any plugin that add visual content to your site has to battle with the style from you theme and other plugins, If you have an issue that is a ‘rendering’ one odds are its actually that the stylesheet from your theme is adding styles that are too specific, that are overloading those of the plugin.

    Yes at the end of the day the buttons are just links.. so of course you could just add:

    <a href="....."><img id='my-soc-btn-xxx' src='...' /></a>

    to your theme where you want them, but.. it’s down to you to figure out where in the theme they need to go, exactly what each value for the href (url) needs to be, plus you will have to add the images somewhere, and add css that styles you buttons according to your tastes and the existing styles in your site.

    all those sites google, facebook and twitter… all have apis that tell you how the urls have to be structured to work with there site and everyone is totally different.

    and the link is probably going to need to change from page to page so you going to have to compute each of those links specific to the page that loaded.

    All of which is possible if your a php programmer/web developer who understand how wp themes work and load, how to use css to style your buttons and can find (google) and read the various api docs for wordpress, twitter, facebook etc….

    I’m an experience 10yrs+ professional web developer and I could do all of the above, it would take me a few hours.. maybe a day with research, the point is I never would it would be a waste of my time.. and 98% of the people who use wordpress aren’t web developers and wouldn’t have the first clue where to start.

    If you think the plugin is doing something malicious don’t use it..

    If you’re worried about performance install a caching plugin, if you site is a standard blog it doesn’t need to be dynamically rendered by php every page request..

    i recommend WP Super Cache there are many others. n.b. if your worried about the amount of code loaded by the plugin its a drop in the ocean compared to the millions of lines of code that are loaded and executed by wordpress itself every page request if your not using any kind of caching.

    Personally I would set up duplicates of both sites on a dev server/ local pc and and do a dry run before trying any of the below on your live sites. !!!!

    1. Backup up everything, take a snapshot of the databases of both sites before you start anything. Backup the content dir of both sites as well.

    2. go to the dashboard in the blog -> tools -> export .. and export all your content
    3. go to the root site and tools -> import you’ll be prompted to install the WP import tool

    with some luck that should get all the post / etc.. from site b to a
    N.B. it will also get pages user, everything.

    4. move / rename the folder the old blog was in, now if you go to that folder/url you should get a 404 from you main site, if you navigate to any of the old blog urls you may find wordpress is smart enough to redirect users to the correct place. IF not don’t panic..

    5. create a new folder with the old name ‘icecreambusinessblog’ and add a .htaccess file.
    6. add this to .htaccess RedirectMatch 301 ^/icecreambusinessblog/$


    1. (disclaimer: I’ve never used this plugin… ) but if you look at the plugin page on

    it has 20,000+ Active Installs.
    and its average user rating is 4.9 out of 5 which is pretty good and very few of the rating ar e 1,2 or 3 stars 9 out of 654 reviews.

    2. As a rule i use JetPack which is written and maintained by Automattic the company behind and it adds alot of the functionality that’s available on the including quite a neat social networking / sharing. ( Note However: quite a few critics jetpack for being quite bulky and slowing down sites )

    3. Possibly depends on what you what to do and how competent a programmer (php) you are.
    The rule of thumb is the more plugins you use the bigger detrimental effect there will be on the performance of your site.

    Plugins by their nature packing a lot of different functionality so that they’re of use to the biggest audience, however any single user might only want to use a small subset of the plugins functionally.. if the plugin is well written then programmer should have written the plugin to be as efficient as possible.

    Also bare in mind what that plugin is actually doing, its actually not a simple task, for every page loaded it calls up twitter, facebook, google etc… x every other network you’ve included to get the current share count for that page / url which mean for every http request to your server its then making n^x requests to other server before it can then send that info back to the user.. any plugin worth its salt will either employ some form of caching or like the jetpack use javascript(ajax) client side request to get the current count request.

    4. It depends almost completely on how the theme your using works and is written, the way wordpress works the theme pretty much controls complete what ends up getting sent to the browser of your users.

    WordPress has hooks (actions and filters) which are the primary way in which a plugin developer adds their functionality to a page, when you build a theme there are certain actions you supposed to include and a lot that are triggered by key theme function e.g.

    wp_head() executes any code attached to the wp_head action.

    Options :

        Add html and buttons directly into your theme template – again WP is pretty flexible on how wordpress lets a theme developer structure a them, e.g. a them can consist of just two files if you want index.php and style.css, or you can break it up into hundreds of files.
        add a function to function.php of you theme that outputs you buttons, figure out which action hook will output theme where you want them too and attach you function to it
        do the same as 2. but instead of doing it in a the function.php of our theme create your own customisations plugin to store your functions and actions.

    A good place to start:

    Create a custom page template in your theme

    Use <?php wp_login_form( $args ); ?>

    In your template and set the redirect URL in the arguments to where you need or if your doing a single page screen do something like

    if( !is_user_logged_in()) :
    // show the form
    // show the content

    not sure if this is the cause of your problem, but according to this blog post any attached files dont get transmitted as the standard post form doesn’t have the


    tags. Anyway this is the post it might help.

    Pages are hierarchical, each can be the child of another, Post are not their is no tree structure or relationship between posts.

    Its basically as simple as that, do you want you custom post types to have a tree structure/relationship like Pages or just flat like post.

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