George Moureau
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Error Establishing Database ConnectionI switched from Apache to Nginx and it connected.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Global header disappeard and all backupsThanks Ryan. I beginning to believe the missing header might have something to do with the most recent update to WordPress, version 6.5.3. I also updated the migration tool at the same time. I did both updates a couple of days ago and didn’t think much about it. That’s the only change that’s been made on the host. I can’t say for certain since I did not pay them much attention. I will certainly be more alert with future updates.
Thanks again,
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Global header disappeard and all backupsHi Ryan, thanks for the response. I’ll try looking through logs, not sure where to start for that. Not a shared host, we’ve got it all to ourselves.
I agree there is probably no relationship between the header and missing backup files, just a really strange coincidence.
Hah! Have you tried reaching out to GoDaddy? They are pretty much focused on maintaining the hardware. If you can get past the tech bot, you’ll usually get someone that let’s you know it’s not their area of expertise. It’s nice to know that there’s some people out there that knows this stuff, you just can’t reach them.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: WordPress front end sql backendYeah, see I don’t want all of the WordPress functionality. This site has been around for 20 plus years and I’m converting the look and feel so the marketers can control the copy. I don’t want a WordPress login screen, etc.
Actually, I’ve found a reasonable work around that solves my problem. Instead of having a login showing on the Navbar, I’m using sign in/my account. The actual login program will check for our login cookie and either jump to the login screen or their account information screen.
So, problem solved. Thanks everyone for your thought and ideas.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: WordPress front end sql backendYes, mysql is a database, we’re using MariaDB specifically. To clarify, We have customer login information stored in a mysql database. When a customer logs in, their login id and password are validated against values stored in the database. When their login information is validated, cookies are created for use during their stay on our website and removed once they’re done. Essentially all activities, course access, tests,etc., are performed during their session are supported through the database and has nothing to do with WordPress. As I mentioned, the WordPress side simply provides the front end look.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Emergency – login.php is appended to all permalinksI didn’t close the thread properly so I have to fess up here so I can mark it as resolved.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Emergency – login.php is appended to all permalinksI found the problem although not sure how it happened. The index.php in the root of wordpress – the one above wp-content was rewritten to redirect wordpress to login.php instead of loading the header file for my theme.
it had – /login.php
rather than:
define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, true);/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
require(‘./wp-blog-header.php’);Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Emergency – login.php is appended to all permalinksIt’s like WP is not finding the full path to my theme – wp-content/themes/PICC_theme
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp-admin seems disabled when using session_start() in wp-settingsI put it in the functions.php file and reinstalled 3.9.2. This seems to have corrected the problem. Just waiting to see if it reoccurs.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp-admin seems disabled when using session_start() in wp-settingsOk, that makes sense. I didn’t really know where to put it so I stuck it there. I’ll move it to my functions.php file and see what happens.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Getting Session Variables to workAdding session_start() to wp-settings.php corrected the problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do you "go to" a page base on a conditional?Ok, question, should ob_get_clean() follow every header() call? I’ve had a problem with printing certificates (we provide online medical training and part of the process is printing certificates of completion). I added the ob_clean() to the printing code to get them to print otherwise the certificates would be garbled.
wouldn’t mind you direct email. I am a one person shop and would love to have someone that knows what they’re doing to bounce the occasional problem off of…I’ve worked my way through some fairly complex code but occasionally I hit a wall….
thanks again,
GeorgeForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do you "go to" a page base on a conditional?Hi Christian,
switching on output buffering in php seems to have done the trick. Thanks. Never would have thought of that….should know better…George
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do you "go to" a page base on a conditional?Thanks, I’ll give them both a shot…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog Posts "Not Found" when moving blog from front pageThat did it! Thanks Shaun. That wouldn’t have occurred to me but now that I think about it, it was redundant. Thanks man, I owe ya one…