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  • I am glad to be of service.


    Hey GS,

    I know this is frustrating and I do want to help so let’s try this copy from @import down to end…

    Theme Name: Twenty Twelve Child 02
    Template: twentytwelve
    Author: Child Theme Configurator
    Version: 1.0.1439911370
    Updated: 2015-08-18 11:22:50
    @charset "UTF-8";
    @import url ("../twentytwelve/style.css");
    body {
        background-color: #fff;
    body .site {
    		box-shadow: none;

    If this doesn’t work then let me try to analyze this a little further by asking a few more questions here.

    1. When the original changes to the twenty-twelve template were made did you make them?

    2. If so where did you make the changes?

    3. If not who made them? Can you contact that person?

    Here is the reason for asking these questions. I downloaded twenty-twelve and noticed it had a white background originally. Someone made changes to the template to make it look like it is today. Now if someone made a custom css sheet then going back to that sheed and deleting the background should take care of the grey background. Now as far as the other CSS code it would be a matter of putting that one on the style sheet.

    There may be a conflict between Jet Packs CSS Editor and your Theme. Can you disable Jet Packs CSS temporarily and then go to themes, editor, and then on the right hand side scroll down to see if there is a custom CSS page already.

    If there is try using that and see if it works. If there isn’t one then you need to either make a child theme or use another custom CSS plugin.

    Hey GS,

    Thanks for getting back to me to remove the background and the drop shadow put the following onto a custom css sheet.

    body {
        background-color: #e6e6e6;
    body .site {
    		box-shadow: 0;

    If I can be of further assistance just drop me a line.


    Hi Protein,

    Well you have your work cut out for you here is the list of things that you can change. This is a long list. Also I would recommend that you either use a child theme or a custom css style sheet so the changes to revert back when there is an upgrade to the theme.
    Starting with the Header Area at the top of the page:

    .site-title a {
        color: #fff; (<-- This is what you would put on the custom css sheet just change the #fff to the color you wish. Example: #e7e7e7;)
    The nav bar text:
    .top-bar.secondary-menu, .top-bar-section.secondary-menu li:not(.has-form) a:not(.button), .top-bar-section.secondary-menu ul li {
        color: #000; (<-- This is what you would put on the custom css sheet just change the #000 to the color you wish. Example: #e7e7e7;)
    .top-bar-section.secondary-menu li:not(.has-form) a:not(.button):visited, .top-bar-section.secondary-menu .dropdown li:not(.has-form) a:not(.button) {
        color: #000; (<-- This is what you would put on the custom css sheet just change the #000 to the color you wish. Example: #e7e7e7;)
    Now to the content area:
    .post-entry-meta h2 a {
        color: #222; (<-- This is what you would put on the custom css sheet just change the #222 to the color you wish. Example: #e7e7e7;)
    }, time {
        color: #83ADBD; (<-- This is what you would put on the custom css sheet just change the #83ADBD to the color you wish. Example: #e7e7e7;)
    .post-entry-meta a {
        color: #83ADBD; (<-- This is what you would put on the custom css sheet just change the #83ADBD to the color you wish. Example: #e7e7e7;)

    Let me know if I can be of further help.


    Hi Proteinwisdom,

    Thank you for getting back to me with the link. To give a specific solution I would like to know which font did you wish to change the color? Is it the header? Blog Header? Links? Paragraph? All of the above?

    What I mean is that I don’t want to give you a whole bunch of sections only to find out you needed the last solution.


    Hi Proteinwisdom,

    Would it be possible for you to share the url of the site you are having trouble with today? That would make it easier to help you right away.


    Hi GS,

    I am trying to understand what you are asking. Are you looking to remove the grey background or the grey border lines at the end of the post? If it is the grey bottom border then that can be fixed quite easily.


    Hi Emily,

    Would love to help, can you post a link to the site?


    Hi Goodtimemusic,

    I just took a look at the page you were talking about and inspected it with firebug, it looks like the height is fixed.

    Hi Goodtimemusic,

    In the Custom CSS sheet I would put the following at the bottom since that will take priority. Type the following: {
    padding: 0;

    This should straighten out your problem. I would strongly recommend if this is not a child them you might wish to create one so that there won’t be a problem should the theme you are using get updated.

    I hope this answers your question.


    Thread Starter georgep1


    reinstalled the upgrade twice and nothing happened. I’m starting to think html it better then wordpress.

    Thread Starter georgep1


    From the Dashboard. So I would guess it was the same location.

    And after I had downloaded the new version it worked for like a day or so. Then nothing after that.

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