I am having the same issue. I can see the background image is set to the thumbnail version of the image (150px x 150px) and looks terrible.
For some reason the previous version stopped displaying images at all, so have no choice but to update.
Quick fix –
Go to ‘wp-content/plugins/enjoy-instagram-instagram-responsive-images-gallery-and-carousel/library/enjoyinstagram_shortcode_grid.php’
On line 40, replace:
$link = "<a title=\"{$caption}\" class=\"swipebox_grid\" data-video=\"no\" href=\"{$entry['images']['standard_resolution']['url']}\"><img src=\"{$square_thumbnail}\">";
$link = "<a title=\"{$caption}\" class=\"swipebox_grid\" data-video=\"no\" href=\"{$entry['images']['standard_resolution']['url']}\"><img src=\"{$entry['images']['standard_resolution']['url']}\">";
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by georgemccann.