Michael George
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Suggest Review] some problems with spam…I’m sorry it’s still not working correctly, but you certainly don’t have to apologize for moving away from the plugin. That’s the beauty of WordPress: you take what works for you and leave the rest.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Suggest Review] some problems with spam…I just uploaded a new version of the plugin. If you also install the SecurImage plugin and download this new version, you should have captcha on the guest form. Note that you should also check the settings for SecurImage to make sure it doesn’t have any unwanted effects for you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Suggest Review] some problems with spam…That could be done without difficulty, I think. I’d be inclined to add support for Securimage (https://www.phpcaptcha.org). As always, I’ll get to it when I can, but no promise on a schedule. If nothing else, I think I’ll have time to work on this next weekend.
Sorry I didn’t see this until today or I might have worked on it yesterday.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Suggest Review] Manually Insert Suggest Review Button?I’m going to have to delay any feature addition for this, I’m afraid. I just haven’t had the time to look into it much and likely won’t for at least another two weeks. It’s still on my radar to et to, but you may want to look into another plugin. I just don’t want to string you along.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Suggest Review] Manually Insert Suggest Review Button?At this time, no. However, I’m hoping that I can find the time this week to put something like that in there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Suggest Review] Manually Insert Suggest Review Button?So multiple buttons but they would all point to a single post/page id?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Suggest Review] Manually Insert Suggest Review Button?I think I understand what you’re asking for, but I’m going to restate it so you can correct me if I’m wrong. You want a suggest review button on each item in a list. If that’s right, then I can say for sure that this was never intended behavior of the plugin, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make it happen. I’d need to know a bit more about how the page template worked, though.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Suggest Review] little sugestion…Translation was completed by Jakub and included in 1.3.4. The issue he identified with the flagged posts page was also resolved in version 1.3.5. The problem there was an incorrect use of the query_posts function. I shouldn’t have been using it at all and, as the name implies, it was only returning posts, not pages or any custom post type. It has been changed to a WP_Query object.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Suggest Review] little sugestion…Perfect. I’m just about to upload a new version of the plugin. If you download it, you’ll see it has a .pot file in the languages folder. You can use a program like POEdit (https://poedit.net) to make a translation. If you send me an email ([email protected]) with a completed .po translation file, I’ll add it into future versions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Suggest Review] little sugestion…Yes, my first name is Michael, but I’m very used to people calling me by my last name. ??
I’m thinking that rather than giving options to change the text via the settings page, it would make more sense to do what I should have done with this plugin in the first place and write it to support different languages. If I did that, would you be willing to do the polish translation?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Suggest Review] little sugestion…Jakub,
I’m just coming back from holiday, so I’ll see what I can do for you in the next day or so. Everything in your first post should be fine. In your second post, I can look into the Flagged Posts Page, but I’m afraid that changing the plugin to allow for multiple responses from users would not be something I could easily do. I may decide to implement that, but it will not happen soon.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lock By LDAP Query] query format not recognizedAs I haven’t heard anything back on this topic, I’m closing it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lock By LDAP Query] query format not recognizedWe’ll just assume that parts working correctly, then. A quick google search pointed me towards a SO page (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15108969/php-ldap-search-no-such-object). Based on the error you are seeing, it seems likely that the search base field in your settings is not configured correctly.
Now this may seem insensitive, but keep in mind that I do want to help you out here. I don’t want to waste your time with basic explanations and I don’t want to say something that goes over your head, so establishing a base line is probably a good idea. So, can you explain to me your level of knowledge regarding LDAP? In particular, do you know how to properly construct and LDAP query?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lock By LDAP Query] query format not recognizedI’m afraid I don’t have an OpenLDAP server to test against, but I can try to work through a few things with you.
Is the wordpress server is configured to authenticate users against this OpenLDAP server? That is to say, do you login to the wordpress install using the names and passwords from the LDAP server?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Lock By LDAP Query] query format not recognizedAs an example of a query I’m using somewhere, certain details removed, obviously:
(&(objectclass=person)(memberof=CN=Principals,OU=All at Groups,OU=xxx,DC=xxx,DC=xxx,DC=xxx,DC=xxx))
It’s a good idea to include something like this in a screenshot, so I’ll do that soon-ish. As for documentation, well, I’m not going to say I’m good at documenting, but my plugins tend to be worse than my other stuff. I think that’s because I’m usually banging them out quickly to fill a specific need rather than other, more planned, projects.