Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Xolo] Change Header Image on Other PagesI’m using the Unique Headers plugin by Ryan Hellyer to get different header images on my Xolo website and it’s working well. LINK
There are also many Web Development Bloggers who have written instructions on editing your header.php file to display different headers, Stack Exchange for instance: StackExchange
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Xolo] Footer Layout Sections – widget areasThanks. Your custom Footer Widget and Below Footer are really pretty awesome. But they are very confusing. Truly, you need documentation.
For designers trying to use the footer area, you probably won’t even need to use the traditional WordPress Widgets for your footers. The “Below Footer” in the Theme Customizer provides Dropdowns to select: Text/HTML, Footer Menu, or none.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Xolo] Footer Layout Sections – widget areasNo, my Footer Layout Section 1 is Not displaying. Please see the Screenshot I have inserted into this Page:
I do have:
Text Widget in Foot Widget Area
Text AND Image Widgets in Footer Layout Section 1
Text AND Navigation Widgets in Footer Layout Section 2
Layout Sections 1 and 2 are not displaying
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Xolo] Site TitleOk. Thank you. When I use the Sticky Header, I must use a logo. The title text does not display. If I want to see the Title display, I cannot use the sticky logo.
Again thanks for responding very quickly. However, I hope you are preparing documentation for this theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Xolo] Site TitleI removed the logo. The title is not displaying.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Xolo] Site TitleThat is not my site title. Site titles are text. That is a logo IMAGE. Please look at my website again. I can put a logo image in the header. But my title does not display.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Xolo] Header TransparencyThanks!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Materialis] Checkbox is not displayed (Contact Form 7)Thanks, that worked for me.
Similarly, I couldn’t get checkboxes aligned correctly with Contact Form7’s suggestion for “block” styling, to align the checkbox list vertically. I had to use:
span.wpcf7-list-item { display: table-row; }
span.wpcf7-list-item * { display: table-cell; }I’ve only found this problem in my Twenty Sixteen Child theme.
Obviously, BackWPup has no interest in solving this problem. So I will be using a new backup plugin. Does anyone have any suggestions for a backup tool that actually gets support and produces files that can be extracted with Windows?
Thanks for your response. No I am not using the “Plugin” Lightbox-Gallery. A lightbox gallery is also a design feature/concept. I am using the plugin “Simple Lightbox” as indicated on your website page:Apparently I misunderstood what this combination of plugins is supposed to do. Possibly a demo on your website would clarify the purpose of the plugins.
I am trying to find a Lightbox plugin that is compatible with your Meta Slider plugin i.e. putting lightboxes on different page(s) than the slideshow. I’m assuming that there is some kind of Javascript incompatibility. I have resorted to another solution. I started a new instance of WordPress in a subdirectory and installed a lightbox plugin on a Twenty Twelve theme website strictly for photos in lightboxes (not connected in anyway to a slideshow). This solution is probably not great from an SEO standpoint, but it works.
Thanks for clarifying.
I am unable to get the LightBox Gallery to work on my website. The slideshow function works beautifully, even on pages where I do NOT want a slideshow. Such as this page: have installed these Plugins:
MetaSlider – Pro Addon Pack
Meta Slider Lightbox
Simple LightboxI have Checked “Open in Lightbox” in advanced options. Additionally, I have it set up to use thumbnails, which this page is not.
I am using a Child Theme of WordPress TwentyThirteen. I tried reverting back to the original TwentyThirteen theme. That did not help.
For security reasons I have renamed my wp-content folder and I have renamed the uploads folder, as directed by Codex. I have other plugins that work fine with this configuration. I have tried disabling all other plugins one at a time. This did not help to solve the problem.
I have also checked ‘<?php wp_head(); ?>’ which is immediately before ‘</head>’ and ‘<?php wp_footer(); ?>’ which is immediately before ‘</body>’ just as they are supposed to be.
Please note, I DO want the Slideshow on my homepage, but I need lightboxes on other pages.
Purchase date 8-30-15
Rhonda HakundyForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slideshow Gallery LITE] Cannot Order Slides (even from Manage Galleries)Thanks Antonie,
That was the problem.
I’ve looked over all the documentation I can find for this plugin and can’t find an explanation of how to order slides vs. galleries anywhere.
This is a great plugin and I’ll donate, but truly documentation helps quite a lot.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slideshow Gallery LITE] Cannot Order Slides (even from Manage Galleries)I receive the message “Slides have been reordered” and they are reordered on the Admin side. However, there is NO change on the public side of the website.
According to my Error Console, there are no Javascript errors, only css errors related to alpha opacity.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slideshow Gallery LITE] Cannot Order Slides (even from Manage Galleries)I am also using Ver. and cannot reorder slides.