Forum Replies Created
I’m having some funkiness with the Like results…some pages show huge number of Likes, as if the likes for the entire site are being summed…and other pages work as expected. Anyone else seeing this?
Based on an email I got from Michael, using the ‘in_same_cat’ => true will do the trick, and it does…but only as long as only one label is applied to a post. As soon as there is more than one, in_same_cat tries to match any of the labels applied to the current post, which is not what I’m after.
So I’m still trying to sort this out…basically I need the opposite functionality of “ex_cats” meaning I’d like to specify the IDs to include, not exclude.
Hi there,
I have a question for you about this plugin…I hope it’s an easy one.
First, some background. I have created a custom hierarchical taxonomy that I use to filter the posts in a blog. This is done in the loop using this code:
global $wp_query; query_posts( array_merge( array( 'personality' => 'geek'), $wp_query->query ) );
where “personality” is the taxonomy name and “geek” is the value in question. So this shows only posts flagged with the geek personality.
Obviously next_post_link and previous_post_link don’t take a taxonomy into consideration, and they also seem not to use the returned results of the loop (which does), which is irritating.
But it led me to this plugin, and I’m wondering if it’s possible to use what you have to restrict the results based on the value of a custom taxonomy? So for example, I’d like to code this:
Get the previous post where the personality is geek.
or maybe
Get the previous post where the personality is not nerd.
with “nerd” being another of the taxonomy values.
<?php next_post_link_plus( array( 'format' => '%link »', 'link' => '%title', 'in_same_cat' => false, 'ex_cats' => '311', ) ); ?>
didn’t work (note that “311′ is the tag_ID of the “nerd” value).
Is there a more technical forum where I should be asking these questions?
OK, I figured this out. For future reference, when you do the following
query_posts( array( 'color' => 'red', 'showposts' => 10 ) );
“red” should be the slug name, not the taxonomy value. This is what was tripping me up.
For example:
<?php query_posts( array( 'color' => 'red', 'showposts' => 10 ) ); ?>
returns everything regardless of the color it was assigned. From what I have read, this should have worked if executed before the loop. Is it something simple I have missed?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How can I use an image as page/post navigation?For clarification, the issue I am having is that I can’t include php statements in the previous_posts_link() call. And without this ability, I can’t create the url to point to the theme folder in a portable way.
In other words
previous_posts_link('<img src="get_bloginfo(stylesheet_directory)/arrow.png">');
doesn’t work. I can’t be the first person to ask for this, but I ahve yet to find a solution.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to show posts having both a specified category and tag appliedI’ll just use categories then until this is sorted out.
As for the second part, this post gave me the answer ??
To answer my opwn question, do it like this:
<?php echo str_replace('<br />',' ', wp_list_categories('echo=0&style=&title_li='));?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Cleaning up wp_postmeta: a question about relative vs. absolute pathsThe answer to this question is yes, this is safe.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: Ajaxed WordPress] Comments hang after hitting ‘submit’I have the same problem FWIW and haven’t found a solution yet ??
Never mind, it worked itself out.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Importing with attachments is timing out and never completingIt appears to be working now that I totally smoked my database (dropped the entire WP database structure), re-initialized as if the blog was brand new, and did a fresh import. Hope this helps someone else.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Importing with attachments is timing out and never completingCould it be a congestion thing? A browser timeout limit? It gets to line 103 and then just stops each time.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I transfer images from to a custom hosted site?Did you try turning on the “Import Attachments” checkbox?
I searched for this term and discovered a description of the feature. Turns out it is a feature of 2.5 which i could not see as the blog in question is 2.3.3.
So it has been fixed in the current version.