Forum Replies Created
Another user said the trick was working for him, so I disabled my plugins (few) one by one.
I noticed that a plugin called “redirections” added some HTTP Headers security presets. The plugin itself is not doing anything at the moment (there are no redirections) but I noticed that if I delete those security headers, the preview is working.
The presets are:
– X-frame-otions: deny
– X-XSS-Protection 1:mode=block
– X-Content-Type-Options noniff
– Content-security-Policy default-src ‘self’; script-src ‘unsafe-inline’ ‘unsafe-eval’ http:; style-src ‘unsafe-inline’ http:; img-src http: data:; font-src http: data:; sandbox allow-forms allow-scripts
– Referrer-Policy no referrer when downgradeI do not know which one (or a combination) is causing this behaviour.
Hope it helps.
(I think they have been added in relation with the “Site Health Status” check, where there are some recommendations)
? What you mean? Again, with Editorskit activated I cannot see the preview (“Sorry, you are not allowed to preview drafts.”)
You wrote: “So, could you please try to deactivate this addon and test it again?”
I had already written that if your plugin is deactivated everything works normally. What is the purpose to deactivate it?If I am not able to understand, please be more clear. The version 1.33.2 still breaks the preview. And I have no Gutenberg plugin. I just added Editorskit on top of a standard WP installation.
Sorry if I was not clear: I installed default wordpress and on top of that Editorskit.
With Editorskit active, I cannot preview pages.
If I disable Editorskit everything is working. Forget about “Gutenberg”, I did not mean I installed a specific plugin named Gutenberg.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP News Bulletin] display date not working properlybump. No ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ditty – Responsive News Tickers, Sliders, and Lists] Security alert?No ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ditty – Responsive News Tickers, Sliders, and Lists] Security alert?and the strange thing is that it comes up in spanish…I have three languages on my website, but the default is in english of course….
Boh…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ditty – Responsive News Tickers, Sliders, and Lists] Security alert?I just can make a copy and paste of the writings…
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Alerta de seguridadEl archivo que intenta subir ha sido rechazado por el servidor.
Probablemente contenga virus o troyanos que pueden da?ar su sitio web.No intente subirlo nuevamente, ya que su dirección IP podrá ser bloqueada.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ditty – Responsive News Tickers, Sliders, and Lists] Security alert?Yes.
This behavior started after last wordpress update. In any case I will upload a screenshot as soon as I get home…Now I can’t…