Geet Jacobs
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Square] Square e gift cardsThanks @simplysaru, luckily it’s already on the idea board since 2016:)
- This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Geet Jacobs.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Geet Jacobs.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Square] Square e gift cards@kellymetal some notes… gift card “almost works” already!
I tested a gift card form Square and it actually worked on your checkout, I put in fake exp + CVV and ran the Gift Card, exciting, also my Gift Card shows as a “Saved Payment” in my WooCommerce account.
Do you plan to expand this feature to work?? We are looking at custom work to extend it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Gift Coupon] Buy for a Friend@studiosweb I am also very interested in being able to buy a coupon for a friend.
Adding fields on the checkout for the following:
Email of friend
Name of friend
Message to include in the emailThank you
- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Geet Jacobs.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP cdnjs] licence and fork?Hello @audioscavenger,
Thank you for reaching out. It would be great if you took over the development of this plugin, we sadly let it slide for far too long.
Let me know what next steps we can help with.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Better Emails] Password reset link not workingI am still seeing this issue also even with the new version, it removes “https:/” and all line breaks.
“Someone requested that the password be reset for the following account: Username: d**e@ge******* If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen. To reset your password, visit the following address: /ma************&login=d**e%40g*****>”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EDD Downloads As Services] Remove Download Files PanelThanks!
I searched right after I posted and went with this function which removes it for ALL downloads. It would be nice to work it into the plugin so it only removes the metabox if the Download is set to “Service”.
remove_meta_box( ‘edd_product_files’, ‘download’, ‘normal’ );Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP cdnjs] Search timeoutThis is an issue with the CDN JS API server. Hopefully they resolve it soon.
The below URL gives an application error. Plugins
In reply to: [EDD Downloads As Services] Remove Download Files PanelI am pretty sure he means the “Download Files” Metabox in the download editor screen. I came here to ask for the same option.
Nice one Fab1en,
Your solution was much more elegant than mine!
Here is his git:
I had created a initial function to make an array of ALL galleries from all posts on plugin load, than checked the array once each attachment ID was run.
Main function, thought it might be lower overhead instead of running the database call every time.
// Get all posts with galleries and thier IDs public $post_gallery_urls=array(); function get_all_galleries_from_posts() { $the_gallery_images = array(); $post_galleries_query = new WP_Query( array( 's' => '[gallery', 'post_type' => 'any', 'fields' => 'ids', 'no_found_rows' => true, 'posts_per_page' => -1, ) ); $theposts = $post_galleries_query->posts; foreach($theposts as $post_gallery_id){ $galleries = get_post_gallery($post_gallery_id,false); $this->post_gallery_urls[] = array('post_id'=>$post_gallery_id,'images'=>explode(',',$galleries['ids']) ); }; }
Checking if in array
//Custom code to check for images in galleries $used_in_gallery = array(); if ( wp_attachment_is_image( $attachment_id ) ) { foreach ($this->post_gallery_urls as $galleries ) { if(in_array( $attachment_id , $galleries['images'] )){ $used_in_gallery[] = $galleries['post_id']; } } }
Than later on and updated the output to show “In Gallery” text.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Custom Fields: Multiple Fields per row] ACF v5?Here you go! Plugins
In reply to: [Find Posts Using Attachment] Find media attached to custom fieldsHello Dropshot,
I do not mind helping, but it is fully editing the core plugin, it might be worth it to wait for Sergey to add a filter so we can leave the core alone.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Image Cleanup] Please help me improve the pluginAs Daniel mentioned, I have a similar issue.
I use ACF, which has image upload/file upload and gallery options. Obviously these are stored in custom fields either with a single custom field and an image ID from the attachment post table or with a serialized array of image IDs. tough to support all plugins that use custom upload fields, but maybe worth considering the few top ones like Pods, ACF.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Responsive Lightbox & Gallery] link to large image instead of full sizejoewnhu is correct in how to solve this with oiko solution by changing the $priority variable but it would be nice to have the file link size be built into the plugin.
dFactory: you are correct there is a size setting for the gallery shortcode like the below:
[gallery size="large" link="file" ids="113,114,115,116,117"]
but the size=”large” relates to the thumbnails that the gallery displays, not the link=”file”. The WordPress gallery shortcode uses the full sized image for the “file” link.
What would be nice is in the main settings for your plugin to have a File Link drop down setting that links into all available sizes for the theme and let you select it.
Setting option with either a dropdown to select the size or a text field to enter your own image size value:
Below is where I could see it being used very easily in your plugin.
public function add_gallery_lightbox_selector($link, $id, $size, $permalink, $icon, $text) { $link = (preg_match('/<a.*? rel=("|\').*?("|\')>/', $link) === 1 ? preg_replace('/(<a.*? rel=(?:"|\').*?)((?:"|\').*?>)/', '$1 '.$this->options['settings']['selector'].'[gallery-'.$this->gallery_no.']'.'$2', $link) : preg_replace('/(<a.*?)>/', '$1 rel="'.$this->options['settings']['selector'].'[gallery-'.$this->gallery_no.']'.'">', $link)); /* Get the image URL and the size from the settings*/ $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $id, $this->options['settings']['file_link_size'] ); /* Replace the full file URL with the new sized image URL */ return (preg_match('/<a.*? href=("|\').*?("|\')>/', $link) === 1 ? preg_replace('/(<a.*? href=(?:"|\')).*?((?:"|\').*?>)/', '$1'.$image[0].'$2', $link) : preg_replace('/(<a.*?)>/', '$1 href="'.$image[0].'">', $link)); }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Taxonomy Sort] Disappearing categoriesI am having the same issue but armageddon442’s fix doesn’t seem to work for me.
Any other solutions? To reset the issue I had to delete some transitions in the options table.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP REST API (WP API)] Filter by meta key/valueThanks Dunar,
I tried both of those and tweaked bits and pieces. Also encoded the meta_query url to specify artist meta_key with the meta_value of the artists ID.
Still no luck on the filtering. I am surprised more people have not needed this to work even on the git repository. Maybe I should switch tot he other REST json plugin as it has these features. I wanted to future proof the site I was working on those since this plugin is planed to be added to the core.