Here’s the quick fix until new version is released (so you don’t have to edit all your posts…)
Edit file cool-video-gallery.php in text editor (Notepad++ is advisable).
Then locate this:
function CVGVideo_Gallery($matches){
global $post, $wpdb;
$output = '';
preg_match_all('/([\.\w]*)=(.*?) /i', $matches[1], $attributes);
$arguments = array();
$arguments = CoolVideoGallery::splitargs($matches[1]);
And after that last line just add the following line:
foreach ($arguments as $k=>$a) $arguments[$k] = str_replace(array("'", '’','′'), '', $a);
NOTE: The above code is not parsed well, so visit this pastebin and take the code from there!!!
That should do the trick until a fixed version of this plugin is released.