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  • Thread Starter gebar


    Ok, thanks for your reply, but I can’t say I am convinced. This is clearly a bug. This behavior appears only when there is no overlap between the values of the two attributes. If there is overlap, all options are shown. They also appear if you click Clear.

    And even if this is intentional, it is wrong logic. The default preselected values are essentially a suggestion to the customer. So you are saying, if i suggest to the customer to buy Canvas which is more expensive than the Poster, then it is perfectly reasonable to completely remove his ability to choose the poster option, but ONLY if there is no overlap between the size values of canvases and posters, that is, if the available combinations are Canvas-Size1, Canvas-Size2, Poster-Size3, Poster-Size4.

    If the available combinations are Canvas-Size1, Canvas-Size2, Poster-Size1, Poster-Size2, Poster-Size3, then all options appear in the dropdown.

    Anyway, i mostly did the post to let you know about the bug. If you consider it a feature, so be it. I have found a workaround, so I am ok.

    However, I will not mark this as resolved.

    Thread Starter gebar



    Product link:

    The product image is the screenshot of the variations settings.

    Thread Starter gebar


    When Canvas is selected, it is reasonable for the Size dropdown to only show the Canvas sizes, however it is not reasonable for the Medium dropdown to NOT show the Poster option (to only show “Choose Option” and “Canvas”), since the attribute value “Poster” and the corresponding variations exist for the product and they are valid combinations.

    If I set the default to Canvas, the customer has no way to choose Poster, except for clicking “Clear”. Then the Medium dropdown correctly shows “Choose Option”, “Canvas”, “Poster”.

    Are you sure this is reasonable and expected behavior?

    Thread Starter gebar


    Curious, I was not notified of your reply.

    Anyway, thanks.

    No need for a ticket. After I removed (not deleted) the three installations from Softaculous, everything works fine. So I would suggest you add Softaculous to the systems that create problems for woocommerce and woopayments in your documentation, and add it first, before Bitnami and Amazon. It is much more common than the other two.

    Thread Starter gebar


    No takers, I see.

    So, let’s make things clear. Of course I cleared cache and cookies, disabled all plugins, activated Storefront, and tried with other browsers and incognito windows.

    Finally I was able to log in to all three sites after deleting WooCommerce, Woo Payments and Jetpack. However, when I installed them again, the problem occurred again.

    After searching, I found out that the message mentioned above is the Woo Safe Mode. This is the problem, and according to the documentation, it happens when “Your site was created with Bitnami, Amazon Lightsail, or similar services.”

    So, can you at least confirm that it also happens if your sites were created with Softaculous?

    (If yes, then it should be mentioned first in the documentation, as Softaculous is by far more widespread than the other two.)

    Thread Starter gebar


    Some additional info.

    (1) When I say I made different connections, I mean with different username, password and email for each one.

    (2) At the Jetpack login, I am not sure about the “Username does not exist” message. I may had beeen “Username already exists, choose a different one”.

    (3) All three sites are in a shared hosting environment and have the same IP. Could this be causing the confusion?

    Thread Starter gebar


    I should note that the problem went away the very next day, after an update of Titan Framework, so I am marking this thread resolved.

    Thread Starter gebar


    Some additional info.

    It is not a theme issue, the problem still exists with the Twenty Fourteen theme.

    As a temporary workaround I commented out the line


    in class-plugin-controller.php.

    Thread Starter gebar


    In case anyone else encounters the same problem, WordPress has a very handy function for this purpose: make_clickable. It takes strings, and if it finds any links in them, does what it’s name says.

    Put this in your functions.php or, for multisite, in a file in mu-plugins directory.

    add_filter( 'wp_mail', 'my_wp_mail_filter' );
    function my_wp_mail_filter( $args ) {
    	$message = $args['message'];
    	$clickable_message = make_clickable ( $message );
    	$new_wp_mail = array(
    		'to'          => $args['to'],
    		'subject'     => $args['subject'],
    		'message'     => $clickable_message,
    		'headers'     => $args['headers'],
    		'attachments' => $args['attachments'],
    	return $new_wp_mail;

    It will make links clickable in all your emails.

    Thread Starter gebar


    OK, I checked this out, and you are right.

    I looked at the message source of a plain text and a html email coming from my site. In both there is no <a> tag, but in the plain text email the links are converted to clickable while in the html they are not.

    So I added the tag to the body of the messages, and hopefully the links will arrive in clickable form.

    I will mark this thread resolved. (In fact, I should have checked before even opening it.)

    Thanks for your prompt response.

    Thread Starter gebar


    No, the email is in html, but the links are plain text, they are missing the <a></a> tag, so you can’t click on them and be taken to the url. While, as I said, the tag exists for the social icon links I set up at the footer of the template.

    The problem also exists in the emails the admin receives when a new member is registered, that allow him to disable the notifications for new members or sites registrations.

    You mean that in your install the links are ok, they have the <a> tag?

    That’s strange, because as I said, one of the emails (the one sent to the new user after activation) is sent directly by WordPress, without any interference by BuddyPress.

    So, what can we do now? Any ideas?

    Thread Starter gebar


    No, unfortunately it is not a test site.

    I can tell you though that in Buddypress file bp-core-filters.php there are two functions, bp_core_activation_signup_blog_notification and bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification, that filter wpmu_signup_blog_notification.

    I noticed the problem in two emails, the activation email and the notification for the successful setup of a new site after activation.

    I think that the second one does not even pass through Buddypress, its message (text body) is set at the Network Dashboard: Settings – New Site Settings – Welcome Email (for user with blog) and Welcome User Email (for user without blog). I have only tested the Welcome Email.

    Also, two image links a had set at the footer of the template (social icons) arrived fine.

    Thanks for looking into it.

    Thread Starter gebar


    Is there some reason for this?

    And can it be bypassed without problems?

    In the link you provide it is suggested to if you enter in your address bar “;, you will land at the search page for word “the”.

    In my site I get redirected to the home page.

    Also, trying to correct the search results link through the search_link filter of the get_search_link() function has no effect.

    By the way, the get_search_link() function returns the correct url (“;). Probably there is some redirect or rewrite in place.

    So the method suggested in the link does not work anymore.

    Anything else that could be done?

    Thread Starter gebar


    Thanks for clearing that up.

    The Multisite runs OK as far as I can see.

    I just wanted to make sure that the unchanged htaccess is normal.

    Thread Starter gebar


    Must have misunderstood the description.

    OK, I’ll give it a try.

    Thank you very much for your time (and expertise) ??

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