Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: echo parent theme's versionIGNORE THIS QUESTION IT IS A MESS!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Can I move wordpress php files from theme root?I’m developing a framework and trying to separate core functionality, away from things like templates/foundation files/custom classes etc.
I thought there might be away that if wordpress can’t find 404.php it could look in a stated dir for it before considering it missing.
It’s mainly just house keeping really it’s not essential I just really don’t like that all the files are in one place.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Escaping SQL with the wordpress APII know I am revisiting this, but I have one more question. If I escape the CREATE part of the CRUD do I need to escape the READ parts. For example if when adding a new value that value is entered as an escaped value. Would I have to escape it when it is read back and displayed on screen?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Escaping SQL with the wordpress APIThe problem is that I like to reuse my code a lot. So I have 1 function that works with so many forms. Prepare forces a very strict knowledge of what is going to be going into the box, this is a problem since you can only put raw data into the $data section, then you have to state %S %d %f one form will be a string another is a float, another is an integer. It seems so counter productive. I would much prefer to be able to escape as I build the array.
To clarify though I only have to escape human input yes? so for example the user never gets to say which table they are working with that is a hard coded string. I wouldn’t need to escape that no?
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Escaping SQL with the wordpress APIOK nickohrn, OK I was having problems with this all because of miss-placed comma as I see now, However, do you see an issue with using casting?
$id = (double) $_POST["id"];
or would I still need to prepare that?
I’m not too worried about the select statements so much as they just require either my input from the code or a numeric. However, its the edit rows and deletes that worry me
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Escaping SQL with the wordpress APII don’t know about that. I was using the exact method you describe here… Annoying didn’t describe it. However, after days or staring at my lines and lines of code I discovered this.
$current_row = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE id = {$id}"); echo $current_row->$field_name; //This will out put the value from only one field
Due to how many times I needed this in my plugin, I managed to shave about 100 lines out of my code. I then put that inside a function and fed in the parameters. Maybe you know this but I found it useful.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Shortcode in head/title tagOK well how about you set in the top of your template file
$include_shortcode = TRUE; if(isset($include_shortcode) && $include_shortcode == TRUE) { //echo what you need }
I would go with this over page ID as it then can be used on multiple pages and is more versatile.
I’ve made an update to that code I sent earlier check it out on phpfiddle
When you press run it will look like nothing happens but open dev tools or firebug or source and look inside the head tag inside the iframe tag.
Basically any page that has this set to true will display. However, this may cause the need for two headers now that I think about it unless you were to pull data from the $_GET which is possible if you use a set id of 0 or 1, but you probably don’t want to do it that way
This, below, is definitely the way I would do it. I would set the $include_shortcode = TRUE via a wordpress API if statement it should give you the maximum amount of control.if (is_page_template($template)) { $include_shortcode = TRUE; }
you also have if is page
and if is category
I hope this helps don’t hesitate to ask more questions if needed.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Shortcode in head/title tagI feel you might have made this question more generalised for a simpler answer. However, if not, is there any reason why you are using a shortcode to add the year? Surely you can just echo the date
<?php echo date("Y") ?>
If this is what you have done and you want to know generally how to echo a shortcode, I can’t give you an educated answer. However, maybe it is because the plugin that inserts the date has not yet been loaded when the Meta tag is loaded. Does the meta tag come before the functions.php file is loaded?
Another suggestion… could you not create a function that will load after the title block that uses appending strings and build the meta tag and load it dynamically?
function load_meta_dynamically($company_name) { $out = ""; $out .= "<meta name=\"description\" content=\""; $out .= "Website Created by {$company_name} copyright $copy; "; $out .= date("Y"); //or you could add the next few lines for shortcodes $out .= " "; $out .= add_filter('the_title', 'do_shortcode'); $out .= add_filter('wp_title', 'do_shortcode'); $out .= "\">"; return $out; }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: if – is not [template] show title. how? PHP string?My apologies it was just the php syntax got me again.
<?php if ( ! is_page_template( 'page-templates/product-page.php' ) ) { ?> <h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1> <?php } ?>
here was what I was wanting.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I change the order of widgets in the dashboard widget page?If it was possible then there has to be a hack to allow me to do it. I don’t really want draggability, I want a hard coded positioning system as when I finish my template designs I’m making an admin pluggin so I will comment each widget area as I plan to have 20 templates with this theme. utilising different sets of widgets. Any solution would be good at the moment though, as It’s not good to have my least important widget at the top of the list.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme 2012] Get rid of bottom marginYeah that makes really weird behaviour, thanks anyway for helping me get rid of that bug in my code.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme 2012] Get rid of bottom marginI can’t believe i missed it, i didn’t but i deleted it when I didn’t have any content. So this gets rid of the grey when I have some content, is there noway to force it to full screen without content?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme 2012] Get rid of bottom margin100% of the browser window. The width works dynamically and fills the width no matter how wide, surely the same can be done with the height. I want to put a scrolling div inside so this must be 100%x100%.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme 2012] Get rid of bottom marginOK I have also added some content and it’s still there, just now you have to scroll to see it.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme 2012] Get rid of bottom marginBad plugin code! it’s now been successfully validated. Thats a useful tool.