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  • Thread Starter GazCBG


    Think, I may have found a possible answer

    if ( is_home() && !is_paged() ):

    Thread Starter GazCBG


    It is Hueman free version.
    I have done this in the past, but can’t remember how to do it, I know I editted one of the template files.

    Thread Starter GazCBG


    This is working fine now

    Thread Starter GazCBG


    I am now getting these errors

    Failed to post via WordPress: update_client_callbackurl failed on child server [err]
    Not Found

    The requested URL /update_client_callbackurl was not found on this server.
    Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at :: Port 443

    Failed to post via WordPress: “no auth_key”


    Failed to post via WordPress: update_client_callbackurl failed on child server [err]

    Failed to post via WordPress: “no auth_key”


    Just tried to send a report and got

    Failed to post via WordPress: update_client_callbackurl failed on child server [err]
    Not Found

    The requested URL /update_client_callbackurl was not found on this server.
    Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at :: Port 443

    LiteSpeed Report Number

    Report number: CULEZBCW

    Report date: 09/08/2019 09:29:06

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by GazCBG.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by GazCBG. Reason: Add more info
    Thread Starter GazCBG



    Appears it is all back to normal again now.


    Thread Starter GazCBG



    I did a curl test myself to load Google and BBC and it works fine.

    I also did a curl test to load a plugin page on and this took longer then normal.

    The host has confirmed that curl is installed and working fine.


    Thread Starter GazCBG


    I have sorted out the mcrypt on PHP 7.2 by turning on bcmath, fileinfo and libsodium (sodium), in cPanel under PHP Selector extensions.

    Thread Starter GazCBG



    Thanks for the reply ??

    I have contacted my hosting provider, however I read that as of PHP 7.2 mcrypt was removed.


    Thread Starter GazCBG



    Thanks for the reply ??

    I have change the domain to DOMAIN
    Account username to: USERNAME

    There a few things I noticed which are:

    PHP Extensions
    The required module, mcrypt, is not installer, or has been disabled.

    Communication with
    Unable to reach at cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received

    Not sure what you want, but here it is:

    WordPress Version 5.1
    Plugin Versions

    Your site has 17 active plugins, and they are all up to date.

    Theme Versions

    Your site has 3 installed themes, and they are all up to date.

    PHP Version 7.2.15
    Database Server version 10.2.21-MariaDB-cll-lve
    PHP Extensions

    The optional module, bcmath, is not installer, or has been disabled.
    The optional module, fileinfo, is not installer, or has been disabled.
    The optional module, libsodium, is not installer, or has been disabled.
    The required module, mcrypt, is not installer, or has been disabled.

    MySQL utf8mb4 support Your MariaDB version supports utf8mb4
    HTTPS status You are accessing this website using HTTPS.
    Secure communication Your WordPress install can communicate securely with other services.
    Scheduled events A scheduled event (litespeed_imgoptm_trigger) has failed to run. Your site still works, but this may indicate that scheduling posts or automated updates may not work as intended.
    Plugin and Theme Updates

    Plugin updates should be working as expected.
    The following Themes have been removed from update checks: CT,Hueman Pro.

    HTTP Requests HTTP requests should be working as expected.
    REST API availability The REST API is available.
    Communication with Unable to reach at cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received
    Background updates

    No version control systems were detected.
    Your installation of WordPress doesn’t require FTP credentials to perform updates.
    Couldn’t retrieve a list of the checksums for WordPress 5.1. This could mean that connections are failing to

    Loopback request The loopback request to your site completed successfully.WordPress Version 5.1
    Plugin Versions

    Your site has 17 active plugins, and they are all up to date.

    Theme Versions

    Your site has 3 installed themes, and they are all up to date.

    PHP Version 7.2.15
    Database Server version 10.2.21-MariaDB-cll-lve
    PHP Extensions

    The optional module, bcmath, is not installer, or has been disabled.
    The optional module, fileinfo, is not installer, or has been disabled.
    The optional module, libsodium, is not installer, or has been disabled.
    The required module, mcrypt, is not installer, or has been disabled.

    MySQL utf8mb4 support Your MariaDB version supports utf8mb4
    HTTPS status You are accessing this website using HTTPS.
    Secure communication Your WordPress install can communicate securely with other services.
    Scheduled events A scheduled event (litespeed_imgoptm_trigger) has failed to run. Your site still works, but this may indicate that scheduling posts or automated updates may not work as intended.
    Plugin and Theme Updates

    Plugin updates should be working as expected.
    The following Themes have been removed from update checks: CT,Hueman Pro.

    HTTP Requests HTTP requests should be working as expected.
    REST API availability The REST API is available.
    Communication with Unable to reach at cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received
    Background updates

    No version control systems were detected.
    Your installation of WordPress doesn’t require FTP credentials to perform updates.
    Couldn’t retrieve a list of the checksums for WordPress 5.1. This could mean that connections are failing to

    Loopback request The loopback request to your site completed successfully.

    Version 5.1
    Language en_US
    Home URL
    Site URL
    Permalink structure /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    Is this site using HTTPS? Yes
    Can anyone register on this site? No
    Default comment status open
    Is this a multisite? No
    User Count 1
    Communication with Unable to reach at cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10000 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received
    Create loopback requests The loopback request to your site completed successfully.
    Return to table of contents
    Installation size
    Uploads Directory 1,023.40 MB
    Themes Directory 29.39 MB
    Plugins Directory 38.44 MB
    Database size 37.01 MB
    Whole WordPress Directory 1.10 GB
    Total installation size 1.14 GB
    Return to table of contents

    Drop-ins are single files that replace or enhance WordPress features in ways that are not possible for traditional plugins
    advanced-cache.php Advanced caching plugin.
    Return to table of contents
    Active Theme
    Name CT
    Version 1.0
    Author Administrator
    Author website Undefined
    Parent theme Hueman Pro
    Supported theme features custom-header, custom-logo, title-tag, automatic-feed-links, post-thumbnails, post-formats, customize-selective-refresh-widgets, align-wide, responsive-embeds, editor-styles, menus, jetpack, buddy-press, uris, the-events-calendar, woocommerce, wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider, wp-pagenavi, polylang, wpml, widgets, editor-style
    Return to table of contents
    Other themes (2)
    Hueman Pro (hueman-pro) Version 1.1.15 by nikeo
    Twenty Nineteen (twentynineteen) Version 1.3 by the WordPress team
    Return to table of contents
    Must Use Plugins (1)
    Health Check Troubleshooting Mode Version 1.5.1
    Return to table of contents
    Active Plugins (17)
    AutoBlog Version 4.1.1 by WPMU DEV
    Childify Me Version 1.2.1 by Rocco Aliberti
    Classic Editor Version 1.4 by WordPress Contributors
    Default featured image Version 1.6.1 by Jan Willem Oostendorp
    Defender Version 2.0.1 by WPMU DEV
    Disable Comments Version 1.9.0 by Samir Shah
    Disable Feeds Version 1.4.4 by Samir Shah, BBpress support by Matthew Sigley
    Health Check & Troubleshooting Version 1.2.5 by The community
    Hummingbird Pro Version 1.9.3 by WPMU DEV
    LiteSpeed Cache Version by LiteSpeed Technologies
    Mailgun Version 1.7.1 by Mailgun
    No Category Base (WPML) Version 1.3 by Marios Alexandrou
    Recent Posts Widget Extended Version by Satrya
    Remove WordPress Overhead Version 1.1.0 by Omnisite
    Smush Pro Version 3.1.1 by WPMU DEV
    WP-PageNavi Version 2.93 by Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan
    Yoast SEO Version 9.7 by Team Yoast
    Return to table of contents
    Media handling
    Active editor WP_Image_Editor_Imagick
    Imagick Module Version 1684
    ImageMagick Version ImageMagick 6.9.4-10 Q16 x86_64 2017-05-23
    Imagick Resource Limits
    area: 57 GB
    disk: -1
    file: 75000
    map: 57 GB
    memory: 29 GB
    thread: 1
    GD Version bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
    Ghostscript Version 9.07
    Return to table of contents

    The options shown below relate to your server setup. If changes are required, you may need your web host’s assistance.
    Server architecture Linux 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.24.8.el7.x86_64 x86_64
    Web Server Software LiteSpeed
    PHP Version 7.2.15 (Supports 64bit values)
    PHP SAPI litespeed
    PHP max input variables 1000
    PHP time limit 300
    PHP memory limit 512M
    Max input time -1
    Upload max filesize 1024M
    PHP post max size 1024M
    cURL Version 7.62.0 OpenSSL/1.0.2k
    SUHOSIN installed No
    Is the Imagick library available Yes
    htaccess rules Custom rules have been added to your htaccess file
    Return to table of contents
    Extension mysqli
    Server version 10.2.21-MariaDB-cll-lve
    Client version 10.2.21-MariaDB
    Database user USERNAME_db
    Database host localhost
    Database name USERNAME_db
    Database prefix wp_
    Return to table of contents
    WordPress Constants

    These values represent values set in your websites code which affect WordPress in various ways that may be of importance when seeking help with your site.
    ABSPATH /home/USERNAME/public_html/
    WP_HOME Undefined
    WP_SITEURL Undefined
    WP_DEBUG Disabled
    WP_DEBUG_LOG Disabled
    SCRIPT_DEBUG Disabled
    WP_CACHE Enabled
    COMPRESS_CSS Undefined
    WP_LOCAL_DEV Undefined
    Return to table of contents
    Filesystem Permissions

    The status of various locations WordPress needs to write files in various scenarios.
    The main WordPress directory Writable
    The wp-content directory Writable
    The uploads directory Writable
    The plugins directory Writable
    The themes directory Writable
    The Must Use Plugins directory Writable
    Return to table of contents

    Thread Starter GazCBG



    Thanks for the replies ??

    I was hosting myself on a VPS (no control panel), and hadn’t put in SQL backups in place for the site. I have the images still, so I will have to manually add them back in.

    As I said in my first, plaace it was my own fault. Won’t be doing that again.
    Have now setup a remote server, to backup to every night, with SQL.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by GazCBG.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by GazCBG.
    Thread Starter GazCBG


    Found a RSS feed plugin, that has now been updated to the latest version.
    The plugin is: Rss Post Importer by feedsapi

    Thread Starter GazCBG



    I just look at the code and you are doing a refresh, and that is working fine.

    I changed it to a header redirect after 10 seconds instead and added some CSS.

    It would be great, if in the futrue you could change it to load in the theme.

    Thread Starter GazCBG


    I have decided to use bbpress as it drops straight into WordPress.

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