Forum Replies Created
Ok got it! Thank you! The first name wasn’t showing up in searches, so then I realized that the person’s first name is actually one of the stopwords (their name is May). I removed the stopword, reindexed, and now it shows up, although it showed up very far down the list. I had to change the weight of titles to 100,000 in order for their result to show up first, although the other title matches with last name matches still show up further down a bit. I saw that in Relevanssi premium you can have Content Stopwords, so I could ignore matches for “may” in the content and only search for it in post titles, which I think would give the results we want, so I need to ask the boss about upgrading ?? Thanks again for your help!
Your comment about “john” not being considered at all made me think of something. I should’ve mentioned that the person’s actual first name is 3 letters, not 4 like “john”. (I changed the names a bit because these people definitely Google themselves, as do their clients.) Does Relevanssi maybe ignore 3 letter keywords?
Thank you for the quick support!
Thanks! That helped me track down the issue. In the admin search the search results are great, even without changing the weights. (They are ordered by the Score from highest to lowest.) The site search results are the same results but in a different order. Turns out it’s the “Real Custom Post Order” plugin that is reordering the search results.
You can remove the meta box using this:
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', function() { remove_meta_box( 'monsterinsights-metabox', null, 'side' ); }, 99 );
- This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by gavin310.
What an annoying update. You don’t need to be this annoying to sell your Pro version. We’re replacing MonsterInsights asap.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ShopWP] JavaScript errors when displaying productsI tracked it down to this line in the theme:
wp_add_inline_script( 'global', 'var wp = { siteRoot: "' . get_site_url() . '", templateDir: "' . get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '", pluginsDir: "' . plugins_url() . '", ajaxURL: "' . admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) . '" };', true );
- This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by gavin310.
For what it’s worth, to me it makes much more sense for…
-A user-defined “Seo title” for the page.
…to be 2nd in the list. Why would the global “An auto-generated ‘Social title’ from the template in Search Appearance” have precedence over a custom “SEO Title” value? Just my 2 cents. Thanks!
Thank you! That was the issue.
One thing I don’t understand is why would the new “Social appearance” template override the custom value I input for the page’s “SEO title” field? Shouldn’t the custom value have preference in the hierarchy? I understand that if input a custom value for “Facebook title” then that value is used, but then what’s the point of the “SEO title” field if it’s not used?
Yes, we have the Premium subscription, but it seems like Yoast tries all they can to dissuade you from seeking custom support. Plus, you responded quickly, yet I’m still waiting for a response from my support request in the Yoast admin area.
Forgot to add, the only error in the console is this:
Thanks. I think I figured out the problem. We have the licensed version of FileBird, so in order to update we need to download from CodeCanyon/Envato.
Ok, thanks. In WordPress it says that v3.9 is the latest version and no update is available.
I’m not using the WPML plugin. I’ve deactivated all of my other plugins except for FileBird and the error still shows. Once I deactivate FileBird the error goes away. I’m using FileBird v3.9 and my host is WP Engine.
Of course I figured it out not long after asking. Simply adding this will remove all front-end output:
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'monsterinsights_tracking_script', 6 );
I was looking for the settings for RML but couldn’t find it. I didn’t think to look on the default Media settings page! Thanks! That’s exactly what I was hoping would be there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Says changed URL but changed meta descriptionSame issue. I only changed the description and I got 2 URL changed notices from Yoast at the top of the page (stacked on top of each other).