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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: YouTube Embedding affecting Search textbox stylingRemove the height attribute from:
#sidebar #s { background: url( no-repeat 0% 0%; border: 0px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; height: 19px; line-height: 19px; margin-bottom: 5px; padding: 5px 10px; width: 168px; }
That should do it
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Different sidebar for Posts v's Pages?Of course, in your template you’ll have a single.php (single post) and page.php (default page template). Then you can register seperate sidebars and use a different sidebar on each page.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page footer half way down page? Help!Okay, so at the moment your background image is on this:
#pageborders { background-attachment: fixed; background-image: url(; border-top: 20px solid black; min-height: 100%; }
The way you’d fix it would be to put
background-image: url(;
into your CSS Body
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: i need some help regarding plugin<iframe id=”fr” src=”” style=”overflow: hidden; height: 105px; width: 300px; border: 0;” scrolling=”no” frameBorder=”0?></iframe>
You have a ‘?’ after frameBorder=”0 which is incorrect. The URL works perfectly fine however and the IFrame code looks okay apart from that.
For your pagenavi plugin, did you follow the installation?
Usage Open wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/footer.php Add anywhere: <?php wp_pagenavi(); ?> Go to WP-Admin -> Settings -> PageNavi to configure WP-PageNavi.
For the drop down list, the easiest way to do this would be to open up your header.php and find your navigation code (wp_list_pages) and before the closing assuming your theme actually does this, put in a new list item which has the navigation title, then put a nested ul which you can use wp_list_categories
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Website looks great in Firefox and but bad in Internet ExplorerInternet explorer doesn’t support CSS3, that’s why. I think it looks fine with hard edges. You’ll need to sort out your IE7’s footer LI navigation.
If you want the hard edges then you’ll have to split up the background into a few images and use them as background images. Easy stuff to do, and it should be done. I think IE is too mainstream to use any CSS3 at the moment. (Though research suggests Firefox is the most used browser? Not sure if I believe that one but who knows)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP doesn't recognize my usernameYou isntall PhpMyAdmin by just uploading it with FTP and then modifying the config file with your database information, that will enable you to see your username.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I customize page headings?Easiest way would be just not to go dynamic and put in the HTML for it instead of using wp_list_pages().
Or another way to do it to be dynamic would be to make a copy of that function, rename it and change it to do what you want.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: policy statement in footer horizontal: help?Well, if you want to try and edit it with the dashboard then you’ll have to use the Appearance/edit (I don’t recommend though!), this is text editor stuff you’re going to have to do.
Do you have FTP access to your wordpress site? If so that is where you start. So you’re looking for wp-content/themes/thesis(something like that)/footer.php
None of this will be for the dashboard, or editable on the dashboard. However if you do want something editable on the dashboard then you’ll need a plugin (a very very simple one will do the trick). But even for this you’ll need to load up your footer.php and find where you want it to go.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: policy statement in footer horizontal: help?Well, you’ll want to upload your text document to your template directory, then open up your footer.php and find where you want the privacy policy to be and you’ll want to use fopen() to open it, and you’ll need to use php get_bloginfo(‘template_directory’); to get the directory of the text file.
If you’re looking towards a plugin to do this, that is just as easy. Just write a plugin which sets the option to your policy statement and that should work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Only front page can be seenIt could be that your permalink structure isn’t working, so go your permalink settings and try one of the defaults.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Someone register users automaticallyI’d disable user registration for a while and it may then go away. If there is a recurring theme in each registration then you can put in validation measures to prevent that.
Another clever way I’ve seen done is creating a text box and hiding it in the CSS, and if the bot enters anything in that text box you know it’s a bot.
Take a look here for others: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: SLIDESHOWWell, for example with the flash one, just use an FTP program to open up your site directory, stick on the flash file with the XML in your template directory. Then create a new template for a home page and stick in the embed code for the flash.
They’ll give you tutorials for inserting them into a site. With wordpress, you just have to know how your themes are structured. So if you want a slideshow in the header, then open up header.php and tweak it around etc, maybe duplicate the twenty10 theme and replace the header code with a slideshow.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: SLIDESHOWSomething like this might work. I recommend using JQuery over some of the flash stuff out there, but flash is just as easy:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple languages (basic question)That website is for, if you do have your own installation then take a look at:
Also look at plugins, there are lots which deal with translation, some even use google translate to dynamically change your site content.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I think that this is a CSS issue – need adviceThe problem is:
.bg1 { background-color: white; min-height:400px; }
just take out min-height:400px;