Forum Replies Created
Thank you for your reply. The only thing is that the reply saddens me and makes me feel frustrated.
1.) Whenever I mention shortcodes, you guys act as if shortcodes are harbingers of doom that will destroy your plugin.
Yet, it is your lack of shortcodes that make your plugin limited and unusable for a lot of people. Many people still depend on Page Builders like Elementor, Divi and so on.
Shortcodes help such people to break Delicious Recipe’s Static Template into different movable parts, and place them in any order and place that they choose.
But you treat the matter of shortcodes as if you dread them like the COVId-19, Ebola and HIV viruses. Why is that?
The other two competitors have this shortcode we are asking for.
See here–
and here–
So, why do you make it look like we don’t understand what we are asking?
Please, give us our shortcode, and let us not have another exchange on this matter.
3.) I am displeased with this answer:
When you enable the recipes to show on the homepage, it will display only if the Homepage is set to ‘Latest Post’ under Settings > Reading. If you have set the Blog page, it will then display on the blog page.
And this answer is where you should have already seen that something serious and improper is wrong with your Model.
I don’t want my Homepage to show my Latest Posts. I want my Homepage to be a Static Page, and I want to be able to place my Recipes on a section of it.
Don’t force me to change that preference because I want to use your plugin.
It is you that should work on your plugin and make it flexible. Your Model has this parochial and narrow mindset attached to it, and I don’t know why you just can’t see that such model is a crappy and narrow-minded Model?
When you joined WordPress, weren’t you coached, that the idea and rationale behind WordPress is the idea of freedom and flexibility and liberty to choose?
Why do you now come up with a Strategy that constrains? And you still can’t see that something is wrong with whatever strategy you think you have?
Thanks very much for your reply. Do I like the reply? Hmm… I’m not sure.
1.) The Reference result I’m getting is here–
2.) I dislike this part and the tone of language:
If you are trying to achieve a similar kind of layout, you can hire a developer and ask him to code it. We have the filters available in the plugin. This approach will offer more flexibility/
The reason why I dislike that part is because WordPress Core Value is to give non-coders a flexibility to be able to get any kind of website they want without needing to code or hire anyone else, when tools are already available.
Delicious Recipes is already available. Elementor Pro and Elementor Custom Skin are all plugins that are already available to do the work that a developer would have been needed to do for me.
All that is needed for me now, is to use these three tools harmoniously. Presently I can see some of Delicious Recipes metadata.
It is your job to find out how to make what I’m asking for, to become a possibility. You do not run away from it and say to me “Hire a developer to code it“.
Please find a way to make it work.
3.) The reason why Delicious Recipes is still very limited is because you have a Static Template Model.
You must expand and open your mind to see ahead. Many people like me still depend on Page Builders like Elementor, Divi and so on.
Shortcodes help us break that Static Template into different movable parts, and place them in any order we please.
Why is this simple but intelligent thinking, too hard for you to understand?
Why do I need to push it, and push it, and push it, before it can get into your head?
Many people hate to work with Gutenberg because it’s problematic to work with. The earlier you get this reality into your head, the better for us all.
Please, give us our shortcode, and let us not have another exchange on this matter.
The other two competitors have this shortcode we are asking for.
See here–
and here–
So, why do you make it look like we don’t understand what we are asking?
Please, give us our shortcode, and let us not have another exchange on this matter.
You didn’t understand me. I’m not talking about displaying Posts from a Category in a Carousel.
I’m talking about displaying the Categories themselves as Carousel. See examples–
3.) Go to the New Recipes section here– guess if you check these Carousels, you will understand what I mean.
Needing to hear from you soon.
Thanks for your reply. But I need you to know that I have no fear for Pro tools. See this screenshot–
It is a Response I got for asking a Refund of my money paid for Pro tool, because there was something missing.
So, don’t worry about it. I will pay for your Pro if it has what I need.
2.) It’s good to know that some of my Requests will be implemented.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Sharing Plugin - Sassy Social Share] Place buttons on FooterYou’ve told me how to place the button in the Footer.
You’ve not told me how I can get the buttons to share my custom message. This is the message–
I recommend STYLE & PATTERNS (
Needing to hear from you soon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AddToAny Share Buttons] A lack of Granular ControlHmmm… this is me breathing an half sigh of some relief.
I have followed your leading by entering Whatsapp as you instructed:
, a2a_config.templates.whatsapp = {
text: “I recommend ${title} ${link}”
};It however gave me a Token Error. See it here—
All I want to say is a simple message for Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Email.
The message is– I recommend
Please, how should the Template for each of these Services(Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Email.) be written?
Needing to hear from you soon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AddToAny Share Buttons] A lack of Granular ControlHello Sir,
Thank you so much for all the replies you’ve been giving me. They have been quite helpful.Honestly, I’ve been able to move forward in such a way that I’ve been able to get the buttons to sit where I want them specifically. And that’s on my Footer. See them here–
What is remaining, is to get them to function.
When any of the button is clicked, I want a message to be sent which says “I recommend”
How do I add this message to their respective templates, and how do I add the links?
I mean where do I add the links?
For example: if this is the Whatsapp template–
a2a_config.templates.whatsapp = {
phone: “15551234567”,
text: “I’m interested in ${title} posted here: ${link}”
};Where does my message enter? And how do I add the link?
Needing to hear from you soon.
Special Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AddToAny Share Buttons] Send a Custom Message using AddToAny PluginThanks for this reply.
Another question I’d like to ask is– How do you specify the specific pages where this should be displayed, and how do you exclude pages where the buttons should not be displayed?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Recipe Maker] Recipes not recognized as a Post TypeHello Sir,
I have made the Recipe Post Type a Public one, and I have flushed permalinks. But the Recipes didn’t appear as a Post Type, and Elementor still did not see it. See screenshot– did the Post Type Slider see it–
Where Elementor cannot see Recipes as a Post Type, and other tools cannot see Recipe as a Public Post Type–even though I’ve made it a Public Post type, then it’s a problem.
It’s a problem because I am not able to apply functions to them. For example: I need to place my Recipes in a Slider, and I can’t find them to make them sliders.
This is an indication that as I progress on the job, there would be other things that I may need to do, where I need to target my Recipe Post Type, and I won’t find them.
This is beginning to tell me that something is wrong with whatever approach you’ve used to develop this plugin, and I think you need to consider it.
When I use Pods to create Custom Post Types, Elementor sees it.
When we install WooCommerce with products as its custom Post type, Elementor sees Products.
When I install Events plugins, Real Estate, Courses and other Post Types, Elementor sees all these.
Why is yours the place where I’m now having problem of Recipes Post Type being unseen and unrecognized?
Waiting to hear from you soon.
Did you find the file?
What did you write there? I mean did you succeed to get the Footer Attribution off? What snippets did you put there?
Where’s the URL of where you used it? I’d like to see that the Footer Attribution is really off.
Thanks so much Sir for your reply.
I know you’ve told me something very smart and intelligent. The problem is that whatever you’ve explained, looks bigger than my ability.
1.) To make it simpler to understand ourselves, I decided to create the Form, and hope that you will guide me from there. See the form–
2.) I want every of the fields to be Repeater Fields, so that people can duplicate them and make them repeat. How do I do this?
3.) Then again, the form renders badly on Mobile and even on Desktop. See it here–
It looks plain and ugly. I will like to do some Margins, Padding, Box Shadow and such other Page Builder functionalities used to style and make websites look beautiful.
What should I do?
Waiting to hear from you soon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields] Repeater Fields updateI give you a tight hug(LOL).
This is good to know that Repeater Fields are coming in 2.9.
But don’t mind me asking– by Groups, what do you mean?
Hello Sir Illid,
You are one of the awesome people I know from now in WordPress. You took your time to answer my questions and I’m impressed.I finally installed your plugin, and Hmm, I think its Ok. I’ve formatted my site to try a new Theme and your plugin. I think it worked well.
I look forward to Icon Badges and the Shapes you are proposing, and I’m hoping that you will achieve these 2 features before the end of this year.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [CosmosWP] Saving changes produces errorWell, no need anymore. I waited a whole week for a response that wasn’t coming. So I’ve removed the Cosmos WP Theme and went for Kadence Theme.
In one way or the other, I will be using Gutentor and Kadence Blocks.
Maybe at some point in the future, I may return to use Cosmos WP Theme. But for now being the first time I ever tried it out, it frustrated me and screwed me up. I had to switch off from it.
In future, I may be coming back to try Cosmos WP Theme. I do hope that all bugs would have been fixed by then.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [CosmosWP] Saving changes produces errorI cannot go through any additional stress that you are trying to put me through.
I can send you Login Details for you to come into my system to check it out youself. My email is [email protected]
Perhaps you’d send me a mail so I can send you the details?
Or provide me a link where I can send you the details.