Forum Replies Created
Hi Meagan,
You can have your customers go right to the purchase / checkout page after adding an item by doing the following:
In WordPress Admin Dashboard goto:
–Misc SettingsThen, check the box “Redirect to Checkout” (Immediately redirect to checkout after adding an item to the cart?)
Enabling that setting will send your customers right to the checkout page after adding an item.
For the shortcode you can check the box (on the actual download bottom right area in “Button Options”):
Disable the automatic output of the purchase buttonThen paste your shortcode directly into the description / content area of the download item.
[purchase_link id=”10760″ text=”Buy Now” style=”button” color=”” direct=”true”]Or:
[purchase_link id=”10760″ text=”Buy Now” style=”button” color=””]Etc.
If you copy and paste from this support forum make sure you replace the double quotes because it likes to change them to fancy curly quotes, and you want the regular strait quotation marks.
- This reply was modified 8 years ago by gameutopia. Reason: added more specific info
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Configuring Filezilla correctly to upload themes to WP.If you are just wanting a simple setup to test WordPress and develop locally to see how things work then you can do a Google search for:
instantwordpressIt is free, and comes with Apache, MySQL, PHP, WordPress and the database all ready to use.
I use a bit more complex setup that I have personally programmed, but instantwordpress is great and a good route for the beginner.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: Configuring Filezilla correctly to upload themes to WP.If you unzip them first make sure the folder structure is correct like:
/wp-content/themes/theme-name/files (and folders)->wp-content
—->files (files and folders)Not:
—–>files (files and folders)It could be when you are unzipping you are copying the wrong folder structure over.
As the other person said you should also be able to upload a .zipped theme using the WordPress admin dashboard too.
If for some reason you can’t check your php (and apache config) to make sure it’s configured properly to allow this.
I have never used an ftp client like filezilla on a windows localhost setup. I just copy and paste files/folders.
Folders appear in the remote section when connected to a remote server with login details (ip/domain, port number, user, password). The remote server you connect to would have a ftp server configured in order for you to connect to it. On a local windows setup you don’t need to connect remotely because you already have access to all the files and folders on your computer in windows. You just copy, paste, extract, whatever you want.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: getting php error after updatingIt appears that your wp-includes/load.php and/or wp-settings.php may have a file ownership/permission problem.
I am not sure what kind of setup you have but if you can re-upload the above mentioned to files as the actual user of that account that might solve your problem.
Either change/set those files to match the account name/holder, or rename them like wp-includes/load-backup.php and wp-settings-backup.php.
Then, login as the actual account holder and re-upload them so they will be owned by that account.
You might also double check other files and folders to make sure they are owned by that actual account/user.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: How to setup FTP account on myphpadminIf your are hosting locally you don’t really need a ftp for your own use. You can just copy/move/paste files to the www/htdocs folder where you want them to go.
Just copy and paste to where your wordpress folder is located and that’s it for a local setup.
Forum: Localhost Installs
In reply to: getting php error after updatingFind your php directory, and open your php.ini file.
Look for:
safe_mode = OnChange it to:
safe_mode = OffSave the changes.
Restart your server Apache or what have you for the changes to take effect.
Make sure you edit/change the right php.ini file. Some setups have more than one location.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Questions before I installThanks for the thoughts. I’ve seen a lot of wordpress sites and many looked like they might have spent a lot of time on design. Guess I’ll give it a test run. Thanks again.