Forum Replies Created
I am also getting this error “default-view.php.php is not a valid MVC template” notice the double .php. THis is also on a local xampp install using NGG version 3.55. Rolling back to version 3.41 fixes the problem.
Looks like version 3.54 has fixed the issues with the upload frame. Well done. Let’s hope it hasn’t broken anything else.
Hi, this is still broken in 3.53. It does look like the browse button is there but the design or something is compeltely messed up from versions peior to 3.52.
In the upload frame I can create a gallery and select the browse button. But tehre is no upload button to actually upload the images.
See a screenshot here:
Why is the upload frame so messed up?
Hi, Thank you so much for your reply I am glad you are adding the add_action. Can you tell me which version this will be in? I noticed 2 updates to NGG recently, just wondering if it is in one of them.
Thank you.
Hi Imagely,
Just another problem if you could take a look at. Related to the above issue.
I attempted to insert a gallery into the text editor part of the TinyMCE editor and it does not work. I clicked the ‘Add Gallery’ button to bring up the pop up to select a gallery but when I click the back ‘insert gallery’ button nothing happens.
Here is the error message from the console
`Uncaught TypeError: can’t access property “selectionStart”, myField is null
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jQuery 13`If you could at least fix this it would allow me to insert galleries instead of having to search for the gallery ID and paste in the shortcode.
Hi Imagely,
This issue still needs to be resolved but I may have found a partial solution/workaround. And I am hoping this information will help you find a proper fix for you to update ASAP.
I had to edit one of my game pages with a new cover image and release date. When I scrolled down to where the WYSIWIG editor is that I use to insert the gallery, the editor was on the text tab. When I set up the WYSIWIG custom field, I had it set to visual and text in the ACF field group.
The proper shortcode [ngg src=”galleries” ids=”202″ display=”basic_thumbnail” images_per_page=”10″] was displayed in the text tab as you would expect. I was expecting the shortcode to change to the HTML which breaks the displaying of images. However, on updating it did not change. It remained as the proper shortcode and the images displayed fine.
I went back into the game edit on the admin side and changed the editor tab back to visual then to text again. The shortcode changed to HTML which breaks the image display.
I then though I would try changing the WYSIWIG custom field to text only and then paste in the shortcode and just amend the gallery ID. I tried this with a new game I had added and it worked. The shortcode remained as it should be and the gallery displays properly on the front end.
So there must be something to do with the TinyMCE editor that is causing the issue. Earlier today I even tried rolling back to the previous versions of NGG but nothing worked.
It seems I have found a workaround for now, although it is not ideal as it means I have to search for the gallery to get the ID. In a future update, if you could add the agllery ID in the drop down list it would make it much easier.
This issue still needs to be looked at by your developers and I hope this information will help you get a proper fix very, very soon.
Sorry, in my last reply I mean the constant DID NOT seem to fix the issue.
Hi, Unfortunately, the constant did seem to fix the issue. This is a short screen recording of the problem, might give you a better idea of what’s happening.
Any assistance you can give to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, this issue has reared its head again in NGG 3.24. The previous issue I reported above was on a test site. This is my live site.
Galleries added prior to the last update, which was a couple of days ago I think are displaying fine. I have added two galleries today which now only show the EDIT and DELETE links on the page.
The same scenario, galleries are added to a WYSIWIG editor field inserted by ACF.
When viewing the text tab of the editor the code looks like this:
<div class="mceItem mceNonEditable nggPlaceholder" id="1648140472802" data-shortcode="ngg src="galleries" ids="428" display="basic_thumbnail"" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" contenteditable="false"> <h3>NextGEN Gallery</h3> <div class="nggPlaceholderButton nggIgwEdit"> Edit </div> <div class="nggPlaceholderButton nggIgwRemove"> Delete </div> </div>
This is the most basic functionality of your plugin. The ability to display images on a website. How can you break this with almost every update?
Can anyone recommend a better gallery plugin that allows importing from next-gen glalery?
I believe it was 3.22, the one before the current version.
It is the WYSIWIG editor that you can insert into a field group using ACF. Under content > WYSIWYG editor
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Recurring Events with the Free plugin?Very dissapointed that a basic feature is locked behind the PRO plugin. Seems this is happening more and more with wordpress plugins. I am not decrying anyone for trying to earn a living but £99 A YEAR just to get one feature is far too expensive. That might be OK for some large or medium business to pay but I’ve made a website for a very small local charity who doesnt have that kind of money.
Plugin developers should consider releasing certain features as add ons, I would gladly pay £10 for an add-on that gives me just recurring events. Instead, If I want it I need to pay $99 and get a load of garbage I don’t even need or want.
I mean seriously, whats next? A gallery plugin where you have to buy the PRO version jsut to upload photos. That’s what it’s coming to.
Thanks for your reply. I have enabled Show Errors but I do not show errors anywhere, either on the post or in the backend.
Yes, I have my PA-API keys entered, my associate ID is there and everything is showing as Connected.
I have checked the Dissalow no thumbnail option and that seems to have fixed it. There is no longer an empty amazon-product-container div above the actual product.
Problem solved, thank you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: tag and custom taxonomy paths return 404 errorHi @gengeru Yes, I have updated the permalink structure. I don’t think the issue is with permalinks but that there is no template to load content when a user is on this particular path.
A lot of WordPress sites that I visit, if I go to it is either a 404 or a redirect to another page. if I go to ideally a template should load a list of tags, just like a template loads a list of posts. Or if I go to a template should load a list of terms within that taxonomy.
I can create php code to display a list of terms from a taxonomy, but I can’t figure out which template to use if a user is on
Hi, Just a quick update. The plugin devs have released an update (2.4.1) and it seems to have fixed the issue. The update has only been released recently.