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  • Thread Starter g4ukl3r


    Hello and thank you for the answer. I have solved it myself.
    I use a jQuery Manager plugin and load jquery-1.12.4 which works with your plugin. Then I load a jQuery migration with the manager. The loaded migration file consists of jquery.slideviewer.1.2.js and jquery.easing.1.3. I merged these files. With this I have all functions again. Not the cleanest solution, but it works. Btw, the wordpress version is 4.9.3 and every update has the risk of breaking the website.
    Best regards



    i got an error when i use this code ??
    Can anybody help me, please?
    Thanks alot.
    Error Mesage after save the file:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'if' (T_IF) in /www/htdocs/w00ee33a/ on line 554

    Here is my complete code:

        Author: bozdoz
        Author URI:
        Plugin URI:
        Plugin Name: Leaflet Map
        Description: A plugin for creating a Leaflet JS map with a shortcode. Boasts two free map tile services and three free geocoders.
        Version: 2.0.2
        License: GPL2
    if (!class_exists('Leaflet_Map_Plugin')) {
        class Leaflet_Map_Plugin {
            public static $defaults = array(
                ordered admin fields and default values
                'leaflet_default_tiling_service' => array(
                    'default' => 'other',
                    'type' => 'select',
                    'options' => array(
                        'other' => 'I will provide my own map tile URL',
                        'mapquest' => 'MapQuest (I have an app key)',
                    'helptext' => 'Choose a tiling service or provide your own.'
                'leaflet_mapquest_appkey' => array(
                    'default' => 'supply-an-app-key-if-you-choose-mapquest',
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'noreset' => true,
                    'helptext' => 'If you choose MapQuest, you must provide an app key. <a href="" target="_blank">Sign up</a>, then <a href="" target="_blank">Create a new app</a> then supply the "Consumer Key" here.'
                'leaflet_map_tile_url' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'helptext' => 'See more tile servers here: <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.  Please note(!): free tiles from MapQuest have been discontinued without use of an app key (free accounts available) (see <a href="" target="_blank">blog post</a>). Can be set per map with the shortcode <br/> <code>[leaflet-map tileurl=https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg subdomains=abcd]</code>'
                'leaflet_map_tile_url_subdomains' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'helptext' => 'Some maps get tiles from multiple servers with subdomains such as a,b,c,d or 1,2,3,4; can be set per map with the shortcode <br/> <code>[leaflet-map subdomains="1234"]</code>',
                'leaflet_js_url' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'helptext' => 'If you host your own Leaflet files, specify the URL here.'
                'leaflet_css_url' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'helptext' => 'Save as above.'
                'leaflet_default_zoom' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'helptext' => 'Can set per map in shortcode or adjust for all maps here; e.g. <br /> <code>[leaflet-map zoom="5"]</code>'
                'leaflet_default_height' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'helptext' => 'Can set per map in shortcode or adjust for all maps here. Values can include "px" but it is not necessary.  Can also be %; e.g. <br/> <code>[leaflet-map height="250"]</code>'
                'leaflet_default_width' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'helptext' => 'Can set per map in shortcode or adjust for all maps here. Values can include "px" but it is not necessary.  Can also be %; e.g. <br/> <code>[leaflet-map width="100%"]</code>'
                'leaflet_default_attribution' => array(
                    'default' => "<a href=\"\" title=\"A JS library for interactive maps\">Leaflet</a>; \r\n? <a href=\"\">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors",
                    'type' => 'textarea',
                    'helptext' => 'Attribution to a custom tile url.  Use semi-colons (;) to separate multiple.'
                'leaflet_geocoder' => array(
                    'default' => 'google',
                    'type' => 'select',
                    'options' => array(
                        'google' => 'Google Maps',
                        'osm' => 'OpenStreetMap Nominatim',
                        'dawa' => 'Danmarks Adressers'
                    'helptext' => 'Select the Geocoding provider to use to retrieve addresses defined in shortcode.'
                'leaflet_show_zoom_controls' => array(
                    'default' => '0',
                    'type' => 'checkbox',
                    'helptext' => 'The zoom buttons can be large and annoying.  Enabled or disable per map in shortcode: <br/> <code>[leaflet-map zoomcontrol="0"]</code>'
                'leaflet_scroll_wheel_zoom' => array(
                    'default' => '0',
                    'type' => 'checkbox',
                    'helptext' => 'Disable zoom with mouse scroll wheel.  Sometimes someone wants to scroll down the page, and not zoom the map.  Enabled or disable per map in shortcode: <br/> <code>[leaflet-map scrollwheel="0"]</code>'
                'leaflet_default_min_zoom' => array(
                    'default' => '0',
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'helptext' => 'Restrict the viewer from zooming in past the minimum zoom.  Can set per map in shortcode or adjust for all maps here; e.g. <br /> <code>[leaflet-map min_zoom="1"]</code>'
                'leaflet_default_max_zoom' => array(
                    'default' => '20',
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'helptext' => 'Restrict the viewer from zooming out past the maximum zoom.  Can set per map in shortcode or adjust for all maps here; e.g. <br /> <code>[leaflet-map max_zoom="10"]</code>'
                // not in admin
                'leaflet_geocoded_locations' => array()
            public function __construct() {
                add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'admin_init'));
                add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'admin_menu'));
                add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array(&$this, 'enqueue_and_register') );
                add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array(&$this, 'enqueue_and_register') );
                add_shortcode('leaflet-map', array(&$this, 'map_shortcode'));
                add_shortcode('leaflet-marker', array(&$this, 'marker_shortcode'));
                add_shortcode('leaflet-line', array(&$this, 'line_shortcode'));
                add_shortcode('leaflet-image', array(&$this, 'image_shortcode'));
                add_shortcode('leaflet-geojson', array(&$this, 'geojson_shortcode'));
                /* allow maps on excerpts */
                /* should be optional? */
                add_filter('the_excerpt', 'do_shortcode');
            public static function activate () {
                /* set default values to db */
                foreach(self::$defaults as $name=>$atts) {
                    $value = isset($atts['default']) ? $atts['default'] : $atts;
                    add_option($name, $value);
            public static function uninstall () {
                /* remove geocoded locations */
                $locations = get_option('leaflet_geocoded_locations', array());
                foreach ($locations as $address => $latlng) {
                    delete_option('leaflet_' + $address);
                /* remove values from db */
                foreach(self::$defaults as $name=>$atts) {
                    delete_option( $name );
            public function enqueue_and_register () {
                /* backwards compatible : leaflet_js_version */
                $version = get_option('leaflet_js_version', '');
                /* defaults from db */
                $defaults = self::$defaults;
                $js_url = get_option('leaflet_js_url', $defaults['leaflet_js_url']['default']);
                $css_url = get_option('leaflet_css_url', $defaults['leaflet_css_url']['default']);
                $js_url = sprintf($js_url, $version);
                $css_url = sprintf($css_url, $version);
                wp_register_style('leaflet_stylesheet', $css_url, Array(), $version, false);
                wp_register_script('leaflet_js', $js_url, Array(), $version, true);
                // new required MapQuest javascript file
                $tiling_service = get_option('leaflet_default_tiling_service','');
                if ($tiling_service == 'mapquest') {
                    $mapquest_js_url = '';
                    $mq_appkey = get_option('leaflet_mapquest_appkey','');
                    $mapquest_js_url = sprintf($mapquest_js_url, $mq_appkey);
                    wp_register_script('leaflet_mapquest_plugin', $mapquest_js_url, Array('leaflet_js'), '2.0', true);
                // optional ajax geojson plugin
                wp_register_script('leaflet_ajax_geojson_js', plugins_url('scripts/leaflet-ajax-geojson.js', __FILE__), Array('leaflet_js',), '1.0', false);
                /* run an init function because other wordpress plugins don't play well with their window.onload functions */
                wp_register_script('leaflet_map_init', plugins_url('scripts/init-leaflet-map.js', __FILE__), Array('leaflet_js','leaflet_ajax_geojson_js'), '1.0', true);
                /* run a construct function in the document head for the init function to use */
                wp_enqueue_script('leaflet_map_construct', plugins_url('scripts/construct-leaflet-map.js', __FILE__), Array(), '1.0', false);
            public function admin_init () {
                wp_register_style('leaflet_admin_stylesheet', plugins_url('style.css', __FILE__));
            public function admin_menu () {
                add_menu_page("Leaflet Map", "Leaflet Map", 'manage_options', "leaflet-map", array(&$this, "settings_page"), plugins_url('images/leaf.png', __FILE__));
                add_submenu_page("leaflet-map", "Default Values", "Default Values", 'manage_options', "leaflet-map", array(&$this, "settings_page"));
                add_submenu_page("leaflet-map", "Shortcodes", "Shortcodes", 'manage_options', "leaflet-get-shortcode", array(&$this, "shortcode_page"));
            public function settings_page () {
                wp_enqueue_style( 'leaflet_admin_stylesheet' );
                include 'templates/admin.php';
            public function shortcode_page () {
                wp_enqueue_style( 'leaflet_admin_stylesheet' );
                wp_enqueue_script('custom_plugin_js', plugins_url('scripts/get-shortcode.js', __FILE__), Array('leaflet_js'), false);
                include 'templates/find-on-map.php';
            public function geocoder ( $address ) {
                $address = urlencode( $address );
                $geocoder = get_option('leaflet_geocoder', self::$defaults['leaflet_geocoder']['default']);
                $cached_address = 'leaflet_' . $geocoder . '_' . $address;
                /* retrieve cached geocoded location */
                if (get_option( $cached_address )) {
                    return get_option($cached_address);
                $geocoding_method = $geocoder . '_geocode';
                $location = (Object) self::$geocoding_method( $address );
                /* add location */
                add_option($cached_address, $location);
                /* add option key to locations for clean up purposes */
                $locations = get_option('leaflet_geocoded_locations', array());
                array_push($locations, $cached_address);
                update_option('leaflet_geocoded_locations', $locations);
                return $location;
            public function google_geocode ( $address ) {
                /* Google */
                $geocode_url = '';
                $geocode_url .= $address;
                $json = file_get_contents($geocode_url);
                $json = json_decode($json);
                /* found location */
                if ($json->{'status'} == 'OK') {
                    $location = $json->{'results'}[0]->{'geometry'}->{'location'};
                    return $location;
                /* else */
                return array('lat' => 0, 'lng' => 0);
            public function osm_geocode ( $address ) {
                /* OpenStreetMap Nominatim */
                $osm_geocode = '';
                $geocode_url = $osm_geocode . $address;
                $json = file_get_contents($geocode_url);
                $json = json_decode($json);
                /* found location */
                if (count($json) > 0) {
                    $location = (Object) array(
                        'lat' => $json[0]->{'lat'},
                        'lng' => $json[0]->{'lon'},
                    return $location;
                /* else */
                return (Object) array('lat' => 0, 'lng' => 0);
            public function dawa_geocode ( $address ) {
                /* Danish Addresses Web Application */
                $dawa_geocode = '';
                $geocode_url = $dawa_geocode . $address;
                $json = file_get_contents($geocode_url);
                $json = json_decode($json);
                /* found location */
                if ($json && $json[0]->{'status'}==1) {
                    $location = (Object) array(
                    return $location;
                /* else */
                return (Object) array('lat' => 0, 'lng' => 0);
            /* count map shortcodes to allow for multiple */
            public static $leaflet_map_count;
            public function map_shortcode ( $atts ) {
                if (!self::$leaflet_map_count) {
                	self::$leaflet_map_count = 0;
                $leaflet_map_count = self::$leaflet_map_count;
                /* defaults from db */
                $defaults = self::$defaults;
                $default_zoom = get_option('leaflet_default_zoom', $defaults['leaflet_default_zoom']['default']);
                $default_zoom_control = get_option('leaflet_show_zoom_controls', $defaults['leaflet_show_zoom_controls']['default']);
                $default_height = get_option('leaflet_default_height', $defaults['leaflet_default_height']['default']);
                $default_width = get_option('leaflet_default_width', $defaults['leaflet_default_width']['default']);
                $default_scrollwheel = get_option('leaflet_scroll_wheel_zoom', $defaults['leaflet_scroll_wheel_zoom']['default']);
                $default_attribution = get_option('leaflet_default_attribution', $defaults['leaflet_default_attribution']['default']);
                $default_min_zoom = get_option('leaflet_default_min_zoom', $defaults['leaflet_default_min_zoom']['default']);
                $default_max_zoom = get_option('leaflet_default_max_zoom', $defaults['leaflet_default_max_zoom']['default']);
                if ($atts) {
                /* only really necessary $atts are the location variables */
                if (!empty($address)) {
                    /* try geocoding */
                    $location = self::geocoder( $address );
                    $lat = $location->{'lat'};
                    $lng = $location->{'lng'};
                $lat = empty($lat) ? '44.67' : $lat;
                $lng = empty($lng) ? '-63.61' : $lng;
                /* check more user defined $atts against defaults */
                $zoomcontrol = empty($zoomcontrol) ? $default_zoom_control : $zoomcontrol;
                $zoom = empty($zoom) ? $default_zoom : $zoom;
                $min_zoom = empty($min_zoom) ? $default_min_zoom : $min_zoom;
                $max_zoom = empty($max_zoom) ? $default_max_zoom : $max_zoom;
                $scrollwheel = empty($scrollwheel) ? $default_scrollwheel : $scrollwheel;
                $height = empty($height) ? $default_height : $height;
                $width = empty($width) ? $default_width : $width;
                $attribution = empty($attribution) ? $default_attribution : $attribution;
                $tileurl = empty($tileurl) ? '' : $tileurl;
                $subdomains = empty($subdomains) ? '' : $subdomains;
                /* leaflet script */
                if (wp_script_is('leaflet_mapquest_plugin', 'registered')) {
                    // mapquest doesn't accept direct tile access as of July 11, 2016
                } else {
                    $default_tileurl = get_option('leaflet_map_tile_url', $defaults['leaflet_map_tile_url']['default']);
                    $default_subdomains = get_option('leaflet_map_tile_url_subdomains', $defaults['leaflet_map_tile_url_subdomains']['default']);
                    $tileurl = empty($tileurl) ? $default_tileurl : $tileurl;
                    $subdomains = empty($subdomains) ? $default_subdomains : $subdomains;
                /* allow percent, but add px for ints */
                $height .= is_numeric($height) ? 'px' : '';
                $width .= is_numeric($width) ? 'px' : '';   
                /* should be iterated for multiple maps */
                $content = '<div id="leaflet-wordpress-map-'.$leaflet_map_count.'" class="leaflet-wordpress-map" style="height:'.$height.'; width:'.$width.';"></div>';
                $content .= "<script>
                WPLeafletMapPlugin.add(function () {
                    var baseUrl = '{$tileurl}',
                        base = (!baseUrl && window.MQ) ? MQ.mapLayer() : L.tileLayer(baseUrl, { 
                           subdomains: '{$subdomains}'
                        map ='leaflet-wordpress-map-{$leaflet_map_count}', {
                            maxZoom: {$max_zoom},
                            minZoom: {$min_zoom},
                            layers: [base],
                            zoomControl: {$zoomcontrol},
                            scrollWheelZoom: {$scrollwheel},
                            attributionControl: false
                        }).setView([{$lat}, {$lng}], {$zoom});";
                    if ($attribution) {
                        /* add attribution to MapQuest and OSM */
                        $attributions = explode(';', $attribution);
                        $content .= "var attControl = L.control.attribution({prefix:false}).addTo(map);";
                        foreach ($attributions as $a) {
                            $a = trim($a);
                            $content .= "attControl.addAttribution('{$a}');";
                    $content .= '
                }); // end add
                return $content;
            public function image_shortcode ( $atts ) {
                /* get map count for unique id */
                if (!self::$leaflet_map_count) {
                    self::$leaflet_map_count = 0;
                $leaflet_map_count = self::$leaflet_map_count;
                /* defaults from db */
                $defaults = self::$defaults;
                $default_zoom_control = get_option('leaflet_show_zoom_controls', $defaults['leaflet_show_zoom_controls']['default']);
                $default_height = get_option('leaflet_default_height', $defaults['leaflet_default_height']['default']);
                $default_width = get_option('leaflet_default_width', $defaults['leaflet_default_width']['default']);
                $default_scrollwheel = get_option('leaflet_scroll_wheel_zoom', $defaults['leaflet_scroll_wheel_zoom']['default']);
                /* leaflet script */
                if ($atts) {
                /* only required field for image map */
                $source = empty($source) ? '' : $source;
                /* check more user defined $atts against defaults */
                $height = empty($height) ? $default_height : $height;
                $width = empty($width) ? $default_width : $width;
                $zoomcontrol = empty($zoomcontrol) ? $default_zoom_control : $zoomcontrol;
                $zoom = empty($zoom) ? 1 : $zoom;
                $scrollwheel = empty($scrollwheel) ? $default_scrollwheel : $scrollwheel;
                /* allow percent, but add px for ints */
                $height .= is_numeric($height) ? 'px' : '';
                $width .= is_numeric($width) ? 'px' : '';   
                $content = '<div id="leaflet-wordpress-image-'.$leaflet_map_count.'" class="leaflet-wordpress-map" style="height:'.$height.'; width:'.$width.';"></div>';
                $content .= "<script>
                WPLeafletMapPlugin.add(function () {
                    var map,
                        image_src = '$source',
                        img = new Image(),
                        zoom = $zoom;
                    img.onload = function() {
                        var center_h = img.height / (zoom * 4),
                            center_w = img.width / (zoom * 4);
                        map.setView([center_h, center_w], zoom);
                        L.imageOverlay( image_src, [[ center_h * 2, 0 ], [ 0, center_w * 2]] ).addTo( map );
                        img.is_loaded = true;
                    img.src = image_src;
                    map ='leaflet-wordpress-image-{$leaflet_map_count}', {
                        maxZoom: 10,
                        minZoom: 1,
                        crs: L.CRS.Simple,
                        zoomControl: {$zoomcontrol},
                        scrollWheelZoom: {$scrollwheel}
                    }).setView([0, 0], zoom);
                    // make it known that it is an image map
                    map.is_image_map = true;
                    WPLeafletMapPlugin.maps.push( map );
                    WPLeafletMapPlugin.images.push( img );
                }); // end add
                return $content;
            public function geojson_shortcode ( $atts ) {
                $leaflet_map_count = self::$leaflet_map_count;
                if ($atts) {
                /* only required field for geojson */
                $src = empty($src) ? '' : $src;
                $fitbounds = empty($fitbounds) ? 0 : $fitbounds;
                $color = empty($color) ? 'purple' : $color;
                $weight = empty($weight) ? 1 : $weight;
                $opacity = empty($opacity) ? 0.7 : $opacity;
                $geojson_script = "<script>
                    WPLeafletMapPlugin.add(function () {
                        var map_count = {$leaflet_map_count},
                            previous_map = WPLeafletMapPlugin.maps[ map_count - 1 ],
                            src = '{$src}',
                            color = '{$color}',
                            weight = '{$weight}',
                            opacity = '{$opacity}',
                            layer = L.ajaxGeoJson( src, {
                                color : color,
                                weight : weight,
                                opacity : opacity
                            fitbounds = {$fitbounds};
                        layer.addTo( previous_map );
                        if (fitbounds) {
                            layer.on('ready', function () {
                       this.getBounds() );
                return $geojson_script;
            public function marker_shortcode ( $atts, $content = null ) {
                /* add to previous map */
                if (!self::$leaflet_map_count) {
                	return '';
                $leaflet_map_count = self::$leaflet_map_count;
                if (!empty($atts)) extract($atts);
                $draggable = empty($draggable) ? 'false' : $draggable;
                $visible = empty($visible) ? false : ($visible == 'true');
                $iconurl = empty($iconurl) ? ‘’ : $iconurl;
                if (!empty($address)) {
                    $location = self::geocoder( $address );
                    $lat = $location->{'lat'};
                    $lng = $location->{'lng'};
            	/* add to user contributed lat lng */
                $lat = empty($lat) ? ( empty($y) ? '0' : $y ) : $lat;
                $lng = empty($lng) ? ( empty($x) ? '0' : $x ) : $lng;
                $marker_script = "<script>
                WPLeafletMapPlugin.add(function () {
                    var myIcon = L.icon({
                    iconUrl: ‘$iconurl’,
                    iconSize: [25, 41],
                    var map_count = {$leaflet_map_count},
                        draggable = {$draggable},
                        marker = L.marker([{$lat}, {$lng}], { draggable : draggable }),
                        previous_map = WPLeafletMapPlugin.maps[ map_count - 1 ],
                        is_image = previous_map.is_image_map,
                        image_len = WPLeafletMapPlugin.images.length,
                        previous_image = WPLeafletMapPlugin.images[ image_len - 1 ],
                    if (empty($lat) && empty($lng)) {
                        /* update lat lng to previous map's center */
                        $marker_script .= "
                        if ( is_image && 
                            !previous_image.is_loaded) {
                            previous_image_onload = previous_image.onload;
                            previous_image.onload = function () {
                                marker.setLatLng( previous_map.getCenter() );
                        } else {
                            marker.setLatLng( previous_map.getCenter() );
                $marker_script .= "
                if (draggable) {
                    marker.on('dragend', function () {
                        var latlng = this.getLatLng(),
                            lat =,
                            lng = latlng.lng;
                        if (is_image) {
                            console.log('leaflet-marker y=' + lat + ' x=' + lng);
                        } else {
                            console.log('leaflet-marker lat=' + lat + ' lng=' + lng);
                marker.addTo( previous_map );
                $message = empty($message) ? (empty($content) ? '' : $content) : $message;
                if (!empty($message)) {
    		$message = str_replace("\n", '', $message);
                    $marker_script .= "marker.bindPopup('$message')";
                    if ($visible) {
                        $marker_script .= ".openPopup()";                    
                    $marker_script .= ";
                $marker_script .= "
                        WPLeafletMapPlugin.markers.push( marker );
                }); // end add function
                return $marker_script;
            public function line_shortcode ( $atts, $content = null ) {
                /* add to previous map */
                if (!self::$leaflet_map_count) {
                    return '';
                $leaflet_map_count = self::$leaflet_map_count;
                if (!empty($atts)) extract($atts);
                $color = empty($color) ? "black" : $color;
                $fitline = empty($fitline) ? 0 : $fitline;
                $locations = Array();
                if (!empty($addresses)) {
                    $addresses = preg_split('/\s?[;|\/]\s?/', $addresses);
                    foreach ($addresses as $address) {
                        if (trim($address)) {
                            $geocoded = self::geocoder($address);
                            $locations[] = Array($geocoded->{'lat'}, $geocoded->{'lng'});
                } else if (!empty($latlngs)) {
                    $latlngs = preg_split('/\s?[;|\/]\s?/', $latlngs);
                    foreach ($latlngs as $latlng) {
                        if (trim($latlng)) {
                            $locations[] = array_map('floatval', preg_split('/\s?,\s?/', $latlng));
                } else if (!empty($coordinates)) {
                    $coordinates = preg_split('/\s?[;|\/]\s?/', $coordinates);
                    foreach ($coordinates as $xy) {
                        if (trim($xy)) {
                            $locations[] = array_map('floatval', preg_split('/\s?,\s?/', $xy));
                $location_json = json_encode($locations);
                $marker_script = "<script>
                WPLeafletMapPlugin.add(function () {
                    var previous_map = WPLeafletMapPlugin.maps[ {$leaflet_map_count} - 1 ],
                        line = L.polyline($location_json, { color : '$color'}),
                        fitline = $fitline;
                    line.addTo( previous_map );
                    if (fitline) {
                        // zoom the map to the polyline
                        previous_map.fitBounds( line.getBounds() );
                    WPLeafletMapPlugin.lines.push( line );
                return $marker_script;
        } /* end class */
        register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array('Leaflet_Map_Plugin', 'activate'));
        register_uninstall_hook( __FILE__, array('Leaflet_Map_Plugin', 'uninstall') );
        $leaflet_map_plugin = new Leaflet_Map_Plugin();


    i got an error when i use this code ??
    Can anybody help me, please?
    Thanks alot.
    Error Mesage after save the file:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘if’ (T_IF) in /www/htdocs/w00ee33a/ on line 554

    Here is my complete code:
    [ Unreadable code block redacted ]



    i got an error when i use this code ??
    Can anybody help me please?
    Thanks alot.

    Error Mesage after save the file:
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘if’ (T_IF) in /www/htdocs/*******/**********/wp-content/plugins/leaflet-map/leaflet-map.php on line 554

    if (!empty($address)) { <——————–Line554
    $location = self::geocoder( $address );
    $lat = $location->{‘lat’};
    $lng = $location->{‘lng’};

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by g4ukl3r.
    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by g4ukl3r.
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