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  • Thread Starter fychan66



    Turns out it was an artefact of the PHP I was writing – because I was having to loop through DB tables to evaluate the global merge tags, I was using eval() to output the return values. Turns out the eval doesn’t quite work this way (as hinted by this comment, which is what gave me the final hint to track down the solution:

    So, now I’m writing what I was eval’ing to a string, writing that to a file, then require_once()ing that file & everything works as expected.

    I’ll switch the file writing to a cron task, so it’s not overly thrashing the HDD.

    Thread Starter fychan66


    Thank you – resolved. You’re correct (obviously) – I wasn’t actioning the additions for the right things, at the right times, in the right places.

    Thread Starter fychan66


    Thanks Kuba.

    I followed the instructions (I think!), but wrapping the notification_register_carrier() inside a add_action( 'notification/elements', function() {}) seems to cause the carrier not to be available.

    If I leave it outside of that add_action hook, I can set up the carrier, and assign it to a notification as expected, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to actually be triggered like the email one does.

    Feeling a little bit dim, I have to admit.

    Here’s the file I’ve created in my plugin folder:

     * Email Carrier
     * @package notification
    namespace BracketSpace\Notification\Defaults\Carrier;
    use BracketSpace\Notification\Interfaces\Triggerable;
    use BracketSpace\Notification\Abstracts;
    use BracketSpace\Notification\Defaults\Field;
     * Email Carrier
    class wpnzcfcn_DB extends Abstracts\Carrier {
    	 * Carrier icon
    	 * @var string SVG
    	public $icon = '<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M22 18.055v2.458c0 1.925-4.655 3.487-10 3.487-5.344 0-10-1.562-10-3.487v-2.458c2.418 1.738 7.005 2.256 10 2.256 3.006 0 7.588-.523 10-2.256zm-10-3.409c-3.006 0-7.588-.523-10-2.256v2.434c0 1.926 4.656 3.487 10 3.487 5.345 0 10-1.562 10-3.487v-2.434c-2.418 1.738-7.005 2.256-10 2.256zm0-14.646c-5.344 0-10 1.562-10 3.488s4.656 3.487 10 3.487c5.345 0 10-1.562 10-3.487 0-1.926-4.655-3.488-10-3.488zm0 8.975c-3.006 0-7.588-.523-10-2.256v2.44c0 1.926 4.656 3.487 10 3.487 5.345 0 10-1.562 10-3.487v-2.44c-2.418 1.738-7.005 2.256-10 2.256z"/></svg>';
    	 * Carrier constructor
    	 * @since 5.0.0
    	public function __construct() {
    		parent::__construct( 'wpnzcfcn-database', __( 'Internal Notification', 'wpnzcfcn' ) );
    	 * Used to register Carrier form fields
    	 * Uses $this->add_form_field();
    	 * @return void
    	public function form_fields() {
    		$this->add_form_field( new Field\InputField( [
    			'label' => __( 'Subject', 'wpnzcfcn' ),
    			'name'  => 'subject',
    		] ) );
    		$body_field = new Field\TextareaField( [
    			'label'              => __( 'Body', 'wpnzcfcn' ),
    			'name'               => 'body',
    			'allowed_unfiltered' => true,
    		] );
    		$this->add_form_field( $body_field );
    		$this->add_form_field( new Field\RecipientsField( [
    			'carrier' => $this->get_slug(),
    		] ) );
    	 * Sends the notification
    	 * @param  Triggerable $trigger trigger object.
    	 * @return void
    	public function send( Triggerable $trigger ) {
    		$data = $this->data;
    		// Neither the transients, or the log files, get written...
    			1 * DAY_IN_SECONDS 
    			1 * DAY_IN_SECONDS 
    		wpnzcfcn_log_error( 'notification',json_encode($data) );
    		wpnzcfcn_log_error( 'notification',json_encode($trigger) );
     * ExampleRecipient Recipient
    class UserID extends Abstracts\Recipient {
    	 * Constructor
    	public function __construct() {
    		parent::__construct( [
    			'slug'          => 'recipient_user_id',
    			'name'          => __( 'User ID', 'wpnzcfcn' ),
    			'default_value' => 'default',
    		] );
    	 * Parses raw recipient value to something consumable by the Carrier.
    	 * @param  string $value Raw value saved by the user.
    	 * @return array         Array of resolved values
    	public function parse_value( $value = '' ) {
    		if ( empty( $value ) ) {
    			$value = [ $this->get_default_value() ];
    		//$value = do_something_with_the_value( $value );
    		// Keep in mind you should return an array here.
    		// This is because you may select a recipient which parses to multiple values.
    		// Example: User Role recipient may parse to multiple emails.
    		return [ $value ];
    	 * Prints the Recipient field.
    	 * @return Field
    	public function input() {
    		// You can use other fields as well.
    		return new Field\InputField( [
    			'label'     => __( 'Notification Recipients', 'wpnzcfcn' ),
    			'name'      => 'recipient',       // Don't change this.
    			'css_class' => 'recipient-value', // Don't change this.
    			'value'     => $this->get_default_value(),
    			'pretty'    => true,
    			'description' => __( 'You can use any valid merge tag.', 'wpnzcfcn' ),
    			'resolvable'  => true,
    		] );
    // This doesn't work if wrapped.
    //add_action( 'notification/elements', function() {
        notification_register_recipient( 'wpnzcfcn-database', new UserID() );
        notification_register_carrier( new wpnzcfcn_DB() );
    //} );
    Thread Starter fychan66


    Forgot to mark as resolved, apologies

    Thread Starter fychan66


    Thanks – but I discovered that regardless as to if I could implement a solution in your plugin, the Watson Assistant didn’t support the JS API endpoints I required in the Sydney datacentre at the time. Using another datacentre wasn’t an option.

    As such, unfortunately I was limited by the endpoints more than your plugin. Cheers for follow up,

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