Forum Replies Created
I can confirm that if you switch off error reporting on the front end of the site in wp-config.php, you don’t see this error. Having said that, just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s gone away! (ref
// Disable display of errors and warnings define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false ); @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 );
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty-Four] How to edit the favicon?Any advice if you actually want to edit the favicon and not the Site Logo block? btw – My Site Logo Block has no logo in it to edit and no way to add a logo.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Default font Twenty-Three?I have this issue too. I set up a new json file with the font sizes I wanted and the theme seems to totally ignore them and do what it wants. Fair enough you can change them with CSS, but adding !important causes problems and at the end of the day, if you provide that feature in the json file, it should be honoured! Crazy, like much of the mess that is the block editor!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Crontrol] Problems too – do you need logs?Hi Generosus
Yes, I use Wordfence Pro on that site so they were automatically blocked. I must admit that I’m not sure whether it was attacks that bought down the site, or whether it was the plugin update and the site was getting attacked after.
CheersI have a very rough and ready fix for this! As you can see the info in the filters is being sorted alphabetically rather than as numbers. Rather than look at a fix which will then break other filters, you can rearrange the numbers so that they will show in the right order. You can do that by adding leading 0’s into the numbers. So if your biggest number is in the thousands for example a low number like 12 would need to be displayed as 0012. Obviously this isn’t the best, but it does work and the filter becomes usable.
I should add too that if you have large tables like me that I import from Excel, Excel will do this work for you. Just highlight the cells you want to format (all the numbers), right mouse click them and select Format Cells. In the format cells dialogue box, hit custom and type 0# for two digit, 00# for 3 digits, 000# for 4 digits etc. In my case I was using this to filters sizes up into their thousands, so I used 000#. You can then save the file as an CSV and import and everything should then be in number order. I guess if you really wanted to go to town you could write a script that runs at the end that then deletes all these leading 0’s.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] iFrame – Prevent PreloadingThanks RavanH, that worked a treat. I can move it on to the live site after a bit of styling now.
I always forget those fancybox options tucked over there! Lesson learned!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Firelight Lightbox] iFrame – Prevent PreloadingHi RavanH
Thanks for the reply. That’s what I would have expected too. I used different code as follows: –
<a class="fancybox" href="#fancyboxID-5">Buy In-Store</a> .... <?php echo "<!-- Electrical Wholesaler Location Map -->"; echo "<div class=\"fancybox-hidden\" style=\"display: none;\">"; echo "<div id=\"fancyboxID-5\" class=\"hentry\" style=\"width: 460px; max-width: 100%;\">"; ?> <iframe src="" style="width:100%;max-width:940px;height:900px;"></iframe> </div></div>
This was seeming to load the iframe in the background, which was odd. I swapped over to your code and that is now live on but you can see that this doesn’t open a fancybox window it just links straight through to the site (so the class isn’t working). Am I doing something wrong?
CheersForum: Plugins
In reply to: [TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy] Tablepress Cache CommentHi Tobias
Thanks, that worked a treat.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Locator] Postal Code in SpainHi Chicsmart,
I think I have an answer for you! I’ve just had the same issue in Australia and managed to fix it.
When you enter your Google Maps Javascript API V3 Key (public) on /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wp_simple_locator, Simple Locator must just take that as a variable and add it to the normal Google maps link. As luck would have it, following that key in their code, you can add a variable to set a default country code. I added the following after my key: –
Once I had done that, my searches default to Australia, so it picks post codes and locations a lot better than the default.
To find your country code, use Yours should be ES, so your code should be something like: –
Hope this works for you. I’ll add it as a seperate localisation post too as I’m not sure the author is working on this anymore, which is a shame as I would have paid for more features.
FunkygorillaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Database Sync] [Feature Request] Replace Site URLHi Guys,
I’m just looking at this plugin but I would need a URL replacement too. Did this ever happen?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Responsive Menu - Create Mobile-Friendly Menu] Page Disappearing!Hi,
That’s a tricky one! It was only this particular site that had issues. Even the staging site didn’t. It might be something to do with the HHVM server configuration (which we don’t have in staging). We had a lot of trouble with HHVM after a server move and have eventually removed it completely.
What I might do is try the update again late one night next weekend and see what happens. I’ll let you know if it falls over again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Responsive Menu - Create Mobile-Friendly Menu] Page Disappearing!Hi,
I can confirm that it’s this latest update that causes this problem. I rolled back to the 3.0.10 version and all seems ok.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Oembed Not Working from Same SiteAfter switching themes and all the other things that we were supposed to do, all with no luck, I noticed that the latest WordPress update included a fix for Oembed and I can confirm that it now seems to work.
I occasionally seem to need to add the ‘[embed] [/embed]‘ shortcode around links to get it to recognise it, but apart from that the problem seems to be solved for the moment at least.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Oembed Not Working from Same SiteHi Ronniej6987,
I’m still try to get through this one! Could you tell me what theme your site uses? I’ve seen a few reports about switching themes, then going back again. I use a child theme on top of twenty twelve and was wondering if you had something similar? I’ve tried going to just twenty twelve (as I don’t have any other themes installed) and that doesn’t work, but I’m just wondering whether I should try adding a theme, then switching to it and back again!
SimonHi Tobias,
That’s what I thought too. I was wondering whether the way dropbox duplicates in chunks rather than files might not show that an update had taken place, but I have also tried a static location with no luck either.
Do you think looking at alternate file formats apart from csv would make a difference?