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  • Thread Starter funky69


    Thanx for your answer! but the problem was wp-cycle plug-in that i had to deactivate…


    Thread Starter funky69


    Version | By Instinct EntertainmentVersion | By Instinct Entertainment

    Thread Starter funky69


    I mean link to a specific http adress..

    Thread Starter funky69


    Thanx man!
    link to the problem page,

    I want to remove the “produkter” button because i have a problem
    styling the e-commerce shop…my solution is to hyperlink from other buttons in the main-navigation if thats possible?


    Thread Starter funky69


    Hi Marventus!
    Sorry about that…


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Products page
    Thread Starter funky69


    Thanx! But is it possible to skip the payment option and just use the
    product gallery function and remove the “Add to Cart” buttons
    and have a more info button instead?

    Thread Starter funky69


    I want to build similar product page functions like this,

    With 4 main catergorys and 40-50 products each…
    I tried to use custom feilds and it worked pretty god..but if i want to add some extra link like moore info..does it have to bee on a separate post or page. What’s the best solution?


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: adding a forum…
    Thread Starter funky69


    Thanx man!

    Thread Starter funky69


    Thanx man!

    Thread Starter funky69


    Thanx man!!

    Thread Starter funky69


    Here we go..theme-options.php ,

    $defaults = array( // define our defaults
    ‘header_blog_title’ => ‘Image’,
    ‘featured_top_left’ => 1,
    ‘featured_top_left_num’ => 3,
    ‘featured_top_left_thumb_width’ => 70,
    ‘featured_top_left_thumb_height’ => 70,
    ‘featured_top_right’ => 1,
    ‘featured_top_right_num’ => 3,
    ‘featured_top_right_thumb_width’ => 70,
    ‘featured_top_right_thumb_height’ => 70,
    ‘featured_bottom’ => 1,
    ‘featured_bottom_num’ => 3,
    ‘featured_bottom_thumb_width’ => 110,
    ‘featured_bottom_thumb_height’ => 110,
    ‘enews’ => ‘Yes’,
    ‘blog_cat’ => 1,
    ‘blog_cat_num’ => 5 // <– no comma after the last option

    // push the defaults to the options database,
    // if options don’t yet exist there.
    add_option($settings, $defaults, ”, ‘yes’);

    This section hooks the proper functions
    to the proper actions in WordPress
    // this function registers our settings in the db
    add_action(‘admin_init’, ‘register_theme_settings’);
    function register_theme_settings() {
    global $settings;
    register_setting($settings, $settings);
    // this function adds the settings page to the Appearance tab
    add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘add_theme_options_menu’);
    function add_theme_options_menu() {
    add_submenu_page(‘themes.php’, ‘Church Theme Options’, ‘Church Theme Options’, 8, ‘theme-options’, ‘theme_settings_admin’);

    This section handles all the admin page
    output (forms, update notifications, etc.)
    function theme_settings_admin() { ?>
    <?php theme_options_css_js(); ?>
    <div class=”wrap”>
    // display the proper notification if Saved/Reset
    global $settings, $defaults;
    if(get_theme_mod(‘reset’)) {
    echo ‘<div class=”updated fade” id=”message”><p>’.__(‘Theme Options’, ‘studiopress’).’ ‘.__(‘RESET TO DEFAULTS’, ‘studiopress’).’</p></div>’;
    update_option($settings, $defaults);
    } elseif($_REQUEST[‘updated’] == ‘true’) {
    echo ‘<div class=”updated fade” id=”message”><p>’.__(‘Theme Options’, ‘studiopress’).’ ‘.__(‘SAVED’, ‘studiopress’).’</p></div>’;
    // display icon next to page title
    <h2><?php echo get_current_theme() . ‘ ‘; _e(‘Theme Options’, ‘studiopress’); ?></h2>
    <form method=”post” action=”options.php”>
    <?php settings_fields($settings); // important! ?>

    <!–first column–>
    <div class=”metabox-holder”>

    <div class=”postbox”>
    <h3><?php _e(“StudioPress QuickDash”, ‘studiopress’); ?></h3>
    <div class=”inside”>
    <p>Do you want access to all StudioPress Themes?
    Upgrade to the Pro-Plus package for only $140. <small>(Use PPUPG as the discount code.)</small></p>
    <p><img style=”vertical-align:middle;margin:0px 3px 3px 0px;” src=”; alt=”Subscribe to StudioPress” />Subscribe to RSS  <img style=”vertical-align:middle;margin:0px 3px 3px 0px;” src=”; alt=”Subscribe to StudioPress” />Subscribe via Email</p>

    <div class=”postbox”>
    <h3><?php _e(“Header Blog Title”, ‘studiopress’); ?></h3>
    <div class=”inside”>
    <p><?php _e(“Select from the following”, ‘studiopress’); ?>:
    <select name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[header_blog_title]”>
    <option style=”padding-right:10px;” value=”Image” <?php selected(‘Image’, get_theme_mod(‘header_blog_title’)); ?>><?php _e(“Use an image logo”, ‘studiopress’); ?></option>
    <option style=”padding-right:10px;” value=”Text” <?php selected(‘Text’, get_theme_mod(‘header_blog_title’)); ?>><?php _e(“Use dynamic text”, ‘studiopress’); ?></option>

    <div class=”postbox”>
    <h3><?php _e(“Homepage Featured Top Left”, ‘studiopress’); ?></h3>
    <div class=”inside”>
    <p><?php _e(“Select which category you want displayed”, ‘studiopress’); ?>:
    <?php wp_dropdown_categories(array(‘selected’ => get_theme_mod(‘featured_top_left’), ‘name’ => $settings.'[featured_top_left]’, ‘orderby’ => ‘Name’ , ‘hierarchical’ => 1, ‘hide_empty’ => ‘0’ )); ?></p>

    <p><?php _e(“Number of posts to show”, ‘studiopress’); ?>:
    <input type=”text” name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[featured_top_left_num]” value=”<?php echo get_theme_mod(‘featured_top_left_num’); ?>” size=”3″ /></p>

    <p><?php _e(“Thumbnail dimensions”, ‘studiopress’); ?> (<?php _e(“Width x Height”, ‘studiopress’); ?>)
    <input type=”text” name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[featured_top_left_thumb_width]” value=”<?php echo get_theme_mod(‘featured_top_left_thumb_width’); ?>” size=”3″ /> x <input type=”text” name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[featured_top_left_thumb_height]” value=”<?php echo get_theme_mod(‘featured_top_left_thumb_height’); ?>” size=”3″ /></p>

    <div class=”postbox”>
    <h3><?php _e(“Homepage Featured Top Right”, ‘studiopress’); ?></h3>
    <div class=”inside”>
    <p><?php _e(“Select which category you want displayed”, ‘studiopress’); ?>:
    <?php wp_dropdown_categories(array(‘selected’ => get_theme_mod(‘featured_top_right’), ‘name’ => $settings.'[featured_top_right]’, ‘orderby’ => ‘Name’ , ‘hierarchical’ => 1, ‘hide_empty’ => ‘0’ )); ?></p>

    <p><?php _e(“Number of posts to show”, ‘studiopress’); ?>:
    <input type=”text” name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[featured_top_right_num]” value=”<?php echo get_theme_mod(‘featured_top_right_num’); ?>” size=”3″ /></p>

    <p><?php _e(“Thumbnail dimensions”, ‘studiopress’); ?> (<?php _e(“Width x Height”, ‘studiopress’); ?>)
    <input type=”text” name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[featured_top_right_thumb_width]” value=”<?php echo get_theme_mod(‘featured_top_right_thumb_width’); ?>” size=”3″ /> x <input type=”text” name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[featured_top_right_thumb_height]” value=”<?php echo get_theme_mod(‘featured_top_right_thumb_height’); ?>” size=”3″ /></p>

    <div class=”postbox”>
    <h3><?php _e(“Homepage Featured Bottom”, ‘studiopress’); ?></h3>
    <div class=”inside”>
    <p><?php _e(“Select which category you want displayed”, ‘studiopress’); ?>:
    <?php wp_dropdown_categories(array(‘selected’ => get_theme_mod(‘featured_bottom’), ‘name’ => $settings.'[featured_bottom]’, ‘orderby’ => ‘Name’ , ‘hierarchical’ => 1, ‘hide_empty’ => ‘0’ )); ?></p>

    <p><?php _e(“Number of posts to show”, ‘studiopress’); ?>:
    <input type=”text” name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[featured_bottom_num]” value=”<?php echo get_theme_mod(‘featured_bottom_num’); ?>” size=”3″ /></p>

    <p><?php _e(“Thumbnail dimensions”, ‘studiopress’); ?> (<?php _e(“Width x Height”, ‘studiopress’); ?>)
    <input type=”text” name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[featured_bottom_thumb_width]” value=”<?php echo get_theme_mod(‘featured_bottom_thumb_width’); ?>” size=”3″ /> x <input type=”text” name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[featured_bottom_thumb_height]” value=”<?php echo get_theme_mod(‘featured_bottom_thumb_height’); ?>” size=”3″ /></p>
    <!–end first column–>

    <!–second column–>
    <div class=”metabox-holder”>

    <div class=”postbox”>
    <h3><?php _e(“Sidebar eNews & Updates”, ‘studiopress’); ?></h3>
    <div class=”inside”>
    <p><?php _e(“Include the eNews & Updates section?”, ‘studiopress’); ?>
    <select name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[enews]”>
    <option style=”padding-right:10px;” value=”Yes” <?php selected(‘Yes’, get_theme_mod(‘enews’)); ?>><?php _e(“Yes”, ‘studiopress’); ?></option>
    <option style=”padding-right:10px;” value=”No” <?php selected(‘No’, get_theme_mod(‘enews’)); ?>><?php _e(“No”, ‘studiopress’); ?></option>

    <p><?php _e(“Google/Feedburner Feed ID:”, ‘studiopress’); ?>
    <input type=”text” name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[enews_id]” value=”<?php echo get_theme_mod(‘enews_id’); ?>” size=”20″ /></p>
    <p><?php _e(“Learn how to find your Google/Feedburner ID”, ‘studiopress’); ?> <?php _e(“here”, ‘studiopress’); ?>.</p>

    <div class=”postbox”>
    <h3><?php _e(“468×60 Ad Block”, ‘studiopress’); ?></h3>
    <div class=”inside”>
    <p><?php _e(“Display an ad between the post and comments?”, ‘studiopress’); ?>
    <select name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[468_ad]”>
    <option style=”padding-right:10px;” value=”Yes” <?php selected(‘Yes’, get_theme_mod(‘468_ad’)); ?>><?php _e(“Yes”, ‘studiopress’); ?></option>
    <option style=”padding-right:10px;” value=”No” <?php selected(‘No’, get_theme_mod(‘468_ad’)); ?>><?php _e(“No”, ‘studiopress’); ?></option>

    <p><?php _e(“Enter your ad code:”, ‘studiopress’); ?>
    <textarea name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[468_code]” cols=35 rows=5><?php echo stripslashes(get_theme_mod(‘468_code’)); ?></textarea></p>

    <div class=”postbox”>
    <h3><?php _e(“Blog Page Template”, ‘studiopress’); ?></h3>
    <div class=”inside”>
    <p><?php _e(“Select which category you want displayed”, ‘studiopress’); ?>:
    <?php wp_dropdown_categories(array(‘selected’ => get_theme_mod(‘blog_cat’), ‘name’ => $settings.'[blog_cat]’, ‘orderby’ => ‘Name’ , ‘hierarchical’ => 1, ‘show_option_all’ => __(“All Categories”, ‘studiopress’), ‘hide_empty’ => ‘0’ )); ?></p>

    <p><?php _e(“Number of Posts to Show”, ‘studiopress’); ?>:
    <input type=”text” name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[blog_cat_num]” value=”<?php echo get_theme_mod(‘blog_cat_num’); ?>” size=”3″ /></p>

    <p class=”submit”>
    <input type=”submit” class=”button-primary” value=”<?php _e(‘Save Settings’, ‘studiopress’) ?>” />
    <input type=”submit” class=”button-highlighted” name=”<?php echo $settings; ?>[reset]” value=”<?php _e(‘Reset Settings’, ‘studiopress’); ?>” />

    <!–end second column–>

    </div><!–end .wrap–>
    <?php }

    // add CSS and JS if necessary
    function theme_options_css_js() {
    echo <<<CSS

    <style type=”text/css”>
    .metabox-holder {
    width: 350px; float: left;
    margin: 0; padding: 0 10px 0 0;
    .metabox-holder .postbox .inside {
    padding: 0 10px;

    echo <<<JS

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $(“.fade”).fadeIn(1000).fadeTo(1000, 1).fadeOut(1000);


    Thread Starter funky69


    Here is the functions.php for the theme,

    load_theme_textdomain(‘studiopress’, TEMPLATEPATH.’/languages/’);

    add_filter(‘comments_template’, ‘legacy_comments’);

    function legacy_comments($file) {

    if(!function_exists(‘wp_list_comments’)) : // WP 2.7-only check
    $file = TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/legacy.comments.php’;

    return $file;

    // Turn a category ID to a Name
    function cat_id_to_name($id) {
    foreach((array)(get_categories()) as $category) {
    if ($id == $category->cat_ID) { return $category->cat_name; break; }

    // include the breadcrumb nav tool

    // include the theme options

    // include the dashboard widget

    if ( function_exists(‘register_sidebars’) )
    register_sidebar(array(‘name’=>’Sidebar Top’,’before_title’=>'<h4>’,’after_title’=>'</h4>’));
    register_sidebar(array(‘name’=>’Sidebar Bottom Left’,’before_title’=>'<h4>’,’after_title’=>'</h4>’));
    register_sidebar(array(‘name’=>’Sidebar Bottom Right’,’before_title’=>'<h4>’,’after_title’=>'</h4>’));
    register_sidebar(array(‘name’=>’468×60 Header Banner’,’before_title’=>'<h4>’,’after_title’=>'</h4>’));

    function the_content_limit($max_char, $more_link_text = ‘(more…)’, $stripteaser = 0, $more_file = ”) {
    $content = get_the_content($more_link_text, $stripteaser, $more_file);
    $content = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $content);
    $content = str_replace(‘]]>’, ‘]]>’, $content);
    $content = strip_tags($content);

    if (strlen($_GET[‘p’]) > 0) {
    echo “<p>”;
    echo $content;
    echo ” <a href='”;
    echo “‘>”.__(“Read More”, ‘studiopress’).” →”;
    echo “</p>”;
    else if ((strlen($content)>$max_char) && ($espacio = strpos($content, ” “, $max_char ))) {
    $content = substr($content, 0, $espacio);
    $content = $content;
    echo “<p>”;
    echo $content;
    echo “…”;
    echo ” <a href='”;
    echo “‘>”.$more_link_text.””;
    echo “</p>”;
    else {
    echo “<p>”;
    echo $content;
    echo ” <a href='”;
    echo “‘>”.__(“Read More”, ‘studiopress’).” →”;
    echo “</p>”;

    Thread Starter funky69


    Yep, i did….

    Thread Starter funky69


    Thanx for your answer! But after the corrections you recomended it still says “Church theme options” in apppearance tab…


Viewing 14 replies - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)