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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Twitter Widget Pro] Can't save settingsIt does the same thing to me.
I change the options in the widget (turning off @ replies and such) and then when I save or close the widget, the settings revert to their default. It took me months to notice the reset when saving, and I couldn’t figure out what was going on… so this is not a new issue.
The default includes too much detail/word junk for my taste, so I’m looking to replace this plug-in now since they don’t seem to be fixing this issue.
on WP 3.5 with Pexeto Dandelion theme
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple WordPress Installations with RootThank you for your response, but I was told by GoDaddy that in order to fix my problem I had to move the WP install from a subdirectory, where it lived happily without problem, to the ROOT. When it all went to heck, the response I got from customer service was that WP was my problem and they don’t offer support. I get that the host has no obligation to help me set up 3rd party software, but to start me down a path and then cut me off was unkind to say the least.
btw – “Just move it to linux” is misleading to those out there considering it. From what I understand through countless articles is that it’s not a simple flick of a switch. Migrating breaks everything and the install has to be cobbled together again, you have to edit the databases and reconfigure a bunch of stuff, and it still might not work quite as it did.
Nothing I tried from countless experts, customer service and person tinkering from online advice could rectify the problem of the webconfig either breaking one site or the other. Pretty permalinks don’t work properly on the GoDaddy windows servers. There is no workaround, it never works 100% correctly, each workaround just generates problems elsewhere.
I’m in the process of migrating elsewhere. If I’m going to move them, might as well move them to a Linux server at a host that understands WordPress and is willing to be helpful. I’m done hacking things up and doing workarounds, time for a clean slate.
ps – Buddypress also doesn’t work properly on the GoDaddy windows server.
Word of the wise to newbs like me – If you’re on windows IIS, switch to linux before you install WP, not after. Don’t move your WP install if you don’t have to. Put it where it’s going to live and save yourself a major headache. Choose a host that fully supports WordPress and is willing to get their hands dirty if you have a problem. WordPress has a list of good hosts.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple WordPress Installations with RootI have a very similar problem, also on GoDaddy, on a windows server *I think*.
Both of my WordPress installs are in subdirectories.
You can see the site at and the second site at I changed the URL stuff so that the main blog appears to be at the instead of, it broke the second WP site (/fruitstewards). I can still see the home page and the dashboard for that page, but all pages underneath are 404.
Questions for the GoDaddy person – Is there some magic code I can add to my web.config to get both blogs working again? I’m really newb to this whole thing, and this non-profit really needs to their site up and running again. All day yesterday I fought with getting the main site subdirectory to act as the root, only to find I had broken the second WP. I am beyond frustrated and lost… and advice would help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: the wordpress site redirected to other websiteI’m working through some similar stuff – moving WP installs around, and I’m not sure, but the advice on this page might help you to get your website to point to the main URL instead of the subdirectory:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Redirecting problem with two WP sites, same server, one disappearedUpdate – I don’t think it has to do with the .htaccess files.
I *think* I need the web.config file that is in the root to somehow say
if the url is, change the URL to (don’t show the site visitor the /newsitetest part)
BUT if the url is, to leave it alone. No Url rewrite.
I don’t know what code would accomplish that… scouring the internet…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Green Stimulus WP-Theme HelpLively Labs doesn’t seem to respond to anything on their “support” forums.
That fixed it! Thank you so much Design Spike! ??