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  • Had almost the same experience on a site that was running e107 recently (which was partially my fault as I hadn’t kept up with the security patches, though e107 is kinda known for being vulnerable)… and I was therefore quite glad that I keep backups. I keep multiple backups on multiple computers even, and that’s in addition to any backups my host keeps. I’m a paranoid girl.

    It only took me about 15 minutes to repair all the damage.

    I wish these kiddies would find something more productive to do with their “skillz”. Like creating useful applications. Sheesh.

    You’ve got the section for the login outside of the sidebar div and the ul declaration.

    Try putting everything from <li id="login"> to the </li> just below

    <div id="sidebar">

    That will at least help, I think anyway. ??

    Ok, I’ve been working on this a bit today, mainly just because I had a need to get in to one of my 1.5.2 sites and noticed not only is the feed missing, but the draft links and the footer were missing as well – meaning something was causing the page to stop loading.

    The issue appears to be the actual feed from — if you try to validate that feed there is a big old error.

    I changed the address in the wp-admin/index.php to a different feed, and voila, my dashboard feed was working. (Albeit, not the WP blogs.)

    Since the error seems to be with a specific post in the feed, it looks like we have to wait for that post to roll out of the feed, which may be a while. I tried setting the wp-admin index to only grab the last 2 from the feed, but it seems that because the feed has an error, it can’t pick up any of it.

    Now… Can anyone explain why this isn’t happening to WP 2.0? Does WP 2.0 have something that is able to parse the feed even with the error?

    Ha. Now I go back and look at what I posted, and the p tag was in that list.

    Such a long list of tags in one declaration… I just missed it. Glad you’ve got it working. ??

    Searching for that color probably won’t help you much, so I’ll give you the answer. ??

    To remove that border, add this into your CSS:

    .headerTitle img {
    border: 0px none;

    Unless you don’t want images on your site to ever have borders, in which case, you can add:

    img {
    border: 0px none;

    And that will remove from all of them.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: New plugin: Quoter

    Very nice work!

    Easy to figure out too, because I’d already installed, configured, and styled it all before I figured out there was a link to the instructions page in English. ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Intergrate login?

    The CSS that controls the login page is wp-admin/wp-admin.css. You’ll see #login in there, and you can edit that as you like.

    You will need to note your changes if you want to keep this because this will get overwritten on upgrades.

    This might help.

    (Even though this is not really a WP question, it might prove helpful to other WP users.)

    I’m not aware of any limit, and seriously, if there was one, I think a number of my posts on my blog would have gone over it. (I’m a bit… wordy.)

    Without seeing the site you’re talking about (a link would be most helpful) I can only take stabs at figuring out what went wrong.

    Is it only this one post? Do you have other long posts? Have you tried adding more long posts if not? It could be something in the post that’s cutting it off…

    Have you looked at the source of the output? Check for unintended commented out sections, or code that you didn’t put in there.

    Did you copy and paste from a word processing program? That will have all kinds of wonky effects.

    She said, actually. ??


    That might be what you’re looking for instead.

    EDIT: Oh crap. Never mind. You’re talking about in the post meta… and um, I don’t know how to do that. Sorry. Ignore me. ??

    Maybe try specifying a margin on the p tag? You’ve got a lot of tags set to 0 margin at the beginning (html, body, ul, ol, li, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, form, fieldset) but there’s no margin set on the p. Maybe one of those is overriding… because the p tags are there, so WP is functioning as expected.

    Oh goodness no. I have more responsibility than I can handle now! LOL

    But thanks. ??

    I’m not a miracle worker, just a bit of a geek who likes challenges. ??

    One thing to note: Your header image is 1278px wide. While that may look good to you if you’re using a high resolution – you’ll find that most people won’t be able to see the entire image. Anyone using 1024×768 (most common among visitors to my sites) or 800×600 (less common these days, but still prevalent) is only going to see part of it. On my 1024×768 I can only see “Timless Parenting Advice for Tots through” — the rest is cut off. You might want to consider resizing the image to at least 1024 in width. (If you do that – make note of the new image height and change the .headerTitle height designation in your CSS accordingly.)

    Now then:

    The light blue band is just the second line of code that you didn’t quite get commented out.

    <div style="padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; font-size: 138%; color: #eee; font-weight: bold;" ><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></div>

    Comment out (or just delete it if you want) that div – and the blue bar should go away. ??

    I can’t help much with the adsense question, as I’ve never installed ads on anything I’ve worked on. Anyone else want to step up on that one?

    Making the header image clickable is a bit trickier, since we’ve set it up to be a background image rather than an image on the page. You can’t make background images clickable.

    So… here’s a possible solution:

    Remove the background image from your #header in the CSS.

    Add this into your header.php, under .headerTitle (and take out anything else that’s there):

    <a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/header.jpg" alt="Raising Small Souls" /></a>

    And I’m not a parent myself (I have the patience to do this, but not to raise kids!) but I have a very good friend who is – if you wouldn’t mind me passing that offer to her, I will take you up on it.

    Well, I figure I got the answer from the WP Codex at some point or another when I was figuring out how to do things, so credit should go where credit is due. ??

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