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Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Changing the Header of Individual PagesYou don’t have to. ??
When you create a page, you can choose what template to have it use. (You probably only have one template now, so there’s nothing to choose, but when you have more than one, you’ll see a list.)
On Write – Page, look on the right side of the page for “Page Template”. Once you have more than one template, you can pick and choose there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Spam coming in, actual Comments aren’tMy next guess would be a new copy of wp-comments-post.php, but then I’m guessing you’ve tried that…
It’s odd though, because when I had this problem, if I tried to submit a comment I got an actually completely blank page. (Which is what I thought you meant.) When I tried to leave a comment on your site, I got a “Sorry no posts matched your criteria.” message – so it’s doing something.
Sorry. I’m not sure where to go next… anyone else wanna jump in here?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Error when posting after WordPress UpgradeThis is just a guess based on the error – do you have the Adhesive plugin installed? (the meta_key=’sticky’ bit is what leads me there) If so, have you upgraded it to 3.2? (If not, go here: and get the latest one.)
From what I understand, there was a bit of an issue with WP 2.0.1 and earlier versions of Adhesive.
If you’ve done all that, try deactivating Adhesive and see if you still get the same error. If so, I’m out of ideas. If not, then there’s a conflict with Adhesive and something, though I couldn’t say what.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 430 ForbiddenMake sure you’ve uploaded the images to the right place. Based on this theme, they should be in wp-content/themes/Girl/images/.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: category display-how do I remove the count?You will likely find the answer here:
wp_list_cats is usually in sidebar.php, where you see optioncount=1, change that to optioncount=0.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 430 Forbiddenmoshu: it was a 403 with an additional 404 because there was no 403 page ??
Janette: Changing the layout is done with Themes. This is a good place to start for that:
I (and most of the folks here who try to help) would not recommend altering the default theme. Find another theme you like, or if you have to change it yourself, find another one you like and change that to what you want it to be. The default theme is tricky to work with.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 430 ForbiddenI’ve never edited wp-config.php after an install, and I’m not familiar enough with the core code to say if you need to start all over. If you used a one click install or fantastico, you might be better off just starting over. If not, then just take the wp-config.php out of the original zip file, make the edits that you did before installation to give it the database info, and upload that in place of the one that’s there now. If that doesn’t work, then yes, I’d say start over.
Where did you see something that said to change wp-config.php to change the look? Yikes.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 430 ForbiddenJanette – you’re going to have to give us a little more to work with to help you.
Your profile link doesn’t go to a WP blog, so can you give us a link to the WP site you’re working on?
I’m guessing you meant you’re getting a 403 Forbidden error – when do you get this? Trying to go to the main page? Trying to log in?
Why were you editing wp-config.php for setting a new layout? (On this I’m just curious.) You shouldn’t edit wp-config.php after the initial installation edits – I can’t actually think of a reason to unless you’re moving your site.
Without knowing all that, my best guess would be get a fresh copy of wp-config.php, ONLY change the lines that correspond to your database info like you did to install, and put that up on your server.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to do Alt for Header IMGD’oh! You were too fast for my edit. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to do Alt for Header IMGAs far as I know, there is not a way to add an alt to a CSS called image, since it’s not an element of the page as such, but the design.
You should be able to add a title to the div though to (I think) get the effect you’re looking for.
<div id="headerimg" title="Header" onclick="location.href='';" style="cursor: pointer;"></div>
Edit: Tested it myself, and yeah, it works. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Spam coming in, actual Comments aren’tI’ve had this happen on several blogs I’ve helped ppl set up – and I couldn’t even begin to tell you what happens. (Anyone else know the answer?)
However, I will tell you how I fixed it – I uploaded fresh copies of the comments.php file from the themes they were using. I grabbed a new copy of the theme and put the new file in. If you’ve edited comments.php you’ll lose any edits you made, but it fixes the issue. (Or it least it always has for me.)
It looks like you’re using a modified version of Benevolence – if so, grab a fresh copy from here: . Back-up the copy of comments.php you have out there now, and put the comments.php from that package on your site. You can try to troubleshoot comparing the files and such, but I never did figure out what went wrong.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Changing the Header of Individual PagesThe Codex entry for Page Templates is a good starting point.
There might be an easier way to do such a thing, but I would create a page template for each one that I wanted and hard code the header into that template.
As for the image showing on the page – I’m guessing (and really this is only a guess cause I haven’t poked around in your code enough to verify, so I don’t know for sure I’m answering you right) that you’ve figured out some way to replace the_title with an image link, so your page template is likely calling the same thing. You can remove that call from your page.php template (and any other templates you create) and then you shouldn’t get that image.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: New SQL Injection vulnerability?Akismet can run on 1.5.2 — or at least I was able to run it when I was testing it on 1.5.2. I’ve since upgraded the site that I use Akismet on though, and I can’t remember if I did that before the the Akismet final release or before…. urg. Sorry, that’s not terribly helpful.
The only site I have to keep 1.5.2 on is one where all comments are moderated anyway… so I think I’m ok. (It’s one that I hacked to absolute pieces to do something other than blog, and I *really* don’t want to have to upgrade.)
If anyone knows any different … please say so. ??
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Add spacing and border for imagesYou can do all this with CSS.
I’d start with adding this to your style.css:
.post img {
margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
}And adjust sizes and colors to your liking. ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Reviews of Jawfish welcomeVery nice clean look.
The validation is off, but it looks like a good many of the errors are because of the table in your post. Plus, you have the doctype set to XHTML 1.0 Strict. That’s a heck of a challenge.
Other than that though, I dig it. ??