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  • fruitfly


    Might want to try this plugin:

    I haven’t tried it myself, but I’ve seen others sing its praises. ??



    What do you mean by comments aren’t working? There’s no link to comments? You can’t post a comment? Is there an error message?

    What theme was it? Link to where it’s active?

    That might give someone a running start…



    “Most people on the Internet are well-trained enough now to RTFM…”

    I couldn’t disagree with you more. ??

    Regardless, you’re preaching to the choir my friend. I don’t think there’s anyone on this forum that wouldn’t LOVE to have the search feature work, but we aren’t the ones who can do anything about it.

    Anyway, did you get your date issue fixed?



    No problem. ??



    After you add the one piece that declares all ‘li h2’ spots to be the same, you can delete all of the lines that specify an id, yes. UNLESS you want one of them to be different – say, you decided to make the search heading blue for whatever reason – then you need to add in a line that just styles the li#search h2.

    As long as you want all the headers on the sidebar to look the same, you only need to declare it one time in general – you don’t need to declare it for every id.



    I looked at your CSS already, and I was telling you what to add. ??

    This happens because when you add a new linkcat, it’s got an ID that isn’t covered in the CSS. So when you added a new one it had an id of linkcat-8 or linkcat-9 – which isn’t specified in your CSS (there’s no block for li#linkcat-8), so it’s picking up whatever is specified for h2 in general.

    That’s why I suggested just adding this (this would be a NEW piece in your CSS):

    li h2 {
    padding: 0;
    color: #FF9933;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;

    That’s one generic declaration for ALL of the ‘li h2’ spots on your page. That way, when you add a new one, it will be styled the same.

    After you add that, you can remove all of the lines that have ‘li#xxxxx h2’ (where xxxxx= whatever ID specification is there) – as they will now all be covered by the one I gave you.

    Make sense? ??



    It looks like the p tag spacing is working fine to me.

    Using the single page as my base, I looked at your code.

    Where there are p tags, there is space. There are places where it looks like you intended a new paragraph, but what you’ve got in the code is a br instead.

    Example – the first paragraph after the blockquote starts with “Molti di voi hanno pensato che…” and that paragraph isn’t actually closed until “…riesco a dare torto a 6 miliardi di persone.”

    I’m not sure how you’re doing it – are you somehow pressing ctrl+enter by mistake? – but somehow you’re getting breaks where you want paragraphs.



    It’s in your CSS. Each one of your link categories has an id of linkcat-1, linkcat-2, etc. Your CSS only styles 1, 2, and 3.

    Unless you plan on having different colors for headings on the side bar in the future, all you really need to add is this:

    li h2 {
    padding: 0;
    color: #FF9933;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;

    And you can actually remove a large portion of your CSS – all the li#* h2 lines that are in there are all exactly the same, and this one declaration would cover all of them. ??



    I found a thread where a plugin was the solution to others that appear to be having the same issue:



    I don’t know anything about wp-email, but with subscribe2, it looks like you need to update it to the latest version. You can find subscribe2 2.2.2 at the author’s website.

    With the latest, instead of using subscribe.php, you create a page and place the token for it on that page. Helps to maintain your theme much better.



    I don’t see how the second blog would have anything to do with it. (Though I could be wrong.)

    The comments are obviously there, I can see them in the RSS.

    Have you made any changes to your template files recently, specifically comments.php? Without seeing the files themselves – just looking at your source – I don’t see any attempt to grab the comments.

    Install any new plugins? Made any other changes to any files in this blog?



    vkaryl – That would probably have done what we wanted to do too… but I like my own little solution. ??

    Actually, ours is meant more as a community service type thing rather than a link exchange – most of the businesses we’d be listing (if we ever get out there and get them into it) don’t even have an Internet presence at all. (Lakewood, OH is a bit behind technology wise.) LakewoodPride is meant to be more like a yellow pages sort of thing, and I wanted the ability for each business to have their own page.



    I actually have a WP site that I hacked to turn it into a directory service, which is completely unrelated to blogging in any way.

    It’s been up for a while, but we haven’t actually done much with it yet because we haven’t had the time (I built it for the company I work for). Plus, I really want to give it a different look one day, but I figured since I wasn’t using it as a blog, the default Kubrick worked just swell. ?? if you want to take a look.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [NEW] ESBN


    I will jump in here to say that I do the same thing vkaryl does, mainly though as a way to make sure my backup copies of my sites (which are kept on my hard drives) are the same as the one on the server. Plus, I always save a copy of any of the zip files of any plugin/theme/etc in case I need to go get a fresh file when… um… IF I screw something up, without having to hunt it down again.

    I’ve got shell access, and once upon a time I knew how to do everything there, but I’ve long since forgotten a lot of what I used to know. Everytime I go into vi these days I stop and get a glazed look for a few minutes while I try to recall vi commands.

    But to the point – let me just echo what everyone else has said. Actually, you’re lucky if most of the users out there even know how to unzip and FTP. No, I’m not kidding. With the proliferation of Fantastico/one clicks, a lot of people have websites and blogs who have never touched FTP, and having done tech support for many years, I can tell you that zip is still an unknown to a lot of people.

    Not that I’m suggesting you try to be that in depth – just making the point. ??

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Strange thing


    Your site looks exactly the same to me in IE as it does in FF to me. (Which is a feat in itself.) I see the same header graphic in both.

    Do you have another computer you can get to see it on? (A friend, co-worker, whatever…) My guess would be a glitch on your own computer, not anything wrong with the theme.

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