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  • The only option in the admin is the number of posts, so conceivably, you could set that to 0 and that would effectively kill feeds. However, your site will still have a feed, just one that won’t load.

    If someone else has a better solution, feel free to correct me, but this is what I would do:

    Take all of the RSS links in the header out (no, you don’t need to have those).

    And then just to make sure – I’d remove wp-feed.php, wp-rdf.php, wp-rss.php, and wp-rss2.php from the main directory. AFAIK, those files only apply to the feeds, and this way there’s no feed published at all.


    Assuming you’re using WP 2.0 (I can’t remember what the old versions’s options were), in the Dashboard, go to Options > Discussion.

    Under the section “Before a comment appears” uncheck
    An administrator must approve the comment (regardless of any matches below)
    Comment author must have a previously approved comment

    Set the comment moderation links to a high number (like 100 or more) and clear the text box below that of any text.

    Make sure you have a spam protection plugin activated before you do this though, unless you really want a zillion comments about poker and phentermine.

    Ahh, ok. What you’re looking to do is implement one of the old styles on WP 2.0. Sorry, I misunderstood.

    Download the files for the style you want (you can find the links to the download for the one you mentioned here:

    Set your theme to classic in WP, then replace the style.css with the one you downloaded, and make sure you upload any images needed. You will likely have to tinker with it a bit, as the styles were all made for older versions of WP.

    1. If you remove list-style: inside; from your CSS, you should have the list alignment issue solved.

    2. Your CSS has the paragraph tag styled as
    p {
    font: 11px/16px verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
    margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    padding: 2px;

    Try changing the margin or padding to get the spacing you’re going for.

    And as a more general help response – spend some time getting to know CSS. A good start is the W3Schools CSS Tutorial.

    RogMcDodge: The full explanation of how to do this is covered in the WP codex under Using Themes.

    You need to edit wp-register.php in the main directory for your site, line 97 in the default unedited version.

    Look for this line: <h1><a href="">WordPress</a></h1>

    bcp – this is not a problem that’s unique to WP, so you’ll probably need to widen your search for help. Design for WP is done entirely with CSS, and sadly, IE and Mozilla based browsers (like Firefox) interpret CSS differently. It sucks – but it’s the case. If you really want to ensure your site looks the same in both browsers, you’ll basically need to take each problem separately and look for solutions. It’s time consuming and very annoying (IMO), but it’s necessary.

    And that’s without even considering other browsers like Safari or Opera. Good luck.

    My first instinct is the simple explanation, browser cache. Try holding shift while clicking reload on your blog after changing the theme, or close the browser altogether and restart it.

    If that doesn’t make a difference – then I’d ask – have you installed the theme switcher plugin? Because if you have, no matter what you set in the wp-admin, theme switcher overrides that with the last chosen theme. You’ll have to select the new theme via the theme switcher on your page to see it.

    I’ll try to help… don’t know how much help this will be though. ??

    1. You can make WP look like whatever you want – whether or not that’s “hard” depends on how well you know CSS and PHP. If you’re comfy with those, then it’s just learning the WP structure, and I’d recommend looking over the codex for design & layout.

    As far as editing default vs. finding a theme and editing: I’d probably recommend finding a theme that’s close and working from there, but the default has the same basic layout as what you’re trying to get, so that might do what you need.

    Your other option is to pay someone to design it for you, using your current site as the base. There are lots and lots of people out there that do custom designs for WP, and I feel sure that someone would be able to help you with that.

    2. WP works as a CMS, so you could replace it all with that. This, like all of your other questions really, is simply a matter of personal preference though, so it’s hard to give a definitive answer. I’ve used WP to build all kinds of sites at this point – once you learn WP structure it’s so easy to modify to do what you want – and it could probably do what you want. It’s not a stupid idea by any means… you just have to learn WP.

    3. Honestly, there probably is a way to do that, but off the top of my head, I’d say no. Someone else may have a better answer for you, but I doubt that it would be a really simple solution at any rate. (Maybe javascript?)


    Mike, what do you mean by “any other place”?

    AFAIK, the more tag has to be in the loop, so if you’re trying to place it in the sidebar or footer or some such other thing, it’s not going to work. (Someone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.)

    If you just mean in multiple posts, that’s another issue altogether.

    The easiest solution I could find was to continue to call the sidebar from the footer, but make the sidebar.php this (this is the entire file code):

    <!-- begin sidebar -->

    <div class="both"></div>


    <!-- end sidebar -->

    You need that div there to clear the float.

    There’s probably a more elegant way to do it, but that’s a quick hack.

    The height of the header is set in the CSS —

    #header { margin: 0 !important; margin: 0 0 0 1px; padding: 1px; height: 198px; width: 758px; }
    #headerimg { margin: 7px 9px 0; height: 50px; width: 740px; }

    Try changing those lines till you get what you’re looking for.

    It’s a stab in the dark, but try setting the permalink structure again. I’d guess that there was no .htaccess file at all (maybe got deleted when you did the upgrade?), and it just needs to be recreated – WP 2.0 updates the .htaccess automatically for me…

    As for the registration link – take a look at your sidebar.php (most likely) – it’s in there in the Meta section, but you’ve got the Meta section commented out. If you don’t want to use Meta, just copy that link out and put it wherever you’re wanting it to appear.


    Teenie: Your biggest issue overall is that the code is a mess. I don’t say that as a smart aleck criticism, but it’s really hard to help solve issues when the validator gives 472 errors. Urg. That said, I’ll give it a go:

    — I don’t know if this will help, but try specifying border=”0″ on your img tags. In IE it looks like it’s just using the default blue link color instead of the CSS, since you haven’t delcared the color for a link for the whole page (only specific sections). In lieu of having to remember the border attribute on every img tag, you could set the img link color in the CSS and that would probably fix it as well.

    — As for the side list – you don’t have an opening <ul> tag anywhere in there that I can see, so you’ve just specified list items without declaring a list. I don’t know if that will fix the display, but it’s a start. That will probably help with using the image as bullet problem as well.

    As it stands, that’s probably about all the help I can offer.

    We’ll need more info if anyone’s going to be able to help you… what theme are you having problems with?

    If it’s live on a site at the moment, what’s the URI?

    Have you made any modifications to the theme or built it yourself?

    That should give us a running start.

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