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  • Any of the files you change in the wp-content directory (and sub-directories) are upgrade safe (as long as you follow the upgrade directions).

    Any changes you make anywhere else, you will lose in an upgrade, and it makes a LOT of sense to keep a tab on those.

    For most users, the only changes you’ll make will be in the wp-content folder, so you’re probably ok. ??

    Ok, I won’t edit that one anymore, cause ugh, I’m just plain dumb tonight.

    I’m going to take a third stab and then hope that someone has better eyes than I do…

    I think it has something to do with clearing floats, as every time the space is added (to single post pages or the main page) it falls below the right & left menus in IE.

    So someone who knows a lot more about CSS than I do would do good to jump in here. ??

    EDITED: Ok, ignore what I wrote before if you saw it, I did more research and I was wrong.

    I will still say it’s got something to do with the firstpost classes, as that’s the only place it shows up with the extra space. I’ll continue to dig, just cause it mystifies me. ??

    I’ve seen this topic a few times (just today) so I’d guess that yes, it is a bug. The search for the forums seems to be a bit out of whack (and that’s putting it mildly) so I actually can’t find the other threads to reference it here…

    But if I’m reading right, it will be fixed in the next release. I know that doesn’t really help now, but that’s about the best anyone can offer most likely.

    There is a really great step-by-step at for doing this, though those instructions were written for versions prior to 1.5. I’m not at all sure if those would work for any versions higher, and you’re likely to have to play around with it some… so use caution. Backup everything before you start hacking at the code. But that might give you a start. (It worked great for me before Pages were introduced.)

    I use Dreamhost. There are downsides, but honestly, I’ve never been as happy with a host as I have been with them.

    If you’re looking to host more than one domain, multiple databases, etc., I don’t think there’s a better value (considering both of those are unlimited).

    There are some things that are slow, and service does drop from time to time, but it’s a trade off situation. Support there has been really helpful for me, though I’ve heard lots of grumbles from others. Your mileage may vary. ??

    (And if you decide to go with them, I can’t help but ask you to use the link from my site to do it… helps to pay my bills! ?? )

    You’ll want to use the_date template tag, instead of the_time (or whatever you’re using currently).

    If you just want to make the name and email address optional, that’s in your admin options. Go to Options > Discussion and uncheck “Comment author must fill out name and e-mail” under Before a comment appears.

    If you’re looking to actually remove the field from the page… well someone else will have to jump in here for that one. I’m not sure what the repercussions would be for functionality.

    Glad to be of service. I seem to have botched a few today, and it’s nice to know I helped someone! ??

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Static Page

    Adhesive (that link goes to the WP 2.0 version) is probably the best for the job.

    By default, in most themes, the full post is displayed on the main page, unless you’ve inserted the <!-- more --> tag into the posts.

    If you have used the more tag, remove that from any posts.

    If you haven’t, then I’m guessing the theme you’re using (since you didn’t tell us, or provide a link, I have to guess) is calling the excerpt (you would see this – <?php the_excerpt() ?> – in index.php) instead of the entire post. (Seems odd to me, but everyone’s got different ideas of what looks good I guess.) If that is in fact the case, you’ll want to change that to <?php the_content('more...'); ?>

    Without seeing your site or knowing what theme you’re using, that’s my best guess.

    Ok, I’m stumped temporarily at least. (And WP always takes out the slash, that’s normal.) There’s one thing that can help — somewhere you have this in your site:

    http:/ — notice the missing / in that path? If you can find where that is in your site, that’s where the problem is. Maybe it’s hard coded in some file?? Double check the options, and make sure they have both slashes… and then I’m stuck other than that being hard coded somewhere.

    Urg. I messed you up a little. You have wordpress installed in /wordpress, though I’m a bit confused as to how you had this working! (Maybe my own stupidity here though.)

    Because I goofed, I’ll help you fix it if you like – email me at [email protected] and I’ll tell you what I need to fix it.

    If you don’t want to trust me with that (and given this foul up, I can see where that might be a question) then for starters, we have to change your URI back. gives detailed instructions on how to do that.

    Then we’re back to where we started, and I’m confused as to what was happening there… so…

    Please email me, and I’ll work with you on this. ??

    Assuming your theme hasn’t altered things too much in the sidebar.php template, adding this to your style.css should do it:

    #sidebar ul li {border: 1px solid #999; padding: 4px; }
    #sidebar ul li ul li {border: 0; padding: 0}

    Adjust padding & colors to your liking.

    If that doesn’t work, I’d need to see your sidebar.php to work it out.

    Check your options in the admin. If you’re running from your main directory, and all your WP files are in the main directory (as they appear to be, since works just fine), under Options, General the WordPress address and Blog address should both be (I’m guessing that right now one of those says, which is likely what’s causing the problem.)

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