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  • I’m getting connection refused when I try to go to your site at the moment.

    Try adding this to your CSS:

    .imagelink a {border: 0}
    .imagelink a:hover {border: 0}

    That should make the border go away (both on the link and the hover), unless there’s something else in the code that I’m missing (which is entirely possible).

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: My site error

    Most likely it’s an issue with your host. If it was all working fine last night, then my guess is that the database server with your host is down. See if you can log in using phpMyAdmin (or whatever tool you used to create the database). If not, contact them to find out what’s wrong.

    Nearly all (if not all) themes available for WP allow you to modify the theme as you see fit. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever come across a theme that you couldn’t freely edit, though some do ask for / require a link back or to have their info remain in the file comments. Check the files that come with the theme – either in a license file that would be included or the style.css file you’ll find that theme author’s rules. If there are no rules stated, I usually assume that means I have free license…

    Or copy/paste to a plain text editor (like notepad) first, then copy/paste from the plain text editor into WP.

    Or just use a plain text editor to start with.

    Have you tried adding the IP address to the moderation with wildcards? I can’t actually find any documentation as to whether or not that will work, but it’s worth a shot. So you’d put in: 68.237.*.*

    Other than that, does the person use the same email address or name on his/her comments? If so, you can add those to the moderation.

    If you want to keep this person from accessing wp-comments-post (thus keeping them from placing a comment at all), you can use .htaccess to do it.

    Add this to your .htaccess in your main WP directory (where the wp-comments-post.php file is):

    <Files wp-comments-post.php>
    order allow,deny
    deny from 68.237.*.*
    allow from all

    When he/she tries to post a comment, a 403 error page will appear instead. Keep in mind, this will block *any* comments from that IP block, so if there are others who use the same ISP, they may be blocked as well.

    But make sure you have a 403 error page – you can read about that at the section Using a Custom 403 in the Combatting Comment Spam/Denying Access codex entry.

    Taking a look at your source will give you the answer. ??

    You should check your sidebar.php for this line:

    <li class="pagenav">Pages<ul>

    That’s your culprit. It’s also giving you a ul that isn’t closed.

    Maybe GoDaddy? I have no experience with them as a hosting solution – so I can’t say if they’re any good – but the president of GoDaddy is a staunch advocate of free speech & domain privacy, and has stirred up controversy on his own blog numerous times. (

    I can say that I’ve never had any problems with any service of GoDaddy’s I have used.

    Just the first thought that popped into my head reading your tale.

    It looks like someone has posted a javascript in your 4th comment, and done it wrong. I didn’t even think someone could do that, but lo and behold. (Maybe it’s just something you’ve got in the single.php?)

    Take a look at that 4th comment in your source – there’s a javascript there with an unclosed HTML comment, so the rest of the page is there, but the browser doesn’t render it because of the comment.

    The default theme does not include the sidebar (lateral menu) on pages or single post pages by design.

    If you want it to appear, I believe spencerp has the key to that here:

    Scroll down to spencerp’s response with the code – that should help you out.

    Urg. I just spent some time playing with this theme, and I can’t make it work either.

    A quick (but not perfect) solution is to create a single.php template (just duplicate the index.php and rename it as single.php), and then remove the footer / sk-footer sections from that. It means you won’t have a footer on a single post page, but it keeps it from looking wonky when you don’t have enough content to stretch down to the bottom. (I had the same problem with a theme I was working on once, and I don’t think I ever got it to work right.)

    Maybe someone else who’s more proficient with CSS can help? Sorry.

    If you look at your source, it’s trying to pull all your files (CSS, images, etc.) from a 10.x.x.x IP address, which is usually an IP address within a network meant for use on a local LAN only… my guess is an editing program that replaced paths with local settings without you noticing. It worked while you were at home because you were on that 10.x.x.x IP, but the outside world doesn’t have access to that.

    I’d suggest getting a fresh copy of WP files and re-uploading as there’s no telling what else has been modified. Then make your edits in some other program than what you were using – or check your settings in that editor.

    There is certainly something going on in your blog… my first guess would be a plugin that’s doing something strange.

    If I look at your source, there tons of extraneous tags like

    <p class="MsoNormal">
    <p class="MsoNormal">

    (unclosed p tags, and a class of MsoNormal being applied over and over, which isn’t being used by your CSS) and a weird thing where random words are being wrapped in span lang="en-US"

    I’ve had problems before with formatting plugins that didn’t play well with the more tag. Try deactivating your plugins and see what happens. Then one by one turn them back on until you can’t add it again… and there’s your culprit.

    If you don’t have plugins installed, then something is bizzaro about your blog. Demon possession?

    What browser are you using? Do you allow cookies to be set? Honestly, this is a weird one…

    Do you have another browser on your desktop you can try?

    Try a shift-reload and/or clearing your browser cache.

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