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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] W3TC and Google XML Sitemaps – XML declaration errorThe code for displaying and generating “googlenewsfeed” on the page “Google News Feed” with selected “Page template” here: code for google-news-sitemap.xsl is here: new “Google News RSS Feed” for Google News Publisher is called from functions.php with:
// register new Google News Feed RSS - because of the error of needed "full" description for post and content in body for guidelines add_action('init', 'customRSS'); function customRSS(){ add_feed('googlenewsfeed', 'customRSSFunc'); } function customRSSFunc(){ get_template_part('rss', 'googlenewsfeed'); }
The code for “rss.php” file which is displaying and generating “goolenewsfeed” RSS Feed here: I have to change the code, or add the “page” or that “feed” under the “do not cache” somewhere?
Why that occurs on PHP 7.4 is more questioning, because it was working fine on PHP 7.2 until 5 days and it is still working on other Website running for 2-3 months on PHP 7.3.
The setup of the W3TC configuration (cache, redis, page cache, php, opcache, nginx …) and general Linux and LEMP web server is exactly the same.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Fritex. Reason: rss.php file
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Sitemap Generator for Google] Help errorWhich PHP version are you running?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Sitemap Generator for Google] Error after first generated sitemapSame error.
Running latest version of this plugin with latest WordPress on Nginx and PHP-fpm 7.4
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] CloudFlare APO – does it work with W3TC? Any more benefits?Thank you for reaching out!
That is true.
Me too, have not found any issues or topics regarding that.I have to admit I have not yet tested the W3TC with the “APO enalbed” in the CloudFlare Dashboard.
Will try it out in the CloudFlare dashboard “enabled” and see what it happens with the tutorial written on CloudFlare website.
Will write back if I find out any issues in that combination, if so.
Nevertheless, thanks for great caching plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] CloudFlare APO – does it work with W3TC? Any more benefits?Maybe the “cache invalidation” or “bypass” by Cookie? – not needed for now, but, hm .. maybe would be usefull for WooCommerce, if so?
Dear @vmarko
Thank you for fast response and helpful feedforward information regarding my questions!
Will do, as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance
And, I wonder is the current version already compatible with PHP 7.4?
Can I test it on my server environment?Thanks
Thank you very much for provided information and help!
I hope I will get it working.
Basically if I understand it …
From that, I can setup/configure on my dedicated server and use different ports for Memcached – for each of those 3 WordPress Websites.While also using, different Redis Databse ID – as I understand “max 15/16 databases per Redis instace” on the same port.
Thank you for help and a bit of explanation!In short, is it possible to use W3TC plugin with the:
a) multiple WordPress websites that have:
1. separated /home/www/domain-name/ folders
2. installed in different databases
2.1. different database names as well
2.2. different table prefix as wellb) while using a setup for each like:
1. Memcached – database cache
2. Redis – object cacheNOTE: 1. and 2. – running on the same instance?!
3. Page Cache – disk enhanced
4. CloudFlare extension built inside W3TC
5. AMP cache extension built inside W3TCThank you very much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Sitemap Generator for Google] Google News SitemapThat would be great feature for this plugin to have a sitemap.xml for Google News also generated.
+1 wanting
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] OpCache not refreshed after php7.2 update CVE-2019-11043Ok, after restart nginx and php several times a day, it worked.
But still, it does not shows up the “successfull” notice everytime if cleared.
Moreover, sometimes either trows “unsuccessfull”.I do not know.
Haven’t seen that before, 2 days ago was normally regarding the stated PHP 7.2 update.All other, cache and stuff are working normally.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] OpCache not refreshed after php7.2 update CVE-2019-11043No problem.
Nothing to be worried about, now I found out that it only does not print out the notice “OPCache flushed successfully” or as it says already.
Do not know the reason, because it was showing the notice normally until 1-2 days ago before I have updated PHP 7.2 because of that vulnerability regarding PHP-FPM as stated on the attached link (start of the topic).
But it flushes the cache. I can confirm, I checked, the new code is applied after OPCache flush.
But, just do not know why it stopped showing notice about successfull or unsuccessfull flush of OPCache.
Strange behaviour, maybe due to something else.
Maybe it’s not realated to the plugin itself.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] OpCache not refreshed after php7.2 update CVE-2019-11043If I have multiple installed PHP version, like 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3
WordPress uses and runs on a processes of PHP 7.2.
Does the “Clear OPCache” tirggers 7.2 or? Maybe 5.6? Or all of them at once?
The “php-v” in SSH shows default version 7.3.
Should I set the default to 7.2, and then try to flush OPcache?
OPCache module is installed for all PHP versions.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Fritex.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Cookie group not working on posts/pageWell, from my experiences, you shouldn’t use page cache while having Web pages like webshop, etc.
Because, yes, exactly that happens either if you use for example nginx fastcgi cache.
It re-writes your cached file always.
So, try the workaround, to bypass or with CloudFlare bypass by cookie installing Railgun.
Or, re-write your PHP code to check if cookie A or cookie B, display the corrent menu?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Deleted pages still cachedWhat are CHMOD privilegies and is there the right owner of the directory cache, and sub-directories?
Are you using W3TC and some CDN like CloudFlare?
What web server you use? Apache or Nginx, or some other?
Have you setup the .htaccess or .conf (nginx) correctly for redirection and using the cached index.html files?
When you purge page file cache, you should see _old suffix and index.html as new one generated.
Maybe you have to visit your URL again, or the same page in other browser, so the server would be triggered to make the cache of it and later on serve new cached index.html to the further visitors to that URL.