Hello Anca!
Thank you very much for your message. Three days ago I already opened a support ticket (I even chose a paid support) but no answer so far (my request was confirmed in an automatically generated email so I know that it arrived). As it is urgent – it is the website of a small aid organisation and we cannot continue our work without an English version of the website (in order to get a license for our aid organisation) – I also posted my issue in this community.
I have never experienced that it takes so long to get a support answer for a paid version of a program and the willigness to pay for the support in addition. It is a pity and does not throw – in my opinion – a good light on the support of TranslatePress. There are several programs to translate a website – it is not always easy to make a choice, however, a good support can make the difference.
I understand that it is not possible to get an answer here but thank you for taking the time to let me know. I wish you all the best!