11 years, 8 months ago
What was it before? Do you have a link?
Isn’t bbpress the only WP based forum?
Under appearance and then widgets. All done.
11 years, 9 months ago
Anything in the parent theme you want to modify, make a copy of that file and put it in the child theme. Then edit the copy and the changes will take precedence. The only tricky file is the functions.php
First create a child theme.
Then modify the css in the new style.
A lot of themes today come with an editor in the admin panel. I stick to child themes, but to each their own.
Make sure you included all of the requirements in your search.php. The search.php is how the results are displayed. you need a page.php
Do you have a link? What is it you want to do?
Well I was spot on. Good luck.
Why not make manufacturers a parent category and give it children?
Find which class or id is affecting the footer, reduce the margin or border and add this
text-align: center;
Do you have a link?
Go through the style looking for box-shadow. Then remove it. My guess would be this
body .site { box-shadow: 0 2px 6px rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.3); margin-bottom: 3.42857rem; margin-top: 3.42857rem; padding: 0 2.85714rem; }