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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress] How to import bbpress 1.x contentForum: Hacks
In reply to: make extra columns in user.php sortableI believe the issue is updating the query so that it sorts by the meta-value(s). I’m also still stuck, despite my post above (which is close to the solution needed). The people on Stack Exchange probably have an answer but were unavailable when I posted a month ago.
Here’s the info on WP_User_Query that needs to be updated to include the meta-value to be sorted on:
To make things even more confusing, the Stack Exchange link above uses WP_User_Search which is deprecated, as of 3.1, for WP_User_Query. And the actions you want, I believe, might be called pre_user_search and pre_user_query. They work but they’re not documented anywhere I could find.
Bottomline, I gave up. It was easier to add Company to the search results than to make the column sortable.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: make extra columns in user.php sortableIf you’re still struggling with this issue, you might want to check out this article:
I’m using a registration plugin that creates meta-data (e.g. company name, title) and was able to hack code from the article and get sortable columns on my users.php page:
function user_sortable_columns( $columns ) { $columns['company'] = 'Company'; return $columns; } add_filter( 'manage_users_sortable_columns', 'user_sortable_columns' ); function user_column_orderby( $vars ) { if ( isset( $vars['orderby'] ) && 'company' == $vars['orderby'] ) { $vars = array_merge( $vars, array( 'meta_key' => 'company', 'orderby' => 'meta_value', 'order' => 'asc' ) ); } return $vars; } add_filter( 'request', 'user_column_orderby' );
While it doesn’t appear thoroughly documented anywhere, apparently there is a manage_users_sortable_columns filter. Indeed, the “users” part apparently could be post or a custom content type name.
The only issue I had was matching the column names I defined for each of my user custom columns for user.php and, once figured out, the code worked immediately, on any custom column. If it is useful, here is that code (which is placed above the code that orders these columns):
//add columns to User panel list page function add_user_columns( $defaults ) { $defaults['company'] = __('Company', 'user-column'); $defaults['title'] = __('Title', 'user-column'); return $defaults; } function add_custom_user_columns($value, $column_name, $id) { if( $column_name == 'company' ) { return get_the_author_meta( 'company_name', $id ); } if( $column_name == 'title' ) { return get_the_author_meta( 'titlefunction', $id ); } } add_action('manage_users_custom_column', 'add_custom_user_columns', 15, 3); add_filter('manage_users_columns', 'add_user_columns', 15, 1);
The name of the author_meta value is set in the registration plugin I’m using.
Hope that helps!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove Columns from the User Admin List Page?After hours of fruitless searching, I hacked an answer from here:
Specifically, the code that removes the Posts column from the User panel (users.php) is:
add_action('manage_users_columns','remove_user_posts_column'); function remove_user_posts_column($column_headers) { unset($column_headers['posts']); return $column_headers; }
What’s frustrating (and interesting) is that the manage_users_columns action is not documented anywhere in the Codex or similar places online. Yet they parallel actions available for Post and Page column lists, for example, manage_page_columns and manage_page_custom_columns. Turns out there also is a manage_users_custom_columns action, as well, which is easier to find examples of online.
Hopefully this will be useful to someone over time, as well.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Role Scoper: updating query_postsSorry it took so long to work through issues. Here’s what I found in the event someone has a similar problem where use of query_posts makes Role Scoper not work on a WordPress home page.
The use of query_posts supersedes the WP_Query that builds every WordPress page. Therefore, any special Role Scoper changes to WP_Query or the results of WP_Query also are discarded when query_posts is used. You get a blank slate, all results unfiltered by RS groups.
In my functions.php file, I updated the WP_Query to display all data from my custom post types:
function add_custom_post_types( $request ) { $home_query = new WP_Query(); // the query isn't run if we don't pass any query vars $home_query->parse_query( $request ); //add content types only if on home page if ($home_query->is_home()) $request['post_type'] = array('post', 'article', 'document', 'faq', 'video'); return $request; } add_filter( 'request', 'add_custom_post_types' );
This code is a straight modification of code here in the Codex:
I modified the code to add an array of all my custom post types as the value for $request[‘post_type’] = assignment.
Finally, to fully make RS work on my site, I removed the category links (because I could not sync up categories and roles, and didn’t really need to bother) to prevent readers from clicking to content they should not see (if someone forgot to restrict content to a group) or blank pages. I also updated my navigation links to display links based on specific groups using the method Kevin documents here:
So now RS works very well. Thank you Kevin for all your hard work creating the plugin!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Retrieve post_type querystring value?To clarify Esmi’s suggestion, this works:
$page_type = $post->post_type;
But this also appears to work:
$page_type = get_query_var('post_type');
I found a list of $post values here:
Thanks, Esmi, for at least the direction …
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Role Scoper: Conditional Data Display Functions?Thanks, Kevin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Role Scoper: Conditional Data Display Functions?No response yet. However, Kevin was on vacation a week or two ago. I plan to ping him this weekend, to see if he is around. He’s conscientious.
Also, FWIW, this particular topic is mentioned in his documentation as a work in progress.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom Content Types and WordPress Default CategoriesFor historical purposes, using Role Scoper to create groups then assigning people to groups and restricting content by group (on the Add/Edit pages), turned out to be the simplest approach.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Role Scoper] Problem Displaying Custom Fields with RSFor historical purposes, the problem was caused by the flush_rewrite_rules() called after register_post_post_type() I had in my functions.php file. I had used flush_rewrite as part of solving a problem with custom post type URLs. Removing the flush_rewrite rules left my custom post type URLs intact while resolving the issue here where RS did not display all three of my custom post types on the left navigation of the WordPress admin screen.
On the issue of how to use RS to limit access to content, it appears that creating groups, assigning users to groups, then restricting content based on groups, proved to be the cleanest and easiest route. I have one minor issue related to categories not displaying in one or two cases but expect that to be easy to fix.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Role Scoper] Problem Displaying Custom Fields with RSI would not hold up the release for me.
With the Role Scoper dev version and WP 3.2, two of my three custom post types do not appear at all on the left side navigation (before the two headings appeared but the flyout nav only showed Categories, not the heading name (e.g. Articles) and Add New [Heading Name]. However, while I have crafted my CPT code carefully, and it all works fine with RS turned off, I have not formally tested to prove my code is not the problem. With CPT documentation (how to create the code by hand) so atomized over the internet, it is theoretically possible something in my code misbehaves with RS code. That said, I’ve been extremely careful, have walked back broken code, and ensured everything works fine (without RS).
So I don’t know how to proceed. If you are interested in the problem, I’d be happy to grant you access since it is a tightly controlled test site. But we’d have to communicate offline (I’d report out whatever we found here, of course, for the community). If you’re not interested, then I’m stuck with the option of having to try RS with whatever CPT plugin you recommend. I need a lot of control over CPT details and found, as of April 2011 last, that none of the plugins had the control I wanted.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Role Scoper] Problem Displaying Custom Fields with RSKevin, where can I get dev version 1.3.43?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Role Scoper] Problem Displaying Custom Fields with RSWordPress version is 3.1.4, the last before 3.2. Single site. The only plugins are RS and Event Manager. Everything else (e.g. custom post types) are hard-coded in functions.php.
What WP Administrator role has what capability? I’m able to activate plugins, manage users, and manage RS roles.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Role Scoper] Problem Displaying Custom Fields with RSThe line is perhaps this:
Content Administrator activate_plugins RS never applies restricting or enabling content filters
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Role Scoper] Problem Displaying Custom Fields with RSWell that’s the mystery. I’m logged in as an admin, the original account used to set up the WP install. And I see the first CPT menu (Articles) but not the two other CPT menus. In theory, I should see all three menus. And when, in another tab, I refresh an Edit page for the blocked CPT, I get a permissions error (“You are not allowed to edit this item”).
So I went into Roles > General, selected [WP Administrator] and then checked off the Editor role for Posts, Pages, Articles. The same two CPT menus still are blocked and I still get the Edit page error for a blocked CPT.
And in Roles > Options > Realm > Access Types, I have the last item, “Editing and administering content (admin)” unchecked. Shouldn’t that take RS off WP roles and off the WP admin pages?
What am I doing wrong?