12 years, 3 months ago
just figured out: if i replace the “%3” aber .jpg with a “?” the URL is understanded. hay anyone an idea why google doenst decode ist? thx ??
hey mark is this just available within the premium or is there a way to test it before? thx ??
Hey Mark,
sorry for reopening but i got a similar issue. would be great if you may have a look at
the titles are not shown even i changed the nextgen-gallery-optimizer/nextgen-optimizer-scripts-and-styles.php – but it seems its inactive but i cannot find anything in the footer.
thx so much, fritz
12 years, 4 months ago
thx hector for the fast reply! i will stay tuned! br
One more question: The “Featured Image” isnt used to create a thumbnail when using nextgen gallery. i have to upload it manually in the wp gallery.
do you have a solution for this issue?
me again ??
found a solution: just upgraded the timthumb.php and changed define (‘MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’30M’); to define (‘MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘300M’);
do you see any problems, now the thumbnails are shown!
PS: Some small Pics are working! thx