Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Blocksy] Media & Text Block and Left or Right AlignmentA similar issue exists now for the Gutenberg block-type “newest posts” (German: “Neueste Beitr?ge”), i.e. featured images of posts used in such a block get moved outside of their regular div container.
I’ve created a support ticket for this, including a screenshot of the issue and a screenshot of the changes in main.min.css which I believe are causing this.
Please fix this as soon as possible, because more than 20 of our customers are facing this now.
Thanks for providing these two alternatives!
The way the Blocksy theme allows different header configs for desktop and tablet/mobile always causes those two (partially) duplicate HTML code paths – so I cannot prevent this. I didn’t try alternative #1 because I decided to use another workaround in the meantime (see below).
I did not check for alternative #2, because we do not have the Pro version, and buying it just for this one test (with the risk that it might not work with the blocksy specific way of handling the two views) might be senseless.
My workaround is, that I do not use the Blocksy header configuration for adding the slider, but implemented calling the slider shortcode within header.php (in the blocksy child-theme, of course) at the appropriate position. This way, the slider code appears only once in the pages HTML code, and everything works as expected.
Nevertheless, many thanks for your rapid and comprehensive support, I really appreciated it!
Best regards
Franz KohlFirst of all, thanks a lot for your rapid response!
Well, as I mentioned, it is out-of-my-control, the “duplication” of the slider happens due to the Blocksy themes’ way of enabling people to create different header compositions for desktop and mobile views.
Although Smart Slider has a slider duplication feature, your suggestion is not feasible for the non-expert WordPress admin. Background is, that I’m preparing a base WordPress installation as a sort of “template” for other (autonomous) community groups in our big community, to help them to start with their own community group website. This base installation will already contain the slider with a basic set of slides.
Now, if one of those (less experienced) WP admins modifies one of the sliders, he/she would need the instructions on how to
- remove the mobile duplicate from the mobile header configuration,
- “kill” the mobile duplicate slider,
- re-create the mobile duplicate slider by duplicating the modified desktop slider version, and
- finally re-configure the mobile header correctly (this might include some more configuration steps in the themes’ configuratioin!)
Overall, this is too complicate and error-prone for the average WordPress admin in the community groups out there (I’m talking about approx. a hundred groups, even more in the long-term!) – and thus not a feasible workaround or process for us. Just imagine all the sites where the desktop and mobile versions are different, just because the admin didn’t realize what he/she has to do…
Why don’t you use unique HTML classes instead of id’s for your JS code? This way, having the same slider twice on the same page (but only one is visible at some point in time) wouldn’t be a problem, would it?
Please consider this – Thanks!
Best regards
Franz KohlForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] Timestamp-Parameter verursacht zu niedrige Counter-WerteHallo JP,
meine Anfrage ist nun bereits 2 Monate alt, und Deine letzte Reaktion hier im Forum ist etwa 3 Monate her. Nun bin ich doch etwas verwundert, warum die anderen Anfragen und meine eigene seit 3 Monaten hier brach liegen…
Mein Problem besteht nach wie vor – ist hier in absehbarer Zeit noch mit einer Antwort und/oder eine L?sung zu rechnen? Denn falls nicht, muss ich das Plug-in entfernen, denn inkorrekte Werte sind sch?dlicher als keine…
@all: hat sonst noch jemand eine Idee wie mein Problem gel?st werden k?nnte? Oder eine Ahnung, wo JP abgeblieben sein k?nnte?
Beste Grü?e,