Forum Replies Created
Our users are still affected by this. Is there any solution coming soon?
Thank you for your help!The issue is still happening, although I’ve updated to the latest – 2.9.2 – version. I think an easy fix would be to simply hide the “um-icon-plus” class on the cover and the dropdown on the profile picture, unless the user is in the ‘?um_action=edit’ area (Edit Profile).
I don’t think users need to be able to edit their profile/cover unless they are in the ‘Edit Profile’ area. It creates confusion, especially if the feature doesn’t work.I’ve actually opened a support ticket as it is a paid extension, so you can ignore this.
Your reply makes sense, I didn’t consider that it could be used like that maliciously. I’ll simply edit the message to make it a bit more informative, in case users are wondering why they didn’t receive an email.
Thank you again!@missveronicatv
Thank you for your reply. We are not planning to reveal addresses, but simply inform the user if the email entered in the ‘reset password’ form is not linked to any account, otherwise they might just expect to receive an email if they think they have an account. Or is that what you meant by revealing email addresses?