8 years, 2 months ago
For me works too ??
I’ve made the same as you did:
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) { .custom-header { min-height: 253px; margin-bottom: 70px !important; } }
I knew that the margin-bottom was a problem too… thank you @anevins and @pako69
I just put the code
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) { .custom-header { min-height: 253px; } }
but the issue still
@pako69 this code solved your problem?
but i’m not using a header image, I just had put the logo in center. And I didn’t change the header css, except for the background-color.
I was writing about this right now, I’m having de same issue. I think it’s because of the .site-brading: { margin-bottom:70px;}
but I don’t how to solve this.
my site: