Frank P. Walentynowicz
Forum Replies Created
Check version 1.0.7 which was released today. All mentioned changes are there. If you don’t want the thumbnail being displayed for post’s full content just uncheck the box “Content thumbnails enabled”.
Right now they are scaled based on width which is more natural. It is possible to make height as a base. I’ll try to implemented a choice in new version.
Try version 1.5.4 with addition mentioned above removed from your plugin.
I’m sorry for not responding sooner. Which version of the plugin you’re using and which mapping function you’re referring to? “Apply Mapping” button or on save functionality? Please try to provide information as detailed as possible.
Version 1.4
Thank you for making update function safe and moving css out of the code. That makes version 1.3.001 only. Things not working or being in desperate need of improvement:
- javascript should be moved out of the code and minified as well.
- split your code into separate back-end and front-end and load them based on context. Your front-end code is 2kb only. Loading extra 30kb + ( admin part + include of the WP_List_Table class ) in front-end simply qualifies as frivolous.
- now you don’t load plugin textdomain at all! This is again avoiding rather than solving. Why there is a .pot file included if the language file .mo cannot be loaded?
- Items Per Page form never worked and still does not work. You should consider using Screen Options to control number of items.
- I would recommend to move the content of Info ( ‘?’ button ) into contextual help
Above remarks are far from nit-picking as you call it. In one of previous posts you’ve used the phrase free and open source three times. If your meaning was that open source can be of inferior quality then we are in disagreement.
Version 1.3
Thank you for “fixing” the most critical issue. Why fixing in quotes? Well, you’ve fixed a symptom not a cause. You could fix it by adding 19 charcters to updateusermeta function:update_user_meta($user->ID, $key, trim(stripslashes($_POST[‘meta_value’][$x])));
could be changed to:
update_user_meta($_POST[‘u’], $key, maybe_unserialize(trim(stripslashes($_POST[‘meta_value’][$x]))));
This is just for a single user. Same modification should be applied in other places as well. Now you do not present serialized arrays and objects for editing. This way you avoid the problem rather than solving it.
You are still loading plugin text domain incorrectly which messes up other translations. Not much but just enough to stop showing UTF-8 characters correctly. On top of it your plugin cannot be translated.
Try to change:load_plugin_textdomain(‘user-meta-manager’, ‘/wp-content/plugins/user-meta-manager/user-meta-manager.pot’);
add_action( ‘init’, ‘umm_init’ );
function umm_init() {
load_plugin_textdomain( ‘user-meta-manager’, false, ‘user-meta-manager/’ );
}This will load .mo ( not .pot!!!! ) file correctly from your plugin’s folder.
Now enqueuing scripts. The way you do it is incorrect. Have you tried to test it in WP 3.4? Well 3.4 would not load your scripts at all. Pre 3.4 versions are more forgiving which does not mean that you are doing it right. This is how you do it:
function umm_admin_menu(){
add_submenu_page(‘users.php’, ‘User Meta Manager’, ‘User Meta Manager’, ‘publish_pages’, ‘user-meta-manager’, ‘umm_ui’);
add_action( ‘admin_enqueue_scripts’, ‘umm_enqueue_scripts’ );}
function umm_enqueue_scripts( $hook ) {
if ( ‘users_page_user-meta-manager’ == $hook ) {
// wp_enqueue_script(‘thickbox’);
// wp_enqueue_style(‘thickbox’);
}This will load scripts correctly and on your page only. Please notice add_thickbox function doing a job of two commented out lines before it.
Again this is just a tip of an iceberg but enough to get started. I’m sorry but I have to change this topic’s status back to ‘not resolved’. I’m looking forward to seeing the next version. Please do not forget to reinstate editing of serialized arrays and objects. Keep it up.
Sure Jason. There are three in WordPress repo: FPW Category Thumbnails, FPW Honey Pot Links, and FPW Post Instructions. I see you have version 1.3 out. I’ll test it and let you know what I think. My apologies for such strong words used in my first message.
Starting with version 1.4.9 the code mentioned in previous post should read:
if ( class_exists( 'fpwCategoryThumbnails' ) ) { $post = get_post( $id ); fpwCategoryThumbnails::addThumbnailToPost( $id, $post ); }
Try to modify the plugin which inserts posts. After successful insertion add:
if ( class_exists( ‘fpwCategoryThumbnails’ ) ) {
$post = get_post( $id );
fpwCategoryThumbnails::updateID( $id, $post );
}I would need more information to help you. I need versions of WordPress, FPW Category Thumbnails, Nextgen gallery. Do you have Do not overwrite if post / page has thumbnail assigned already flag set? I’m using the plugin with NextGen since version 1.0.0 and never had any problems.
$x = get_option( 'fpw_category_thumb_map' );
and $x will be an associative array with key being category id and value being image id.
After the metabox is created you can move it anywhere you want and its position will be remembered. Only one box per post type.
Yes, if category A is first as the alphabetic sort goes then remove “Featured Image” first then set “Do not overwrite if post / page has thumbnail assigned already” flag and update your post. The thumbnail for category A will be selected.
@m One: Yes, it is 100% predictable. Update to version 1.4.4 and read post.
You’re welcome. I’m glad you found it useful.