Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Bug etcTo anyone else who want to force bullet point to remove, and aren’t using default plugin styles:
ul.nm_form li {
list-style: none !important;
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Bug etcHi kmtrex,
Could you please give me your site url, regards the arrow issue.
Are you sure that you put correct field ID? The field type should be email too. The syntax for that field is nm_field_2 without brackets.
If you still can’t figure out, feel free to drop me logins to your website to [email protected] and I will have a look
AidasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Redirect to specific page after submittingHi,
Sorry for the delay. Please update.
Thank you,
AidasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Redirect to specific page after submittingHello pn1wp2,
This will be implemented in next release. I will update the plugin this Saturday (11/07/2015)
Thanks for using the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Can't load contact formHello,
This is not actual bug, the problem is that you included the contact form shortcode, without creating any fields before. Go back to the admin, click button ad field, and create wanted fields first in your form.
I will make sure that it give readable error in next plugin update.
Let me know if this helped.
If not feel free to contact me personally on,
AidasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Changing green arrowsHello, green arrows isn’t part of this plugin design, those styles comes from your theme.
You can amend your themes css at line 425
html > body .entry ul li, ul.bullet-5 li {
background: url(images/bullets/5.gif) no-repeat 0 5px;
AidasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Checboxes arranged in columnsHi, your question is already answered in
Let me know if it’s not clear enough.
AidasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Loading the plugin only on a specific page?Hello LouDB,
Please update to version 1.1.3, this version loads front end resources to page only when shortcode is used.
AidasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Loading the plugin only on a specific page?I see, now I get your question.
Really that shouldn’t cause any trouble. As them files won’t be used anyways.Although I will see what I can do about it in next plugin update.
AidasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Loading the plugin only on a specific page?Hello,
why don’t you just include the shortcode where you need the form?
for e.g. you create a form, and then can include shortocde either into page content, or into you theme files, and wrap with your if statment
If it needs to be only on single page, I would suggest creating a page template for that page, and then include shorcode only into that template.
Or you can wrap shorcode with if statment. But this needs to be done in your theme, rather editing the plugin itself.
Cause plugin allows multiple forms, and what you did, you restricted all forms to one page.
if(your_statment){ echo do_shortcode('[nm_forms id="contact_me"]'); }
Hope that helps,
If you still need help, feel free to contact me on,
AidasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Captcha differen languageHello,
Please update to latest 1.1.2 version.
I have added new setting “ReCaptcha Language” in the plugin’s Settings page.Now you can change the language of the reCaptcha.
Please let me know if you have any more problems.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Captcha differen languageHello,
Give me couple hours, I will release new version with a FIX.
Thank you,
AidasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Cannot activate plugin. Fatal ErrorNo worries, glad I was able to help ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] Cannot activate plugin. Fatal ErrorHello,
What php version your server is running?
It seems like you php is > 5.2 which is around 8 years old.
Minimum required version is 5.3.I’m pretty sure that’s the case.
Get your hosting provider to update php version on server and you should be fine.If it’s not possible to upgrade, please contact me via and I will strip out one function which is not vital, to make it work with old PHP version.
AidasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NM Contact Forms] ReCaptcha ProblemSorted!
For everyone who have same issue, please check php_info(); whenever you allow_url_fopen is on. If you host allow_url_fopen is set to 0, it won’t allow to receive reCapchta result via php.
You can try to fix it by adding following line to php.ini:
allow_url_fopen = 1