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  • “Amazingly polite”?!

    So I can’t call him an asshole for saying ‘amazingly polite” jewels like these:

    “I assume the call for your sidebar is also “coded” in that obfuscated sh*t.
    You should never use a theme that puts this kind of crappy code in the files.”
    “Did you close the anchor (a) tag started? – No you didn’t.”
    “Define ‘update'”
    “Says who?”

    Oh, the list goes on….

    His answers are plain rude.Sure he gives the answers, and makes some nice tutorials, but he has a bad attitude.
    If all you groupies fail to see that, and are blind to the others here who feel the same as I do, and who haven’t googled him (try moshu plus any expletive) than feel free to live in denial that His Holiness is a great and kind person.

    But whatever. I’ve volunteered for a few non-profits, got to interact with all kinds of people. Never felt it was my right to call them idiots and “helping the countless fucking people” as whooami called the WP needy. That’s ripe. So polite. You two are made for each other. Reminds me of when GWB called a certain journalist a “real asshole,” and Cheney replied “yes sir.”

    With no login, you’re liable to be spammed even more than normal. I think. Of course, if I’m wrong on this, I’m sure I’ll get spat on by “you know who.” ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Decoding

    Hi to the person that told I was rude for telling moshu he was an a**hole.
    Just ’cause he’s doing this for free, does that give him the right to talk to other like that?!

    Hey drewactual-
    I couldn’t agree more. What gets me is the people who come to his; like they’re afraid or something.
    I called him out the other day, and I was called rude by one his groupies!
    I’m in the process of compiling a “best of” moshu, gonna post a blog….that I managed to put together with no help from him!
    Oh, and by the way-you can probably consider this post closed.


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