I created an archive-custom-post-type-name file to display all custom posts in an archive.
I have a taxonomy applied to my custom post type called ‘event_topics’ – To see archives by topic – I can’t get taxonomy-taxname-termname.php type templates to work – however, if I just rely on the archive page then I can get only the posts under the ‘term’ name showing in my archive for a given term.
The problem then is that I only have the excerpt on the archive page, I don’t have any of my custom fields – so I’d need to add code to display these in as conditionals in ‘content.php’ which seems wrong and messy to me. I tried creating taxonomy-taxname-termname pages but they didn’t work they just showed all posts. I’m also wondering if – or _ in the termname or taxname messes things up template hierarchy wise. Basically also stumped!