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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mesmerize Companion] Customizer not able to commit changesOk… I’ve tracked the issue down and it is NOT related to this plugin.
The WP I am working on has been set to some strange custom locale
which caused a general error in the customizer component:Uncaught TypeError: Language code must have format 2-3 letters and. optionally, hyphen, underscore followed by 2 more letters
After fixing the locale format everything works fine and dandy!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Pagination] URL Problem : #038; replaces & and breaks the navigationHi @aragornlesage,
Yes, I am guessing the simple-pagination plugin you are using is experiencing the same WP bug I am having with my own code.
As the WP bug-ticket states the culprit lies with the *paginate_links()* function. I looked through the plugins code and it is also built around that function.
If you cant fix it yourself and the plugin-developer doesn’t fix it either. The WP bug-ticket seems to be scheduled for a fix with the next core release (4.1.1). So you should be fine when the update gets released, everything will probably function normally again then.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Pagination] URL Problem : #038; replaces & and breaks the navigationthe proper workaround seems to be not using html_entity_decode() but instead adding
'add_args' => false
see it appears to be a bug in the WP core.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jigoshop] Jigoshop product search doesn't workI’d like to add to this the problem originally described here: seem to be related to invalid escaping of an ampersand into #038; in the url.
I also noticed a similar issue which I described here:
let’s get together on that bugger! atm I am having suspicions that it may be a WP core issue?! maybe?! I do not recall having this problem before 4.0.1!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Pagination] URL Problem : #038; replaces & and breaks the navigationI also want to add:
esc_url() is not the culprit. using esc_url_raw() instead doesnt help, even though it should…
not escaping at all and ONLY using get_pagenum_link() does return the url with #038; already and won’t work as a href!
so the only solution I found so far is by using html_entity_decode() to convert #038; into an actual ampersand.
I am having the suspicion that get_pagenum_link() is buggy?!? Or is there any reason why it should return a url with an unusable query string?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Pagination] URL Problem : #038; replaces & and breaks the navigationI am having a similar issue!
using this code to build my pagination links:
function my_page_navi() { global $wp_query; $bignum = 999999999; if ( $wp_query->max_num_pages <= 1 ) return; echo '<nav class="pagination">'; echo paginate_links( array( 'base' => str_replace( $bignum, '%#%', esc_url( get_pagenum_link($bignum) ) ), 'format' => '', 'current' => max( 1, get_query_var('paged') ), 'total' => $wp_query->max_num_pages, 'prev_text' => '←', 'next_text' => '→', 'type' => 'list', 'end_size' => 3, 'mid_size' => 3 ) ); echo '</nav>'; }
it’s pretty much what this example on the codex page shows:
What happens is that all the &paged=x get turned into #038; and the pagination no longer works.
I was able to fix this by changing
esc_url( get_pagenum_link($bignum) )
html_entity_decode( get_pagenum_link($bignum) )
but I am not entirely sure if this is safe or not.
also, is this a bug in WP or am I doing something wrong.
P.S.: this is of course only a problem when using the default query based permalink structure as pretty permalinks don’t use the ampersand in the url queries.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A non existent page is showing up on my analytics.@daniel_cradlecloud i am not sure where you draw the conclusion that the co.lumb spam is in any way related to the vulnerabilities?!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A non existent page is showing up on my analytics.@dan14 i at first also suspected some vulnerability in wordpress or rather some plugins.
But after watching this unfold over the past 2 weeks. I am pretty certain it has nothing to do with local vulnerabilities at all, they might not even have visited our sites ever… they might just be guessing UA-ids!
All blocking attempts on our websites have been unsuccessful. I’ve checked several WP Installs for foreign code inserts or malicious file uploads -> nada!
They are really just spamming Analytics, I am surprised google has not reacted to this at all and blocked the host from analytics all together? … which i am still very concerned about because google can be a mean bitch in some cases (read P.S.).
So yeah… why would a wordpress plugin exploit be involved in this?
P.S.: My Google Experience:
Google has blocked me from ever using adsense again because of a russian script kiddy raiding my site with fake clicks, and google doesnt care… I appealed to it documenting how all these clicks came from the same city and in bursts, that i am not involved myself but rather some kid who for whatever “internetty” reasons decided to flame me… MY account was banned… FOREVER… and i am not even allowed to appeal to it again. The only comment from Google was that their Terms allow them to suspend any accounts for invalid click behavior. Needless to say a few months of legitimate Ad revenue were also never paid out after this…Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A non existent page is showing up on my analytics.@deconf I am aware that I can filter them in the analytics results. atm i am leaving this untouched in order to quickly see how this develops, where it comes from, etc…
By now I am pretty convinced that the UA-id is actually being spammed at google directly (not going through my/our sites) so eventually I will just filter it in analytics to not see it anymore.
I am still startled though, i have been running websites for several years and never have i experienced such a frequent referer-spam attack (i didnt even know what refere spam was!!)
so i wanna see how this unfolds!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A non existent page is showing up on my analytics.indeed… all the page-views to title co.lumb are now being referred to from! no longer darodar.
Ok, these suckers get on my nerves… even though it probably won’t help, is now also blocked via htaccess…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A non existent page is showing up on my analytics.after trying it… i can report that blocking the referer via htaccess has absolutely no success.
i think it is safe to conclude, they are just spamming google analytics with our UA-ids and it actually has nothing to do with our webservers.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A non existent page is showing up on my analytics.i don’t have any experience using blogger, but i doubt you will be able to edit your htaccess file there.
a quick google turned this up:
and the conclusion seems to be:
– Be patient and let Google (or other blog service) block referer spam over time.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A non existent page is showing up on my the meantime, here’s a guide on blocking this referer spam via your .htaccess file: am setting this up on one site now and will report if it was successful
(Edit: sorry for the double post, didnt see the link was here already)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A non existent page is showing up on my analytics.some more findings:
i now strongly suspect this to be related to wordpress and not just generic referer spam or internet background noise.
while the co.lumb pageviews are showing up on all (~10) wordpress sites i manage (even after deactivating Analytics).
the co.lumb visits do NOT appear on any of the non-wp sites i manage.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A non existent page is showing up on my analytics.i have removed all analytics from one of the affected sites for 48hrs.
funnily, these visits are still being tracked.