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  • I upgraded one of my sites to version 2.0.7, then scanned it, and Sucuri verified it as clean. I only have Facebook Share, Google+ and StumbleUpon activated on that particular site, if that helps.

    It looks like he just released version 2.0.7 sometime within the past few hours… I’ll check to see if that one is clean.

    What version scanned as malware for you? I’m still using 2.0.4 on a couple of sites, and was just about to download this update when I saw your message. Those sites still using 2.0.4 scanned clean for me just now.



    Discovery time. A workaround that might also be a solution for a few other folks here.



    Well. This is interesting. After the rant/vent session I posted yesterday (this thread:, on a whim I started testing a theory.

    I installed wordtwit 2.6.2 on a site still running WP 3.2.1, and the link to sign in and authorize the app was there and working. No need to figure out which set of oAuth keys it wants.

    I was able to connect two different sites to their respective Twitter accounts, and after I test them out, I will see if normal operations continue after upgrading both the plugin and WP.

    I never had any problems with upgradingeither plugin or WP previously, it was getting version 2.6.4 to authorize the same way that previous versions had.

    Try it for yourselves, your mileage may vary, but hopefully this may help out a few people who’d been stuck like I’d been.



    What’s completely disheartening is that several of my sites where this had been installed previously still work like a champ, but I can’t install it on a couple of new sites I’d put together.

    The fact that there are ZERO other Twitter plugins for WordPress that will autotweet a post without having to jump through some convoluted separate login process first completely boggles the mind.

    Each site should be able to automatically Tweet a new post, scheduled or manually added, without me having to be logged into that particular Twitter account… because if another site I’m logged into posts a scheduled post, it’s going to Twitter to whatever account I’m logged into at the time, and not the one that matches its site.

    WordTwit did this perfectly, and what boggles the mind is that the sites that were set up prior to whenever BNC’s dead man’s switch triggered itself (speculation on my part, but it’s the only thing that makes sense to me) are still working like a dream. If authentication changes on Twitter’s side caused this, wouldn’t the sites that were working have stopped working by now? Like I said, no other explanation for the plugin failure and subsequent BNC silence makes much sense.

    I even considered purchasing the Pro version, but they’ve denied everyone who hasn’t yet bought a Pro plugin of theirs access to their support forums, not even for reading so you cannot even see for yourself whether or not there are current issues like this that haven’t been addressed for 6-9 months.

    I’ve even told 12 other people who manage sites that have WPTouch to get rid of it and find something else, because this complete abandonment of an entire user base plus preventing people from gathering enough information from their own site to determine for themselves whether buying a pro license is in their best interests is problematic for me, and a few other site admins.

    Yes, I’m venting ?? It just seems bitter because there is no other simple replacement for WordTwit, and this is honestly the first time I haven’t been able to find a decent replacement for an abandoned plugin. Many other plugins have been abandoned, or broken, or otherwise made obsolete, but eventually I was always able to find something else, and something else was either similar, or in most cases, better than what I’d used previously.

    This time, no such luck.

    So instead, we’re currently using the RSS feed options in Hootsuite, and while there is a delay between posting and Tweeting, that service is more than worth the $5/month Hootsuite charges.

    And yes, I feel far more comfortable about paying Hootsuite that amount than I would about paying BNC any amount… Given what their hiding of the support forums behind a pay wall, even for reading, makes me wonder if customers are really getting what they are paying for.

    I also wish there was a way for me to delete my account from their website… it doesn’t even have any of the old posts I’d made back when their forums were open to both free and paying users of their plugins.

    I’m finding out it’s not just STC. I’ve tried 3 other plugins that are supposed to work and allow folks to use Twitter credentials to leave comments, and they all do the same thing: return a blank page.

    I’ve even reset the Access Keys several times, to no avail. It’s a complete mystery now.

    I’ve even deleted the app and created a new one with the same results. So now I’m completely confused, and I’ve seen comments on Twitter’s developers forums about lots of apps returning blank pages instead of authorization pages, and that no one there can figure out why either.

    I don’t think an all-in-one solution is the way to go, and I’m not sure I’d want one… if one breaks, they’d all break!

    I think a “less is more” option is what I’m looking for. I’d be happy with one plugin each for FB, Twitter and Google+, that allows folks to leave comments on my WP sites with whichever service they prefer, and will allow me to automatically Tweet new articles.

    I don’t need cross-posting with either FB or G+, and outside of wanting a widget that would show how many FB fans or how many are in my G+ circle, I don’t have a need for the other extra bells and whistles.

    If STC was working, I’d be tempted to try SGC, but right now, let’s just say I’m a little gunshy ??

    RebeccaInMI, with the Facebook changes in regards to too many posts per day possibly being flagged as spam, I don’t really need auto-posting to Facebook, so SFC has fast become too much tool for my needs, in addition to the breaking other plugins conundrum.

    All I want is for posts to correctly auto-tweet without converting special characters into HTML numerical code, to be able to choose a URL shortener for the link back in the Tweet, and for people to be able to leave comments on the WP site using either the Facebook or Twitter or Google+ credentials if they choose to, and to have a Facebook Fan Box as a widget on the sidebar.

    WordTwit used to perfectly achieve the auto-tweeting I prefer. That plugin is broken now — it still works on a couple of my sites where it had been running prior to any WP 3.0 upgrades, but it cannot be installed or configured on any new sites anymore. No one at Brave New Code seems to care about the free version of the plugin anymore, so once it breaks on the existing sites, it’ll be time to replace that as well.

    Alas, Auto Twitter doesn’t seem be to available for download anymore (or even exist in the repository), so my search for a reliable Twitter plugin continues as well.

    Searching through the Plugin repository for something functional for Facebook and Twitter is becoming a nightmare. I also wonder why any Facebook or Twitter plugin that hasn’t been updated since 2010 aren’t being removed for being dicey, to help declutter the selections and prevent people from wasting their time.

    This is the same problem I’ve had every time I’ve tried to use Simple Twitter Connect. It still happens even with the newest version; STC has never worked for me, while SFC does work nicely. It’s weird!

    Every time I try to authenticate to Twitter, I get a blank page that goes nowhere. It happens 100% of the time using both Firefox and on Safari, and I have yet to be able to get auto-tweeting of published items to work, nor can anyone leave comments by “Signing in with Twitter”, I’m guessing because I can never verify the app request.

    What’s worse is that several of the other Twitter plugins won’t work on those sites because I’m already using Simple Facebook Connect, so I’m stuck with either dropping SFC and trying something else (not my first choice), or never being able to connect Twitter with this handful of sites automatically and either manually Tweeting everything, or setting up RSS feeds to tweet (not optimal).

    If there are any solutions or other options out there, I’d love to hear them. I’d hate to have to drop Simple Facebook Connect and look for another Facebook integration plugin just to get some sort of Twitter connectivity going on these sites that use both.

    No solution yet, but BNC said they are working on an update.

    See the discussion:

    Any estimate on when we might see that update?

    I have had to fall back to manually Tweeting posts on a couple of sites because several other popular Twitter plugins just plain don’t work the way I need them to.

    I have been delaying setting up an RSS feed to the various Twitter accounts to do what WordTwit had been doing, but if an update is coming in the next week or so, I can wait a little longer.

    Thread Starter Summer


    Correction: STC is definitely NOT compatible with Tweet Blender.

    While Tweet Blender eventually began displaying normally after the disable-enable ritual, enabling it caused the STC settings page to mostly vanish.

    The top part of the settings page displayed normally, but in the Publish section, everything after the checkbox to Auto Tweet was blank. The rest of the settings options were gone, the “Save Changes” button was gone, and the sidebar info blocks were gone… just a big mostly blank white page after the Main Settings.

    I disabled Tweet Blender again, and the rest of the settings page reappeared, so I’m leaving Tweet Blender off for now while I explore other plugins that do what it was doing.

    Thread Starter Summer


    Interesting. It looks like Tweet Blender may not be 100% compatible with Simple Twitter Connect.

    I was able to get STC to authenticate after I’d disabled Tweet Blender, but when I first reactivated Tweet Blender, it stopped working.

    After re-enabling Tweet Blender, at first it wasn’t able to find the user or hashtags I’d set it to display. I did a manual refresh twice, and then it started working.

    That part may have just been a transient thing, or a just another Twitter thing, but the STC authentication failure was definitely from a plugin collision of some sort.

    Thread Starter Summer


    Cool about the appearance options, but no, it’s not sorting correctly. The date is part of the file name (has been for over 6 years), and the first page of results is always random, even when I sort by post ID they are not in a recognizable order, more random.

    It’s not until I go to the 2nd page of the listing and re-sort that page that I will see them in the expected chronological order. It’s been like this ever since updating to a version beyon 8.8.5, and I’ve been miserable ever since.

    As for the Full/Full+ settings, those are now banned. 1.2 million rows per query, repeated in succession several hundred times on a weekly basis, dragged the box down into the nether regions of Purgatory, and it angered me so that I almost forcibly converted 12 sites to powerpress just to prevent them from turning that option on ever again ??

    No machine should thrash with a load average of 112 for several hours because of a crazy abusive SQL query being generated over and over and over and over…

    So no, anyone using podpress who turns on Full stats on a site I manage will have their toes introduced to a ball-peen hammer. And they know this ??

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