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  • I’ve been fighting with the same issue for a couple days, on a new WP 3.2.1 site that I’m trying to install WordTwit on.

    There’s no place to enter a Twitter username to authorize, and I’m getting the same error when I enter the Consumer and Secret keys.

    Fortunately, WordTwit is still working on another site, but I’ll keep an eye on it in case that changes next time I post something.

    Thread Starter Summer


    Will do. Turns out that the DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE started showing up in a different log because it was taking longer than usual to complete the query, 5-8 seconds or more.

    Any idea why that query would slow down so significantly when mysqld is under high stress (caused by other issues), moreso than other WP related queries?

    Thread Starter Summer


    The full error, on several sites:

    WordPress database error Duplicate entry 'Showfile.mp3' for key 1 for query INSERT INTO wp_podpress_statcounts (postID, media, feed) VALUES (XXX, 'Showfile.mp3', 1) made by require, require_once, require_once, require_once, include_once, podPress_statsDownloadRedirect, podPress_processDownloadRedirect, podPress_StatCounter

    There may have been some other problem going on with that first bit of code I quoted… that’s what started showing up as one of the high usage culprits when mysqld performance started sliding into the crapper. I’m not so sure they’re related anymore, but I haven’t ruled it out just yet.

    So any of my sites using at least 8.8.5 should not be throwing that error, correct?

    Performance is also an issue with a couple of my sites. We have over 22000 articles on one site, and we’ve only got it set to show 3 related posts, using tags and categories. I’ve tuned the settings down to only include posts after Jan 1 2008, but it still hasn’t helped much.

    Not using a caching plugin, but looking at the SQL query being generated, that’s a crazy query:

    SELECT distinct ID FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = ‘post’ AND post_status = ‘publish’ AND ID<>19714 AND post_date >= ‘2008-01-01’ AND ID IN (obnoxiously long list of nearly 15000 individual post IDs) ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 3;

    I’ve seen that query take anywhere from 3 to 25 seconds. Not good.

    I’m open to a solution, because I also love this plugin. Adore it, even.

    My initial investigations were leading me to think the PHP config on my server had changed, until I started doing the usual “disable plugins one by one” test, which turned up something unusual:

    Mike Jolley, author of the contact form plugin, is working on a fix. He said to keep an eye on the Github page for an update, so I expect my particular plugin conflict to be resolved soon.

    Since I know he’s working on it, I can endure duplicate emails for another few days/weeks ??

    So maybe your issue is a plugin conflict, one of the others is causing your database plugin to go nuts?

    I’m not sure this problem is limited to your database plugins.

    I recently updated several of my sites to WP 3.2.1, and right after that, the contact form I use began sending multiple copies. I’ve seen the end recipient of the form get 3-4-5 copies of the same message, same thing if the sender requests to receive a copy of the message.

    I’m using Secure and Accessible PHP Contact Form plugin, and this happened on v.2.1WP B20110125 and v.2.1WP B20110624

    Thing is, a couple of sites I had upgraded to 3.2.1 at a different host do not send the multiple messages, and I’m still using v.2.1WP B20110125 on those sites.

    I’m not sure if something changed with PHP on the first host or not.

    Thread Starter Summer


    I will also state that I surprised to find out that the nextgen-gallery, wp-dbmanager, and datafeedr-ads plugin directory were set to world-writable by default upon installation.

    Is that done to allow for the one-click updates, or just an oversight? Because I’m eliminating that “feature” now, to prevent those directories from being infected again.

    Thread Starter Summer


    It looks like this site is a victim of an attack similar to the recent rash of attacks that hit GoDaddy, because it matches up with the pattern of php scripts mysteriously appearing in directories, being executed for a short time, then being remotely deleted.

    I don’t have server access to do more digging through the access and error logs to see where they might have come from, but there is no trace of how they planted that php script there.

    I have notified the webhost, and gave them all the breadcrumbs I found, including some security site articles about the latest rash of attacks at GoDaddy. They will do more digging, since it’s more likely that another PHP-based site on the server was the one that was hacked, and not my client’s WP site as they’d previously thought.

    I downgraded my problem site back to v1.2.1, but the odd album display problem is still there. I had to add a “dummy” album in between the albums I wanted to display so they could be seen.

    See and you can see the shortcode for the dummy album listed in between the thumbnails for the galleries in the real albums.

    Everything else with viewing the images seems to be fine, and viewing images and slideshows with v1.3.5 on a different site also seems to work just fine.

    I’m having a new problem with Gallery as well. The Gallery seemed to be working just fine after I upgraded to 2.8.4, using Gallery v1.2.0, but when I upgraded to v1.3.5, I started having problems with my albums.

    I have a page with 4 albums displayed, and it will only display the thumbnails for the first and third albums, while displaying the shortcode for the 2nd and 4th albums. I can switch the album order around, and it still does the same thing.

    The subpages for each of my separate galleries no longer appear in the navbar, as well.

    What’s even stranger is that on another site running 2.8.4, I upgraded Nextgen to 1.3.5 and it works fine… because it worked on that site was the only reason I upgraded it on this other site. The site where it works only has one album though… not sure if that has anything to do with it.

    And here I thought that I’d accidentally changed a configuration that made this feature disappear.

    Count me in as someone who’d like this feature to be added back in. We have a lot of sites with thousands of posts, and when filtering on a category to edit several, recreating the filter then navigating to page 4 each and every time is beyond tedious.

    Thread Starter Summer


    Just as a followup, I was playing around with a database on one of the sites that had been hit (trying different things to resolve the “WordPress database error Duplicate entry” errors we’ve been getting from podpress ever since sites upgraded to 2.3, and I found something disturbing…

    In table wp_options, record active_plugins, I found 2 “active” plugins that don’t register in the listing of plugins, and that reference bad files from the hacking.


    I was able to change the number of plugins and delete these extras to the entries, but I’m concerned because these didn’t show up on a casual browse of the fields. I happened to see it when I was playing with a mysqldump of the database.

    It doesn’t look like it was newly added… but it looks like this next round of files was added on Apr 14… probably while I was still cleaning up the mess from Apr 11.

    I hadn’t noticed that anyone else here mentioned that little addition, like the invisible user WordPress that was added, but I have no idea what the invisible plugin is supposed to do. Could that session file in /tmp be a PHP shell? What should I look for to decode what it is?

    Thread Starter Summer


    If whooami found evidence that this particular hack was in use on March 19, there’s no way that 2.5 was the “in” door, unless someone was using an RC.

    I still think that it was a 2.3.x site on my server that was hit first, then the script looking for write permissions did the rest, and it didn’t matter what version a site was running after that. Once I’m sure everything here’s clean again, I’ll go back to the logs.

    I still want to know how they added that invisible WordPress user.

    Thread Starter Summer


    Yep, that’s exactly what showed up on my sites, and all on Apr 10 and Apr 11. The Apr 11 happened in two waves, 3 hours apart. The first batch of files seemed to have all been renamed _old.php, and the second batch of files were the exact same files, but with _new.php.

    I had a lot of WP files with that qwerty cookie added, and several instances of the wp-info.txt with the mysql usernames/passwords dump.

    I did find one file dated Apr 5, but I also saw a lot of log activity going back into March.

    And how did they change my Dashboard to show WP 2.5, when they weren’t running 2.5?

    Thread Starter Summer



    that’s a different hack, but one that hit some sites on our ISP’s shared server back in January/February. They removed like 8-10 instances of that .txt file.


    what version(s) of WP are you running? I had thought that a 2.3.x site that still had user registration turned on might be responsible, but at this point I honestly don’t know where the first point of entry was, and I’m still not sure all of the users on this server have changed their passwords. I have changed all the database passwords, though.

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