Forum Replies Created
We get this question a lot, and odds are, the behavior you’re seeing is being caused by modifications you have made to your template set or your CSS stylesheet.
Start with an unmodified WordPress install and an unmodified BuddyPress install, and use the default template set. If you *still* get the same problem, post a link and we’ll take a look.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: BuddyPress Album ] Upload IssueAll of the other pictures that you uploaded seem to be working properly.
Is it just one specific image file that causes this problem?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: BuddyPress Album ] error when trying to use bp album template tagsDESC / ASC = whether to sort the results in ascending or descending order.
$orderkey = which parameter to sort the results by. Valid args are: ‘id’, ‘user_id’, ‘status’
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: BuddyPress Album ] bp album multiple albums for users…….In the world of software, there are stable releases which work reliably, and beta releases which may have more features but do not always work reliably.
Version 0.1.7, which is distributed on the WordPress plugin repository, is the official “stable” release. It is safe to use this version on a real website.
Version is the current “beta” release. It is much more advanced than 0.1.7, but you should not install it on a “real” site because it is not fully debugged.
For the latest info on BP Album+, follow our development thread here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: bp-album – unable to view albumGlad to be of service… ??
Please give us a 5-star rating on the plugin’s home page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: bp-album – unable to view albumOn the BP Album+ admin page, you named the slug “Your album”.
You can use “Your-album” or “YourAlbum” or “your_album” but you can’t have a space in it.
Remember to click on the “Save” button after you change the slug name.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: BuddyPress Album ] Upload File Size ErrorThere are also special implications for systems running on WordPress MU, because WordPress will block the plugin from storing more data if the user has hit their quota.
Please join the discussion thread here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: bp-album – unable to view albumYou put a space in BP Album+’s slug name.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: BuddyPress Album ] Add Comments not possibleDid you click “Save” after enabling comments on the media item?
Also, we have a *huge* upgrade to the plugin in the next release that adds dozens of new features.
You can take a look at it here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: BuddyPress Album ] Error using customized URL SLUGSYes, it is important to always use the latest versions of BP and WP when testing plugins. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: BuddyPress Album ] error when trying to use bp album template tagsYou are trying to use a BP Album+ template tag *outside* of the part of BuddyPress that BP Album+ has control over.
With the exception of functions that retrieve global system variables, template tags are not universal objects that work everywhere in a BP installation. Most of them only work within a specific “loop” that fetches data related to the tag.
Here’s how it works:
============ bp_album_query_pictures($args) ================
(Media template object is now filled with pictures matching query and is ready to be “looped” through)
=============== bp_album_has_pictures() =================
============ bp_album_the_picture() =================
(All media item template tags work at this point)
========================================================We (and all other plugins) run “the query” for you, before loading the template, because it’s *complicated*. And since the BP Album+ query doesn’t get run until BP hands execution control over to our plugin, our template tags are not valid in the “member-header.php” file, because that file gets loaded *before* our plugin.
Now, that being said, you can be naughty and “hijack” that file.
<?php global $bp, $pictures_template; bp_album_query_pictures($args) ?> <?php if ( bp_album_has_pictures() ) : ?> <?php while ( bp_album_has_pictures() ) : bp_album_the_picture(); ?> <a href="<?php bp_album_picture_url() ?>"> <img src='<?php bp_album_picture_thumb_url() ?>' /> </a> <?php endwhile; ?> <?php else : ?> <p class="error">No Pics!</p> <?php endif; ?>
Where $args is an array, and these are the parameters:
/** * Returns an array of Media Item objects based on user supplied parameters * * @version 1.0 * @since 0.1.8 * @param int $max | Unknown function. Please add documentation. * @param int $owner_id | The numeric member id of the member that uploaded the media * @param string $owner_type | The system role of the member that uploaded the media * @param int $id | The bp-album GUID for the piece of media * @param string $ids | A comma separated list of bp-album GUIDs for multiple media items * @param int $page | Used to set current page when traversing a multi-page data set * @param int $per_page | Number of objects to return per page when transversing multi-page data set * @param int string bool $privacy | Sets the privacy level of the media item * @param bool $priv_override | Makes system ignore privacy level when returning results * @param string $ordersort | Sets sort order of the returned data set * @param string $orderkey | Sets which parameter to order the returned results by * @param string $groupby | Sets how to group returned results * @param string $tag | Tag or comma separated list of tags used to search for media items * @param string $album | Album or albums used to search for media * @param int $tagged_member | BuddyPress member ID to search for in media items * @param string $adjacent | 'next' gets the next media item if it exists, 'prev' gets the previous one. * @param bool $count | Makes system returns a count of the number of results the query will return * @param int $offset | Shifts results page forward or backward "n" items within the returned data set * @return bool|int|array False on failure. Int on count. Array of media item objects on success. */
Note, however, that this code will break with the next release of the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: BuddyPress Album ] Error using customized URL SLUGSI was not able to reproduce the problem on any of our development systems.
The URL to an image displayed by BP Album+ is completely independent of whatever you choose to name your slugs. Changing your slugs will not break a link to an image.
Please post a URL to a live website demonstrating the problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: BuddyPress Album ] error when trying to use bp album template tagsI need you to post the code that is *not* working …lol ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: BuddyPress Album ] hebrew translationThanks!
Please send the file to “francesco (dot) laffi (at) gmail (dot) com”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: BuddyPress Album ] activate or activate site-wide?Just “Activate”.